Anniversary Gift Ideas for Employees

When an employee or a coworker anniversary comes up, it’s always nice to show your appreciation by giving them a gift they would enjoy. Whether it is their first year or their fiftieth a simple present can express how much you value their efforts. Plus you don’t have to break the bank doing it! Below are ten great ideas if you can’t figure the right thing to give. And don’t forget, always send employee anniversary cards for that extra special touch!


1. Gift Card with a Gift Card Holder – Add a personal touch to a gift card with a gift card holder. You can create one out of scrap booking paper with a pretty design and glue it together like an envelope. The gift card could go towards their favorite store, restaurant or even a spa treatment. It’s a simple present but with the gift card holder it’ll look like you put some thought into it and best of all it prevents the risk of getting something they may not like.

2. Gift Basket – They are varieties of gift baskets that can be specialized to what you know your coworker / employee would like. Fill the gift basket with something edible, beauty/bath products or focused on a theme.

3. Bake It Yourself (BIY) Jars – If your coworker likes sweets or likes to bake create BIY jar. Simply add the dry ingredients into a mason jar. Provide them with instructions on how to assemble the ingredients together and tie the top with some colorful string.

4. Handmade soaps/lotions – It always good to show support to local shops and by buying bath soaps and lotions from a local store are authentic and they tend to smell better too. It also looks great to put them together in a basket on top of some brown paper or tissue paper.

5. Tea Assortment Box – After a hard days work, sometimes a cup of tea is all that is required to unwind. Give your employee / coworker the essentials for them to relax at their desk or at home. The assortment will leave the option for them to either to soothe the stress away with some Chamomile or English Breakfast when they need a little pick me up.

6. Coffee Mug – Everyone enjoys a good coffee mug at their desk. Find something that is personal with stuff you know your employee / coworker would love. Pick a design with their favorite sports team, a funny message or of their favorite animal pet.

7. Sport Memorabilia – Sport fans love to show their appreciation to their favorite teams. If you know they are a big fan of a particular sports team and like to show it, give them a jersey, a poster or a ball with their favorite sports logo.

8. Recipe Book – Some people love to cook; a recipe book that’s simple and quick of their favorite cuisine or from their favorite chef. Maybe they’ll enjoy it so much; they will bring something to share with everyone else in the office.

9. Luggage – When they go away for business or on vacation, a travel bag makes the perfect present. Get it with personalization too. For business or vacation, it’s nice to have something to put one’s stuff away when you need it.

10. Office plant – Brighten up your employee’s desk or cubicle with a touch of green. Plants in an office environment are known to improve productivity and purify the air. Although, some office areas can have limited sunlight or central air in the building can vary often, so find a plant that’s low maintenance and can withstand variation of light and shade. Such as; a spider plant, a philodendron or a peace lily.

Anniversary Cards for Long Time Employees

I’ve been working for one company for let me say many, many years. We sign and exchange cards for birthdays that come up on a monthly to yearly basis but it’s those rare special milestone occasions that hold true meaning for employees that have worked for a company for several years.


My company is rare because employees stay long term which is an excellent reflection of the company itself, and when companies take the time to acknowledge their thanks on those rare occasions by giving an Anniversary Card to a Long Time Employee may it be for a one year or a 10 year celebration it truly shows they appreciate that employee for the time, hard work, loyalty and dedication they’ve put in with the company. What better way to thank that long time employee by giving a Special Anniversary card to acknowledge they’re special and appreciated by the company. Anniversary cards will hold special value because they express how the company feels about you and the commitment you’re made as a long time employee to help the company succeed.

So when that special milestone Anniversary comes along for one of your long time employee, present them with that  Anniversary card to  show how much they’re still appreciated after 5, 10, 15, 20 or so years.

Top 10 Employee Anniversary Gift Ideas

Celebrating an employee’s anniversary is an important way of letting him or her know that you appreciate the commitment that they show to your company.

If the employee has been with the company for an extended length of time, (such as 25 years) a fantastic idea would be to have a dinner or party in the employee’s honor. At the party, the guest of honor can be presented with their anniversary gift. In addition to a gift, it’s always smart to circulate an anniversary card through the office so the entire staff can sign it and pass along their good wishes.


Of course, anniversaries can be celebrated for shorter milestones, such as 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. Many companies present employees with a catalog of gifts they can choose from. This may be less personal, but it ensures that each employee is getting a gift that will prove to be useful.

