The proper way to acknowledge and celebrate employee birthdays can really vary from company to company. Sure, thoughtful employers will always remember the employee’s special day with a quality greeting card but in some companies you just have to give a little.
But let’s face it, finding a gift that is appreciated, appropriate and affordable can be challenging. I always like to shop by personality type so check out the list below for the one that suits your employee’s style and personality. You will not only make quick work of buying that birthday gift you will show your employee that you notice them!
1. For the Office Geek – This little mason jar speaker with amplifier offers a little techno fun for the office geek that will appreciated for its small size but big sound.
2. For the Foodie – What to get your favorite junk food lovin’ foodie? How about a way to make their very own Hostess Cupcakes? Sold on Amazon for just under $30 bucks. Sweeet!!!
3. For the Funny, Social or Office Grouch – Whether your employee loves a good joke or love a reason to chew the fat or is the office grouch, they will sure to laugh with surprise when you drop this F Bomb Paperweight on them!
4. For the Retro Office Hipster – Do you have an employee who dares to be a little different and enjoys a blast from the past? This VW Van Toaster will bring back fond memories as he or she is munchin on a perfectly piece of toasted bread!
5. For the Take No Prisoners Employee – Even the no nonsense employee enjoys a bit of whimsy and humor while secretly liking the idea of warning fellow co-workers that no excuses will be tolerated! The Ashes of Wimps and Whiners Jar – available in a variety of colors will be sure to the trick!
6. For the Office Glam Queen – What else does your favorite glam gal enjoy doing the most besides taking selfies? Checking themselves out in the mirror of course! This stylish Brighton compact mirror will be a reflection of your good taste while keeping the queen happy.
7. For the Quirky Young Music Lover – Let her rock out like an animal and be cool like a kitty with this fun cat ear head set. You will officially be the coolest cat boss in the office with this gift.
8. For the Eco Conscious Nature Lover – This unique teardrop terrarium made of recycled glass is not only really cool but eco friendly. A great gift that helps bring a little outside indoors that will sure to be appreciated for its uniqueness.
9. For the Traveler – Your employees will no longer feel the pain of incurring extra baggage fees with this digital luggage scale. Anyone who loves to jet off on vacations will value this money saving, practical gift.
10. For the Footfall Sports Fanatic – If you are willing to go the extra yard to show how much you value your favorite football fan, then this autographed helmet will be sure to score big!
Too funny, how did you even find this stuff??? I love the ashes of wimps and whiners so I am getting it for my desk as fair warning-try to find something for the office loud mouth
I need that also
If a coworker got me an autographed football helmet, they would probably be my best friend forever.
Love the idea of the digital scale! I enjoy traveling and this gift can come in very handy.