Business Birthday Cards That Show You Care

In every stage of my life the most important thing I’ve learned is that people will appreciate being appreciated. From my time in the Army when our commanders acknowledged our birthdays or anniversaries to when I was working in a corporate environment and smiled every time my bosses praised me for a job well done. Even walking down the street and someone saying a simple “Thank you for your service” when they saw my military shirt. It just feels wonderful to know that people care. And it’s a great motivational tool. That’s why when I started my own small business, I didn’t hesitate to order  business Birthday cards from the Gallery Collection. I knew from experience that it was well worth the few extra dollars to let my employees and clients know that they weren’t just a number to me and that they were valued. More so, I wanted them to know they were worth the best quality cards out there, not some cheap dollar store card.

Once you give your employees and clients their special card on their special day, it’s hard not to light up inside just as much as they do. The feeling of making someone smile is great. And you know what, I notice that once you give cards your employees and clients will be more loyal, friendly and appreciative back. It’s not only a good thing to do, but it’s also a great business investment. I find that throughout these years since I started sending cards my business has only gotten stronger. In fact, now I buy my birthday cards in bulk, in case I have new clients who come in. As the Army taught me, it’s always best to be prepared. I wouldn’t want to miss a single chance to reach out to a client and dazzle them with the beautiful cards that we have. They create a lasting impression and it’s always nice to let people know that we’re much more than your average business.

Keeping the Tradition of Birthday Cards Alive

Need to talk? Send an email! Not sure how to spell a word? Spell check! Ah, the wonderful age of technology. Now don’t get me wrong – we have come a long way with the help of computers and other digital gadgets. But where does it end? Is it possible we are using technology a little too much these days? It’s sad that even a simple practice like sending birthday cards is slowly diminishing. I recently received an automated email (the kind you cannot reply to) wishing me a happy birthday from one of my business associates. How impersonal!

While I can’t stop the rapidly-changing world we live in, I can pick and choose the traditions I’d like to preserve. I pride myself on the fact that I still send high-quality birthday cards to my employees, family and friends. Besides, it’s quite an enjoyable process. At the beginning of each year, I buy a box of assorted birthday cards from The Gallery Collection and keep them at my office. As birthdays roll around, I pull out the box from my drawer and select the perfect design (this is my favorite part). After jotting a note inside, I hand-address the envelope, slap on a stamp and off it goes. The responses I get are overwhelming! I think it reminds everyone that a touch of humanity every now and then is still very much needed and appreciated.

Saving That Trip to the Store for Assorted Birthday Cards

I work as an assistant to the Regional Manager of a large retail chain. I’ve been doing this job for a number of years and part of that job is to make a trip to the local card store to pick up a few birthday cards for my boss to send to employees. While this is not a particularly big deal, it just got to the point where I said “There has to be an easier way”. I started my search on the internet and found a card company called The Gallery Collection that sold an assortment box of birthday cards. The box contained 35 assorted birthday cards and 38 envelopes, with several different designs and greetings. To make a long story short, I ordered, I liked, I used!

Since I was on a roll, I pointed out to my boss that he could place an order for business birthday cards that could be sent to clients. He didn’t need much persuasion. I called and requested a few samples to choose from and he was definitely impressed with the quality of the cards. Once the decision was made about the design and a greeting was selected, I went online and placed the order. The process was so simple that again, I ordered, he liked, he used!

Birthday Cards for a Busy Business

I own a relatively small business that demands a lot of my time, as well as the time of my employees. As a way of thanking my dedicated staff, I give each of them a card on their birthday with a small message saying how much I appreciate them. With the limited amount of spare time I have, it is important for me to make the birthday cards shopping process as quick as possible. For three years now, the Gallery Collection has served as a one-stop-shop for my employee birthday card purchasing needs.

Each year the Gallery Collection comes out with new designs that are each equally as exquisite as the next. The intuitive search allows me to quickly rifle through their wide selection of cards to find something that is flexible enough to suit all of my employees. Although the search is a great time-saver, what I love most is the quality of the products. I cannot stress how brilliantly crafted each of the cards are; from the packaging the order comes in to the material used for the products themselves, I am always blown away. I will continue to purchase here and plan on making business birthday cards purchases for my clients as well.

Business Birthday Cards And Yummy Treats

I’ll never forget one of my employees, Gretchen. She certainly was a spark plug in the office; always laughing and enjoying her time with fellow co-workers. However, one mention of her birthday always ticked her off because she hated to think about getting older. She already dyed her hair to keep the grays at bay, and loved her spa days to minimize wrinkling. Gretchen even claimed that her birthday was February 29 just so she didn’t have to deal with it every single year! As the good boss that I am, I knew her little trick and I let it slide, not trying to blow her cover. However, I was planning on going through my slew of business birthday cards in order to find the perfect one for her. That of course, was just the beginning.

As a boss, I do like to keep things very professional. However, I don’t want my employees to feel like they are in prison. I let them chat amongst themselves during downtime, and I like to surprise them with little gestures from time to time, such as corporate greeting cards congratulating them on a job well done, or free lunch or dessert. My grandmother always made my birthday feel special, and I like to convey those same feelings to everyone, including my colleagues.

Now you know why I was somewhat upset for Gretchen’s lack of enthusiasm toward her own special day. I knew I had some work cut out for me, so I did some investigating and found out she could never pass up a piece of scrumptious red velvet cake. My friend, Bobby, owned an award winning bakery. I walked over, told my buddy about my dilemma and pulled out my camera. I took a picture of Bobby holding a piece of red velvet cake with Gretchen’s name on it- literally. I printed out the picture at my desk (thank you technology, or else I would’ve needed by 1980’s Polaroid), placed it within the birthday card, explained that she had a treat waiting for her, and signed my name.

