Sending Corporate Holiday Cards to Build Relationships

When the holiday season rolls around later this year, it will be the perfect time to build up relationships with customers by sending corporate holiday cards.  With all the competition out there in the business world, it is imperative that businesses make the most of every opportunity to make sure their customers and future customers know that they are valued and appreciated.

We operate a small family business and love the personal touch sending holiday cards enables us to show our clients.  The one thing to keep in mind when ordering your cards is keeping things simple.  Stay away from a specific holiday greeting as you never know what your recipient celebrates.  You do not want to offend anyone with your show of gratitude.

Sending corporate holiday cards have many benefits including getting your name out there.  We send cards to maintain and build up our current relationships with customers, and then we send to potential customers to let them know we are out there thinking of them. When people see that a company cares enough to spread the joy of the holiday season, they will know you run the type of business that pays attention to the details. 

Don’t forget to send those corporate holiday cards when holiday seasons arrives!

Benefits of Anniversary Cards

Much like a birthday, a work anniversary gives a person recognition. It makes them stand out from the crowd even if it is only for one day. As an employee, they are no longer that little cog in the wheel. They are singled out and made to feel important for the time they have put into the company. It is their one day to stand out from the crowd and shine.

A simple anniversary card signed by upper management and/or co-workers is a good start in recognizing the recipient’s efforts and contributions made over the past year. Add a cake and some simple snacks along with a Happy Anniversary song (sung to the lyrics of Happy Birthday) and everyone in the office is sure to know it is that someone’s special day. Co-workers will stop by their desk to offer their congratulations as well as to grab some food. A mini party in the making to break up an otherwise regular work day!

Aside from making the recipient feel good for the day, an added benefit is that others in the office will realize that their special day will also be celebrated. This is a great morale booster within the office. It gives others something to look forward to and it opens lines of communication amongst co-workers. They look back on the year they started, discuss people and events that have occurred over the years, and look forward to their future years with the company.

So keep sending work anniversary cards to keep employees happy and proud with a heartfelt Happy Anniversary on their special day!

Bringing Summer Into the Office

Summer has sprung. You’re sitting at your desk daydreaming about sunshine instead of fluorescent lighting beating down on you. Here are a few tips on how to make those summer days spent inside working less mundane.  

  • Friday Sundae Funday – Every Friday coworker’s each bring a different topping and ice cream.
  • Go for a walk – Even if it’s a 15 minute break, get up and walk outside. Soak up the Vitamin D.
  • Take Lunch Outside
  • Have an ugly/tacky Hawaiian shirt day.
  • Go bowl Fishing – Everyone’s name get put into a glass bowl. The name chosen gets to leave an hour early.
  • Make lemonade and frozen drinks with tiny umbrellas.
  • Play summer music in the lunchroom and invite coworkers to dance it out.
  • Go outside, throw down a blanket and just relax.
  • Play a sport, indulge in yoga or simply stretch out.
  • Plan an after work get together.

Don’t forget the long days of summer don’t end when you get out of the office. It’s light out until 9 so get outdoors and enjoy after your day is done.