Birthday Cards in Bulk – Both Convenient and Thoughtful

In the United States, 7 billion people buy greeting cards each year. The average household buys about 20 greeting cards with more than a third of them being birthday cards. Birthday cards are an amazing and quick way to show someone that you were thinking of them on their special day. I know, from experience, that sometimes it is hard to remember people’s birthdays. I have had those awkward moments when I was sitting there and was like “Oh no! I forgot to buy them a card” and had to go scramble out to a supermarket to pick something up. Then, I thought of a wonderful idea: to buy birthday cards in bulk!

Birthdays are always going to be around every single year. It is a wonderful idea to buy them in bulk because you never know when you are going to need them. If you forget about someone’s birthday or know that their birthday is coming up, you do not have to go through the added hassle of going to the store, standing at the stand and reading through all the card greetings, and then standing on line to pay for the card you chose. Instead, you can just go into your drawer or closet, pick out a card from your pile, sign your name, and give it to that person to let them know you care on their special day.

Another thing about birthday cards that I have always appreciated is when my place of employment hands me a birthday card. With big corporations, they have thousands of employees and cannot individually think of each employee. At least, that was what I thought until I received a birthday card from my place of employment. When they handed it to me, I knew that someone that was in charge was taking into consideration that their employees are people too.

Business birthday cards should always be incorporated into a company’s arsenal to make their employees feel cared about. I absolutely hate working on my birthday. It is something that I never want to do because it is my special day and do not want to share it with the ins and outs of the work day. On the other hand, receiving a birthday card while on my shift at work will make me feel happy, appreciated, and will make me work hard for my company. You need to lead by example. And leading by example means that if you want your employee to care about the needs of the company, you need to care about the needs of your employees! Sending an employee a card will not only make them feel special, but will give them the motivation to work harder towards the goals of the company.

Business Birthday Cards In The Work Place

In today’s world most situations are handled by an impersonal response; email, e-cards, texting, cell phones, iPads, etc.  Years ago when I had my first job at a bank, my boss Mr. C always sent business birthday cards to his employees and customers.  I worked in a busy bank that had extended Saturday hours. He always came to work with a smile and respected the work that was done under his supervision.  He even went as far as to bring in donuts or bagels for the staff.

Birthday cards were well received by the customers of the bank.  Most would compliment me, and were impressed that a corporation would take the time to send out personalized cards. It was a good feeling for both parties, and I actually enjoyed sending them to the clients. A lot of times I would put a hand written note in the card.  People share a lot of stores when they are sitting at your desk.  I often would refer back to one of their stories that they shared with me while I was filling out the paperwork. The important lesson I took from that job was that it is always a good practice remember birthdays; your clients and customers won’t forget your thoughtfulness.

Mrs. Robinson’s Ode to Corporate Birthday Cards

Receiving corporate birthday cards have saved a few years of my life. How so? I’ll start by explaining that when I thought of “birthdays” I thought of hard labor. To write or not to write? Which card and/or gift is appropriate? How much should I spend? Where is this neck pain coming from? Do I really have to?

However, one fortunate day while I was celebrating the one birthday I look forward to – mine – I received a very nice, classy, and preprinted (the concept alone brings a tear) birthday card from my employer. It was beautifully designed with my boss’ and other executive’s signatures, a greeting, a logo, all printed in the inside of the card. And after a few days, when I was sober again, I found out that I’m not really their preferred employee, but instead they use personalized birthday cards to acknowledge all of their employees’ special days. After that initial shock, I had an epiphany; I said to myself: “Self, you can do this; you can order your own personalized birthday cards to give out without the god-awful handwriting. This sassy lady can get classy and preprinted too!”

My idea proved to be a good one for once. Looking at the back of my birthday card, I found the manufacturer and using my keen googling powers I found The Gallery Collection. After a full five minutes I had placed an order for my own, classy, and if I may, very tasteful personalized cards. Mrs. Robinson is riding the super highway to the next level in personalized greetings!

No More Searching For Business Birthday Cards

In my previous experiences going to the store, it was an absolute pain when it came to finding business birthday cards for your employees. I would have to dig and search for a long period of time before I found something that was professional and tasteful at the same time. But with The Gallery Collection, all the searching and digging at the stores has stopped. They have one of the largest selections of birthday cards. There are so many different color combinations and designs; I guarantee you will find something you love. The Gallery Collection does a great job in being creative, yet very professional at the same time.

Birthday cards have been made so much easier to look for and buy. You can do so many different types of customizations, it can make you feel like you designed the card totally from scratch. You have the option of choose from one of the many greetings for the inside of the cards, or you may create your own greeting that you would like to use. With so many choices, the hardest part may be deciding on the card itself!

Birthday Cards in the Business Environment

While some people think it is cute, others think it is funny, I think it is … unfortunate.  What, you may ask, am I talking about?  I am talking about my birthday.  The one day that is special to each one of us, I have to share with, of all people, my husband.  We have the same birthday – not year, just birth date.  So, not only do I get “combined” gifts and “pooled” festivities but I also get shared birthday cards from family and friends!  Nothing is special to just me on my birthday … except when I go to work.

When I go into the office on my birthday, there waiting for me at my desk are birthday cards, addressed only to me (and not my husband), from my coworkers and managers.