I slyly gave Gretchen the card on her birthday (April 14, NOT February 29), and she glared at me while I grinned. Later that day, she surprised me with a lovely thank you card written with pretty gold foil. I started laughing hysterically when I opened the card- inside was a picture with Gretchen devouring her cake. Underneath she had written, “Don’t worry- I ate a piece for you too!”

Workin’ It With Birthday Cards

Many of my friends dread going to work on their birthdays – I even had one friend quit her job because her boss wouldn’t give her the day off! So I suppose I count myself lucky that I don’t mind coming into work on my birthday, and it’s my company’s fault. At my office we cherish birthdays. We bring in appetizers and finger food, bagels and donuts, juice, soda, sometimes coffee or cheese and crackers, and always dessert! In fact, we bring in enough food for a feast, as well as plenty of refreshments, and there is always a few signed-by-everyone birthday cards.

Celebrating a coworker’s or employee’s birthday is a great way to show your appreciation for that person’s efforts, and to show him or her that you’re excited about their contribution to your business. Business birthday cards are also a great keepsake, one that the recipient can set on his or her desk to remember that work can be fun, too! With so many cards to choose from, you should have no problem selecting the perfect birthday card at The Gallery Collection. They have cards that suit every company, and, if you can’t decide, they have assortment boxes, just for you!

Corporate Birthday Cards To Keep Team Spirit High

I recently had a strange occurrence at my place of employment regarding sending out corporate birthday cards. I am a new manger at a fairly large company. I have about twenty people under my guidance who are all skilled professionals, so, in order to help keep spirits up, I decided to start a monthly celebration for all birthdays occurring in the month. We would meet at a predetermined time each month and have some sort of dessert, like a cake or ice cream. So, the first month I tried this I had everything planned, and I called my team over to the meeting area, it seems that almost everyone was pleasantly surprised, please note, that I said almost everyone. There happened to be three birthdays to celebrate this month and I had three separate birthday cards ready to go.

Now, as I started to welcome everybody and explain that this would be a monthly celebration, and I saw a employee slowly start to back away and appear to hide, I didn’t think anything of it. When it was time to announce the birthdays, I call the first and second one without a hitch, and when I call the third, there is no response and I find out that this was the woman that was sneaking away. Well, I didn’t want to push the issue, so I let it go. We ate cake, talked and returned to our work area. I took this time to call the employee into my office where the woman laughed nervously and said, “I’m turning 40 and I’m having a hard time celebrating!”

Big Business or Small Business – Corporate Birthday Cards are a Plus

When my father started his pediatric practice nearly thirty years ago, he allowed me to “help out” once I became old enough. One of my tasks was to organize and revise his patient list. Then prepare birthday cards each month for all of his “Children.” Buying corporate birthday cards in bulk was not yet available.

Dad made sure that they received this personal touch for the first sixteen years of their lives. I would go each month to purchase the cards and address, stamp and mail them at the appropriate time.

Now my own client list would be a full time employee’s position! I still choose to emulate the wisdom of appreciating all of my customers and employees with this friendly gesture. The Gallery Collection provides the best quality and selection of any other company that I have seen. It is the fastest and easiest way to always have the cards on hand. Of course purchasing bulk birthday cards also provides me with lower pricing. Most times the cost per card is far less than one would find on a rack in a store.

I know that I could have a copy of my signature printed in the cards, and I may have to do that in the future, but until it becomes necessary I will continue to hand-sign them. The feedback from the recipients is too gratifying for me to change anything yet.

Corporate Birthday Cards – Don’t Be Caught Without Them!

As a small business owner, I understand the importance of selecting and then keeping only best employees. I often find that it really pays to do your homework and truly investigate the potential employee. I have found way too many ‘non-truths’ when questioning people on their resumes. With that being said, and now with a staff I can finally trust and reward when they go above and beyond. I’d like to share a little secret, A great pick me up as well as a motivational booster, is to hand out corporate birthday cards! Seems simple enough, right? And whether you go out to the local store (not recommended) or purchase boxed birthday cards (highly recommended) be sure to always have a couple extra on had, (that’s why I always buy the boxed cards). The designs are varied enough to suit both genders and convey many different sentiments.

Now, since you are reading this, you are already at the perfect website for ordering high quality, great looking cards. The birthday cards assortment box has everything you need to keep a smile on all of your employees’ faces!

Assorted Birthday Cards – Your New Best Friend!

As a small business owner, I strive to show my appreciation to each of my employees. I expect them to work hard, but they know that I truly care about them. One way that I show my appreciation is by giving each employee a card on their birthday. I recently purchased a box of assorted birthday cards from The Gallery Collection, making this aspect of my job so much easier!

Gone are the days of finding out at the last minute that an employee has a birthday coming up, running to the store, and struggling to find a card that is professional yet warm, and aesthetically pleasing. The Gallery Collection offers beautiful birthday card boxes with a fabulous variety of designs and sentiments printed inside. Now when I learn that an employee has a birthday, I simply reach into my desk and pull out my birthday card box. I’m proud to sign my name on these beautiful, high-quality cards, and I can see the delight in my employees’ faces when they receive one.

If you’re a business owner who is looking for a small gesture to let your employees know that you appreciate them, I highly recommend purchasing a box of assorted birthday cards from The Gallery Collection.