Company Birthday Cards and Their Impact

When I first started my business I didn’t send out company birthday cards to my clients or my employees. That all changed the day I received one from my doctor. Although the card was a few days early and very simple, it put a genuine smile on my face. The card reminded me of the wonderful care I receive and all of the amusing moments that have occurred at his office because of the great attitude that he and his employees have.

Realizing the impact that this card had on me, I decided to invest the time and money to make sure that each of my clients and employees received a birthday card. I wanted my clients to know that I value their loyalty. I also wanted them to understand that we care about their happiness and our relationship. A few weeks after I started sending the cards I received a call from one of my clients. She wasn’t calling to place an order, but instead it was to thank me for the card. At that moment I knew I had made the right choice in initiating this tradition. Since then, I have received several calls from clients just to express gratitude for remembering the one day that is theirs.

The snowball effect that the employee birthday cards had on the workplace environment was amazing. Employees started to actually do things for each other’s birthdays and everyone always seemed to be in good spirits for those special days. Usually it would be something small such as cutting a birthday cake during lunch or making plans to celebrate after work. Currently the team mentality is the strongest it has ever been and I have no doubt in my mind that this is all due to taking the time to remember each of our employee’s birthdays.

A Birthday Card and a Free Haircut

As the owner of a salon and spa, having as much personal contact as possible with my customers is vital. Throughout the year, we have promotions and raffles at the salon. Sometimes we choose to raffle off hair care products or even services. We have also started sending out Christmas cards. I believe that this is a great thing to do as far as promoting relationships with customers, but I also feel that because so many Christmas cards get sent ours may get lost in the “shuffle”. We were racking our brains trying to think of something else that we could do during the year where we actively reached out to the customer. We finally came up with the idea of sending birthday cards. In our minds, there wasn’t anything more personal to someone than their birthday and it is truly a special day.

We included a coupon for a free haircut in the personalized birthday cards that we sent. Our response was truly overwhelming – the customers felt so appreciated and were so surprised that we remembered their special day. Sending birthday cards truly boosted our business. Even though we give away a service (and that costs time and money), we’ve made up for it in so many other ways.

Sending personalized Christmas and birthday cards got us thinking that there were other types of cards we could send too. For instance, when we acquire a new customer we now send them a welcome card with a new customer discount for a haircutting service. We also send a thank you card whenever one of our customers refers a new customer to our salon. And you guessed it – they also receive a promotion of some sort!

With their envelope imprinting, personalization, and SealFast envelopes, the Gallery Collection has made it so easy for us to remember our customers in a special, elegant way.

Design #504AR – Happy Birthday From All of Us Greeting Card

I’m so happy to tell you about one of my favorite Gallery Collection business birthday cards! It’s design #504AR, Happy Birthday From All of Us Greeting Card, and I know you’re going to love it too! This whimsical card is the perfect business birthday card to give to co-workers celebrating their special day! It will bring a smile to their faces long after their birthdays have come and gone! Another plus for this particular design is that it’s appropriate for both the men and women in your office. This card shows a happy group of coworkers, smiles on all their faces, each one holding brightly colored balloons. The balloons spell out “Happy Birthday” in a most delightful way and “from all of us!” is written in script at the bottom of the card. Who could resist this cheery group? They look like they’re ready for some cake and coffee! No wonder they look so eager and happy! Who doesn’t enjoy a break from their everyday routine?

Design #504AR - Happy Birthday From All Of Us Greeting Card
Design #504AR - Happy Birthday
From All Of Us Greeting Card

When your coworkers receive a business birthday card like this, it will really make them feel special, like part of the group. Everyone deserves to feel that way, especially on their “Big Day.” Birthdays only come once a year, so it’s important to acknowledge them in a special way. Sending this card will make your coworkers feel noticed and appreciated.

If your office is a casual one, or even if its not, and you’ve never sent this type of business birthday card before, maybe now is the time to do it. A greeting card might seem like a little thing, but, as the saying goes, “it’s the little things that matter most.” Add a little lightness to your office atmosphere, build camaraderie, get the cake ready and enjoy the party! You’ll be glad you did.

No More Running to the Store with Personalized Birthday Cards

I had no idea that you could order personalized birthday cards. I knew about personalized Christmas cards but not birthday cards. Between my husband and me we have two parents, one step-mother, nine siblings (and their nine spouses), and 18 nieces and nephews – several with significant others and one great niece!! There are only two months out of the entire year that we are not celebrating someone’s birthday.