However, if you’ve decided to make a choice without the help of a catalog, here is a helpful list of employee anniversary gift ideas

  1. Tickets to a sporting or music event—A great choice for someone who has a devotion to a specific team or band. This will provide your employee with wonderful memories for years to come.
  2. A personalized or engraved plaque or trophy—This could be something the employee displays at home or in their office.
  3. Jewelry—Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but any nice piece of jewelry will make an employee feel appreciated.
  4. A watch—Although a watch is technically a piece of jewelry, it deserves a category of its own because it’s one of the most well known, classic corporate gifts.  The reason? It serves as an important symbol of the years of connection between the company and the employee. Often, the watch can be engraved or have the company name on the face.
  5. Small Kitchen Appliance—A coffeemaker, blender or toaster. Any of the everyday kitchen conveniences can be given as an anniversary gift. While it may not be what someone thinks of when they think of a special gift, it is practical!
  6. A golf club or set of clubs—Golf enthusiasts are always looking to improve their game, and nothing makes them happier than a specially selected club. This could also be personalized to make it more special.
  7. A “Foodie” gift—This could be anything related to food. A basket of gourmet chocolates, a gift certificate to a restaurant, an expensive bottle of wine, or a subscription to a fruit of the month club. Foodie gifts are usually a great choice because almost everyone loves to eat. They also have the benefit of being appealing to either gender.
  8. A “Techie” gift—There are so many different computer gadgets out today, there could be a top ten list of technology related gifts of their own. We all know someone who has to have the newest model of everything.  A techie gift would be the perfect choice for them.  Some ideas are: the latest tablet, e-book reader, video game console, or Smartphone.
  9. A contribution to a charity or a cause your employee supports—You really have to know your employee with this one.  Not everyone welcomes a gift to someone else with open arms.  A charitable employee who is always giving of their time might find this to be the perfect gift.
  10. A gift card to a store that the employee is known to frequent—Although some people may not think a gift card is as personal as an actual gift, if you know your employee loves basketball, a gift card to a sporting goods store is a great idea.

What Should I Write In Employee Happy Anniversary Cards?

As a senior HR manager, I highly recommend acknowledging each employee’s anniversary with a simple gesture. In fact boosting employee loyalty and strengthening morale can often be obtained with a personal card, letter or phone call. I prefer to send cards, and one of the most common questions I get from my colleagues is “What should I write on employee Happy Anniversary cards?” The answer will vary, of course, from company to company, and from employee to employee. But my experience has shown me that a few sincere words from management will often do the trick.

Corporate Happy Anniversary Card

In these modern times, employees generally need more than their paycheck. The feeling of being appreciated is extremely crucial to job success and commitment. Some organizations choose to acknowledge every anniversary, while others prefer to recognize “significant anniversaries” like 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc. Personal recognition can be obtained with sending an elegant card and some words of appreciation. Choose your cards thoughtfully, keeping professionalism in mind. Then, including phrases like “Thank you for your hard work and dedication” and “We appreciate your being part of our success” or any genuine expression of thanks can be worth more to an employee than an expensive gift.

Employee Anniversary Cards Add That Personal Touch

I work for a relatively small company and the other day I got a very pleasant surprise. I’d been working for the same manager for about a year when he called me in and handed me an envelope. My heart sank and then he told me to open the envelope. As I was opening it, he thanked me for a great year and told me how much they appreciated having me in the department. To my amazement, the envelope contained an anniversary card. Never in all my years of employment have I received employee anniversary cards from my employer.

I think I actually felt tears welling up in my eyes. Even though I’ve only been with my current employer a little over a year, I really felt like part of the team and I had hoped they felt the same way. You know, when you think about it, considering there are only 24 hours in a day and you sleep for about 8 of them, you are with your “work family” half of every day. To get anniversary cards seemed to cement that relationship.

I proudly displayed that card on my desk for the week and then brought it home to show my family. I found out from other employees that the company recognizes every year’s anniversary with a card. I guess I didn’t think companies took the time to add that personal touch, but I was wrong. Getting that card meant the world to me.

The Saving Grace of Employee Anniversary Cards

An impeccably dressed woman sits alone in a dimly lit restaurant alternately staring at a slowly dwindling candle and a quickly ticking watch. An hour devoid of food or companionship has passed, and as she gets up to leave her table, she sighs with unmistakable disappointment. She pulls her car into the driveway, walks to the front door, and opens it to see her loving yet absentminded husband engrossed in watching the latest get rich quick infomercial while ingesting copious amounts of tortilla chips and nacho cheese. He forgot her on their anniversary. Nobody wants to be this guy. No company wants to treat their employees this way on their anniversaries either. A great way to show your employees you care is to give them employee anniversary cards to mark their commitment to your organization.

The success of any company ultimately rests on the strength of its employees, and anniversary cards present a simple, tasteful way to show appreciation for their years of dedication and service to your organization. Certainly, gifts are a thoughtful, generous gesture to extend to employees when they reach important milestones. However, anniversary cards have that incomparable power of heartfelt language that can truly tell individuals how you feel. So, if you are unsure about how to thank your arduous employees or accidently overlooked them altogether, you may just find your saving grace in the kind words nestled inside a beautifully designed anniversary card.

