Is Holiday Gifting A Thing Of The Past Within The Corporate World?

Sometimes the corporate world can come off as a sterile, emotionless environment because of how cut-throat it can be. Many pleasantries are a thing of the past in today’s modern business word as things become more and more digital and disconnected from individuals. One such tradition is that of holiday gift-giving. What with an increasingly politically-correct work atmosphere and a lack of old values, many corporations are veering away from the annual gift giving the holiday season brings.

Especially as a new hire, it can be hard to know what your office does for the holidays and to find out with enough time to prepare before the holidays arrive. Should you be getting gifts for everybody? Is that what they typically do there? Some offices do a Secret Santa, others throw a holiday party, and some don’t celebrate any holidays at all. It’s good to find out what is appropriate for your office as some companies restrict exchanges like holiday gift-giving.

Once you know what is acceptable for your corporate environment, you must become aware of the additional guidelines for appropriate gift-giving. Look at what gift you’re giving, the cost and implication of said gift(s), your relationship with the recipient, etc. While giving and receiving gifts for the holidays can be fun, many offices have strict expectations for their gifting etiquette. Keep in mind, it is almost always appropriate to give corporate coworkers seasons greetings cards to wish them well during the holidays.

Why I Enjoy Penguin Holiday Cards

Accuracy and precision are probably not the words that you expected to comprise part of the introductory sentence to a blog about penguin holiday cards, but they are at the heart of an inherent controversy over such Holiday cards.  At first blush, penguins seem like a great, non-controversial addition to any holiday card.  They are loving, exotic, impeccably dressed animals who typically reside in very cold weather environments.  So, they should fit right in the North Pole scenes that commonly adorn holiday cards.  But there’s one pesky, miniscule, infinitesimal problem that threatens to ruin the joy of the season for persnickety and discerning connoisseurs of all things holiday.  Our penguin friends live on the other side of the world, which would either render these North Pole penguin scenes inaccurate or make for the world’s worst commute for those penguins.

            Some will contend this inaccurate depiction of penguins residing and working at the North Pole is a foolish oversight by the cards’ conceivers.  Despite the innate irony of such an assertion, a negative view of penguin holiday cards based on veracity misses the point of the season.  Holiday cards are not historical documents, legal precedents, or binding contracts.  They are meant purely for joy, and imagination, creativity, and wonder are all directly at the heart of joy.  A factually incorrect holiday card that brings joy – send me one anytime.

Religious Christmas Cards: Are They Appropriate to Send to Clients?

This year your company has settled on the idea of sending out religious Christmas cards to your clients, but now, you’re nervous about sending them out. Are they appropriate to send as a business?

First off, if your business is somehow affiliated with a church — then absolutely this is fine. Even if your recipients are not religious, it is completely fitting for you to use religious cards. Bottom Line: It is not offensive if your business outwardly represents or endorses religions that celebrate Christmas.

When it comes down to it, Christmas is a religious holiday. Although it has since strayed from that in the modern age, it is still founded in religious beliefs and ideals. If you know you want to send a “Christmas” card and not a “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings” card, then you’ve already made your choice. Taking it a step further and using a Christmas card with a nativity scene really isn’t that far of a leap.

If you do find yourself unsure, you may browse The Gallery Collection’s Religious Christmas Cards. They have a large selection of designs and greetings that vary in how solemn they are — some designs feature a stained glass depiction of a dove or a “A Christmas Blessing” message. Another option is to have the design less rigidly religious and include a more religious sentiment inside the card. Consider you recipients and your company to make the best choice for you.

17th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 4 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 4 Finalists!