Birthday Cards – Let’s Get Personal

When I was a kid, I loved getting mail.  I’m not sure I can really explain it but I got such a thrill from getting any type of mail.  I had tons of pen pals and learned such interesting things from my overseas pals especially.  Didn’t really matter what type of mail it was but it was an extra special bonus if it was a birthday card or Christmas card and if it contains money, well then it made my whole year! 

Now that I am an adult, and social media is alive and well, my mail is not what it used to be since it now mostly consists of advertisements I didn’t solicit.  If you’re wondering, I do make every effort to go paperless and discontinue any mail that I can (and you should too!) but I do still make it known to friends and family how much I like seeing a personal birthday card or letter in my mailbox every once in a while. 

I’ll take a birthday greeting on Facebook, Instagram or anywhere else but there is something just so special about receiving and opening a birthday card that someone picked out for me, thought enough to send out and took the time to write a personal message.  Now I’m on a mission to bring back the personal touch.  Instead of just wishing my nephew a happy birthday last week via text, I sent him a card and included his name spelled out in origami dollar bills.  He couldn’t say enough about how that was one of the best gifts he had ever gotten.  So I say, let’s get personal!

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