When to Give Employee Anniversary Cards

When it’s your wedding anniversary you’d better give anniversary cards, this is a lesson I learned years ago. I could get all the jewelry money could buy, but if I don’t get that card it’s as if I hadn’t done a thing, which means no sleep for a week. I buy flowers, jewelry, etc. and here’s the reaction, “What,  no card?! What kind of husband are you?”

With that said, let’s talk about employee anniversary cards. You know, the ones your company, if you are lucky enough, give you every year. The business anniversary card that tells you how much they appreciate you and the many years of loyal and dedicated service you have given them. That makes such a big impact on an employee who is dedicated to his company. Personally, I like that acknowledgement. At my company everyone receives a card every year to mark the length of their employment. Not only do you receive a card, it’s given to you directly from the CEO or President of the company.

In a week I will be receiving corporate greeting cards from either the president or the CEO of the company I work for. It will be my 5 year anniversary. Having my hard work recognized gives me a good feeling. Sending anniversary cards to employees and co-workers is good for everyone.

Employee Anniversary Cards For My Happy 2nd Year At Work

When I arrived in the office on April 3rd I noticed some envelopes on my desk with my name on them. Inside were employee anniversary cards that read, “Happy Anniversary!” Before opening the cards I taxed my brain in an attempt to recall what anniversary I should be celebrating. After giving this much thought, to no avail, I decided to solve my dilemma by finally opening the card that read, “Happy 2nd Anniversary! Thank you. We appreciate your being a part of our success.” The card was signed by the Chairman of the Board, the President of the company, and my managers.

A very fast two years had passed since I accepted my position, and this acknowledgement from my company in the form of corporate greeting cards was a unique and pleasant surprise. Having told a few of my friends about this gesture, some of whom have their own companies, several decided to do the same for their employees. It’s nice to know that many others will experience the same pleasant surprise and show of appreciation that I did on my 2nd anniversary with my company.

Employee Anniversary Cards and Universal Truths

Some may be inclined to cut their business budget by eliminating unnecessary expenses, such as employee anniversary cards. I’ve heard the reasoning on this: “In this economy…,” “They should be happy they still have a job…,” “They get paid so what more do they expect?”

Fair enough. Just as fair as the employee who does only what he or she must do, and not a lick more.

You see, it’s all in the attitude, and attitude is contagious. It’s like Karma. What goes around comes around. If you accentuate the positive, you can eliminate the negative. You’ve got to give, to get. Give gratitude and you’ll get gratitude. Give enthusiasm and you’ll get enthusiasm. Give appreciation and you’ll be appreciated. And, not just you; your clients, customers and vendors will feel the effects of that good vibe and react in a like manner.

If you walk through your workplace with a smile and cheerful greeting for each person you see, you’ll find service with a smile spreading throughout your ranks. If you honor workers with employee anniversary cards, you’ll see their pride and confidence flourish. And that will lead to more energy, greater cooperation and bigger efforts, where going above and beyond becomes your company’s form of business as usual.

Do you think I’m using a lot of clichés? Try substituting “truth” for “cliché” because clichés came into being because they are, pretty much, universal truths.

Employee anniversary cards are small, simple, low-cost gestures. But think of their value in helping to retain your skilled, knowledgeable, and dependable staff members. And think of the money you save by not having to solicit, train, and gamble on new replacement personnel. That, and optimum productivity, is money in your pocket. I’d say those cards are worth their weight in gold now, aren’t they?

Employee Anniversary Cards Make for Happy Employees

Every year I receive employee anniversary cards to acknowledge yet another 365 days with my company. When I hit my first year anniversary and I received my first anniversary card, I was presently surprised. Along with a personalized imprint, it was hand signed by my managers and more impressively, by the Executive Team. Why is that impressive? When you think about how busy the company leaders are one can then appreciate that they took the time out of their hectic schedules to let you know that they indeed feel that you are important to the success of the company. Our company leaders acknowledge every single employee’s anniversary for each year completed. Oh yeah, they acknowledge birthdays, as well.

The Gallery Collection is indeed successful. Smart too! This company is 80 years strong. This doesn’t happen without a solid team. From the executive members on down, each person is an important component to the success of the company. It is not only important to let your customers know that they are special, but to let your employees know that they are, too! Now I know that receiving personalized anniversary cards might not seem like a big deal to some, but I for one appreciate the attention given to these “little” details. Employee anniversary cards are just one simple way to boost morale.

I have worked for companies in the past that for the most part didn’t even know that I existed. I consider myself a good, loyal, and dependable worker, but even I found it hard to accept that not many people in the company knew who I was. After over six years on that job, other than my direct supervisors, management didn’t even know my name, let alone what I did. Sad, don’t you think?

Appreciated employees are happy employees! Happy employees are productive employees! Productive employees make happy customers! This sounds like a win-win-win situation to me.