This is when I feel special.  Business birthday cards are a great way to bring the occasion of a birthday into the workplace and nothing says “Happy Birthday” better than a card.  Giving birthday cards to employees, coworkers and even business associates is a great way to extend your birthday wishes to those people in the business environment.   It can help to build employee morale and create goodwill.  It can also be a great opportunity to congratulate an employee on a special accomplishment. Sending a birthday card to a business associate provides a way to express your birthday wishes and, at the same time, convey your appreciation to them for their business.  It can also provide a vehicle to offer an incentive such as a discount or premium to help celebrate their birthday.

Birthdays are special. It is a day in a person’s life that should be cherished and celebrated. When you are at work on your birthday, the use of a business birthday card can be a great way to accomplish this!

Sending Business Birthday Cards Is Still the Right Thing

Who would think that something so small with a few words of expression could light up someone’s day? Receiving business Birthday cards from your employer says a lot, especially in today’s economy. We all read or hear about the struggles of everyday life, whether it is in business or your personal life.  In the era of “cutbacks” it’s nice to know that my employer shows thoughtfulness to his employees by recognizing our birthdays.

It was made even more special when my boss walked up to me while I was working to personally hand me the card with his birthday wishes.  I felt appreciated for the work I put for the company.

Not only was it a nice gesture, but the card itself was beautiful!  It was a tropical beach scene (just where I wanted to be) but yet it had just enough sparkle on it that it made me smile and I will never forget that day as I still have the card. Three years later and still working at the same company even though my boss has retired, the tradition is still carried on by receiving our annual birthday cards.  I still look forward to it every year.

I have great birthdays!

Employee Birthday Cards For The Whole Office

Every year my company celebrates my birthday by giving me some great employee birthday cards. I’ve been receiving these cards since around 1995; they are from Gallery Collection and are superb. It seems wherever I’m working they all seem to get these birthday cards from the same company.

Employee birthday cards have made such an impression on me and my co-workers that I started sending cards to my business customers also. I just started a small dot com business and I’m still working on the website, but people know me from local advertising. So when I get new customers they start an account and fill in an info form with their name, address, phone etc. When I complete repair work on their computer, I get to know these customers more. They are so happy with the job I do, especially saving them tons of money by not having to buy a new computer, we usually become friendly.

So the next time their birthday comes around, guess what, they receive one of my Gallery Collection business birthday cards with a special greeting saying what a valuable customer they are to me and I wish them many more birthdays in the future. This has such an impact on my customers they soon tell friends and family. Then I would get a phone call or email saying “I’m a friend of Debbie and she spoke well of your service” and they need me to repair their computer. This is such a great way to build a customer base. I continually follow up with them through greeting cards.

Business Birthday Cards – Good for Morale

Are business birthday cards good for morale? You bet they are! Yesterday was my birthday. When I got into the office, inserted into the slot above the number keys on my keyboard was an envelope with my name on it. Inside was a birthday card hand signed by the management team. Each of them, and there are six, wrote a brief personal message wishing me a happy birthday and thanking me for my contribution to the success of the company. It really made me feel special and appreciated. The card was not one of those funny or off-color cards I like to get for and receive from friends. It was definitely a business birthday card – formal, but modern and definitely appropriate for a corporate environment.

The management team started sending birthday cards for employees a few years ago. I really think it makes a difference that they acknowledge employee birthdays in this way. I mean it’s not like kindergarten so no one brings cupcakes and goodies and no one is singing happy birthday or handing out birthday gifts but the card is a small gesture that says: we care about you. And in return, they probably got more work out of me that day. So are business birthday cards good for morale? I’d say so.

Bulk Birthday Cards Mean You’ll Always Be Prepared

I have always been a sender of birthday cards.  Family and friends tell me that if my card doesn’t reach them by their birthday each year, they are alarmed.  If my card arrives late, it brings a sense of relief.  So, birthday card sending has always been my thing, and having bulk birthday cards on hand makes me job a lot easier.

As I got older, more family members were born, weddings added spouses, and because we are a genetically long-lived clan, there have been more birthdays to keep track of every year.  I’ve also been blessed with many friends, who I dearly love and whose birthdays I’m happy to celebrate.

I do put effort into keeping track of a lot of birthdays.  Lots of people think I’m an extremely organized, sensitive friend and business associate.  To be honest, once I put the date, name and address into a monthly file, it’s easy to keep track of each year. And having birthday cards by the box make me seem like an absolute miracle worker!

Personalized Birthday Cards For A Feline Super Sweet 16 Celebration

Okay. I admit it. I am crazy! It’s official.

While most people make plans to celebrate a family member’s birthday with personalized birthday cards, a cake, and maybe a celebration or a party, I have gone above and beyond this. It just so happens that one member of my family is celebrating a Sweet 16 Birthday! This has become something of a major celebration since that show on MTV, My Super Sweet 16. This show exemplifies the excesses that people go to…huge parties, entertainment, and at the end of the show the birthday boy or girl is presented with an overly expensive car or SUV.

Besides the fact that I don’t have that kind of money, the difference with my party is that it’s for Spike – my 16 year old cat. I know, I know, he’s a cat. But hey, he’s almost the same age as my daughter and he was a heck of lot easier to potty train.

My party consists of a tablecloth depicting kitty cats wearing party hats, matching plates, assorted birthday cards, and a cake for Spike and his feline guests. The cake is from a website that makes cakes for cats with natural ingredients and ices them with yogurt. The really cool thing is that you send a picture and they reproduce it by painting your pet on the cake with edible paint. We plan on having cupcakes as well…for the humans. The only thing that is missing, and if anyone can help with locating it, (I’d very much appreciate it) – Spike wants his own Hummer. But I guess he’ll have to settle for a catnip stuffed Chevy!