Paul McCartney’s birth certificate, issued on June 18, 1942, was auctioned in March of 1997 for $84,146.
Category: Birthday Trivia
What is the least common date for birthdays in the US?
May 22nd is the least common date for birthdays.
What is the most common date for birthdays?
October 5th is the most common date for birthdays.
About how many birthday cards are sent each year in the US?
Close to two billion birthday cards, which accounts for 58% of all greeting cards sent.
In what month do more people celebrate their birthdays than any other month?
August is the most popular month for birthdays.
How do you request a birthday card from the President for your grandmother’s 90th birthday?
It’s easy! Just write to the address below at least six weeks in advance of the birthday. Birthday cards will be sent 10 days before the birthday. In addition to requesting birthday cards, requests can also be made for anniversary greeting cards for those celebrating 50 or more years of marriage. Here is the address:
The White House
Attn: Greetings Office
Washington, D.C. 20502-0039
What was the song “Happy Birthday to You” originally called when it was first written by Mildred and Patty Hill in 1893?
“Good Morning to You” was the original title of “Happy Birthday to You.”