Photo Holiday Cards for Business

People always think of sending Christmas photo cards of their kids and families during the holiday season, but they don’t put much thought about doing Holiday photo cards for their business. I say, “Why not?” Wouldn’t it be nice to see the faces of the people you talk to on the phone and conduct business with?

The holiday custom photo mount cards are a great way to share your holiday photo. There is a whole collection of these Christmas cards. You can select black, green, red, cream, blue or white card stock. They are available with gold or silver borders. Some of them offer messages below the photos such as “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Holidays” or even “Thank You”. There is even an option to fill the entire front of the Holiday card with your photo instead of having it framed. All you have to do is take your photo and then upload to the site. The process is simple. You just need to take the right photo!

If the custom photo cards aren’t quite what you are looking for, there are many other options to upload your photos. I love the idea of sending photo cards for business. Putting a face to the name that you deal with often makes it a touch more personal.

Showing Thanks to Employees During Thanksgiving Season

Showing thanks to your employees during Thanksgiving season shouldn’t be the only time you let them know that they are appreciated and valued. It is however, the perfect time to ramp it up. After all, that is what Thanksgiving is all about. Giving thanks!

Often, depending on the type of business you have, the holidays are usually busy. Production has to increase. This means that your employees are putting in extra hours. It also means they have less time at home to do their own preparations. They need to know that their hard work and dedication means something. An appreciated employee equates to a more productive employee. If a person knows that they are a valued team member, he or she tends to be more loyal to doing what needs to be done, to get the job done!

There are many small things that can be done to boost morale. Here are a few:

  1. Send them a Thanksgiving Card. A simple greeting card can go a long way in making people feel appreciated.
  2. Create a Thank You wall! Post names and what the person has done to help things run smoothly. If you can’t list all the names individually, post the departments and their contributions.
  3. Provide treats at break times.
  4. Have a raffle. The prize(s) don’t have to be huge, but be sure that all employees have a fair chance to participate.
  5. Post words of encouragement and thanks throughout the building.
  6. If possible, provide a luncheon. This doesn’t have to be huge. Maybe a Pizza Party.
    These are just a few suggestions. You can likely come up with some others. Regardless of what you decide to do, please don’t underestimate the power of showing appreciation. Be visible, be present and be sure to say thank you.

Celebrating Halloween can Make for Happier Employees

Seriously, who doesn’t love Halloween? There’s something for everyone whther it is costumes, games, scares, and of course tricks and treats! It’s definitely no longer a holiday just for children so getting your office in on the fun is a win-win.

Remember the saying about all work and no play? Multiple studies have proven that making sure employee morale is a priority is good for your bottom line . Happy employees are more productive; they are more willing to foster teamwork and are more loyal to their company. And really, who says work has to be boring anyway?
It really doesn’t take much effort to celebrate.

Most everyone in our office already decorates their cubicles and work areas. Add a few decorations and some music in the breakroom (think Thriller, Sympathy for the Devil, Zombie, Werewolves of London and of course Monster Mash) and you’re all set. If you have a TV in a common area you could stream some scary movies (stick to the old classics like Frankenstein and Dracula rather than newer ones like Halloween and Friday the 13th which might not be for everyone due to their gore, violence and adult themes).

Spring for lunch that day or have a pot luck so everyone can bring in their best Halloween themed dish. Candy is of course a MUST! Make sure there’s something for everyone so keep in mind any dietary restrictions your employees might have.

Everyone loves some healthy competition. Have a contest for the most creative costume, best Halloween dessert or scariest decorations and give the winners a prize. If you have some employees that aren’t comfortable dressing up or just want to give everyone a chance at a prize, you can always put everyone’s name into a raffle and give away some gift cards or a coupon for a free lunch from one of the local take-out places.

Whatever you do to celebrate in your office, “don’t be scared” to have fun.

Creating The Perfect Corporate Holiday Card

As a large corporation, sending out holiday cards is a nice way to show employee appreciation. Although any holiday card would be a nice gesture to receive, there should be a lot of thought involved when choosing the perfect corporate holiday card.

If you are working for a large corporation, it is likely that not all of your employees celebrate Christmas, and you should take this into consideration. Instead of a business Christmas card that explicitly says “Merry Christmas”, you can opt for a non-denominational card that reads “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings”. You could also opt for the “Peace” cards which are always a crowd pleaser.

The business holiday card design you choose can be a reflection of your company. There are holiday cards that are elegant and classy, cute and cheeky, or picturesque and classic. From beautiful, snow-covered landscapes to a gang of cute cartoon penguins, there is sure to be a card that is the perfect fit for your company. You can also choose to use your own photo and create a custom card if you already have a vision of what you would like your cards to look like.

The holiday card design is equally as important as what is written on the inside of the card. As a corporation, you can take this opportunity to thank your employees for everything they have done over the past year. You can also wish them a happy holiday season on the company’s behalf. Adding signatures to your holiday card can be a nice way to give them a personal touch. You can choose to have your signatures added, or you can take the time to sign each card personally. Having your signatures printed on the holiday card can save you time if you’re planning on sending hundreds.

Don’t wait until December rolls around to start thinking about your annual holiday cards! Start your planning today. Taking the time to put thought into your cards is something that your employees are sure to appreciate this year.

17th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 3 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 3 Finalists!