Since my husband can’t pick out a card to save his life, I am left with the responsibility of buying all 43 birthday cards every year. Then I discovered personalized birthday cards. Now I order 100 personalized birthday cards in the beginning of the year so when the occasion pops up I am all ready to go. No more running to the store (43 times) and spending upwards of $4.00 for a card. And I have the envelopes personalized with my home address so all I have to do is address the envelope, add a stamp, and the personalized birthday card is on its way. Oh yeah, I forgot one thing – I have to put a check in each one. Now if I could only find a way around that…

Craft Ideas for Recycling your Birthday Cards

I don’t consider myself to be a pack rat because I don’t like clutter, but recently I decided to clear out a couple of “junk drawers” and a closet. I finally got rid of the magazines and newspaper clippings with recipes, especially holiday or birthday recipes (that I never cooked) and craft ideas (that I never made). I also tied up the four years of National Geographic magazines that my kids never used for reference for school reports. Duh! When was the internet invented?

As I came across the next hurdle, I knew I wouldn’t part with it. It was my box of personalized birthday cards. I save greeting cards that I receive from friends and relatives. You know the ones with the beautiful wrapped presents on them and the ones with balloons and cakes and candles. I like to recycle things and also love crafting. If I like the design on the front of the card or the greeting on the inside, I just throw the card in a drawer, thinking one day I’ll do something with it. Well, with the drawers and closet overflowing, I had to act. Here are some ideas I came up with:

Idea #1 – Instead of buying expensive wrapping paper, collect all the birthday cards that you’ve received, especially the ones with beautifully wrapped presents on them. Wrap your gift either in brown or white craft paper (I’ve even used aluminum foil in a pinch) or a put it in a plain box or gift bag. You can cut the pictures and words off the cards and paste them randomly on the package. You can even use the inside greeting or verse words. If you have enough birthday cards you can cut out each letter individually to spell “Happy Birthday” or the recipient’s name. I like to use craft scissors with different edges to vary the finish. Your gift will be unique!

Idea #2 – Cut the pictures off the front of the birthday cards and make gift tags by punching a hole in the top of each image and pulling ribbon through it. Tie a bow and tape it to your gift.

Idea #3 – Use birthday cards for your scrapbooking projects. When filling a page with pictures from a birthday, cut the words, pictures, and greetings off the cards. Arrange them around the pictures to add descriptive memories of the special event. Finish the page by adding bows, ribbons, or fabric swatches to add texture. Although I never seem to get the time to do my own scrapbook, I have made pages for my niece to add to her book with pictures I have taken at her special events such as her Baptism, first day of school, and a Disney vacation.

Business Birthday Cards Keeps Business Moving

What if you could lift up the spirit of clients, contacts, and employees in one fell swoop? Of course, in today’s economy your first question is going to be, “How much is this going to cost?” Naturally, you will have to take that into consideration, but let’s look at the big picture first.

Recognition is a valuable tool in promoting lasting relationships. Acknowledging someone’s birthday by sending them birthday cards is a positive and inexpensive way to show their importance to you. I started to send business birthday cards to clients and employees when I received one from a vendor who had unsuccessfully met with me the week before my birthday, to try his stationery supply company.

He wrote inside the card, “I checked your horoscope for your birthday, and it advised you that things would be stationary in your life for a while. Since stationery is in my life for a while, I thought you might feel a kinship, and try our stationery for your office.” He added a post script, “We offer a special discount for Birthdays!”

The card gave me a chuckle, and reminded me of the terrific salesman who had sent it. While I didn’t order from him immediately, there did come a time when my supplier let me down, and the first vendor I called was my business birthday cards sender. His humor and friendly persistence won me over.

Naturally, every card will not elicit such a success story. The point is that people appreciate thoughtfulness in any form. You never know how one small gesture may keep your business moving along.

Design #453AE – Birthday Surprise

Design # 453AE, Birthday Surprise Greeting Card, will be a welcome surprise for anyone who receives this design. When it comes to sending employee birthday cards to your staff, you want your cards to extend joyful wishes but not be too flowery or extravagant; Birthday Surprise is the ideal card for this purpose. Blue foil balloons, accompanied by blue and silver confetti float out of a decorated blue box that is bedecked in an elegant silver and blue ribbon. A “Happy Birthday” sentiment is engraved in lustrous silver foil. This unique design is printed and embossed on glossy white stock. The balloons, box, and bow seem to pop off the paper. It is a happy design that will bring joy to your employees.

Design #453AE - Birthday Surprise Greeting Card
Design #453AE - Birthday Surprise Greeting Card

Sending employee birthday cards is important. Your employees are the back bone of your company. A dedicated, hard-working staff can make a business successful. As an employer, if you show your appreciation of your staff members’ services to you, they will become more enthusiastic about their job, benefiting your company as a whole. A business birthday card is the perfect way to show your employees that you care about them personally and recognize that they are an integral part of your business.

Environmentally Friendly Birthday Cards Show how much you Really Care

Windpower greeting cards describes cards that are made with paper that is manufactured by using electricity generated by wind mills. Wind power is a non-polluting, renewable form of energy. Environmentally friendly birthday cards made with wind power energy are a great way to say and show that you really care about the well-being and long life of the birthday celebrant!

Some time ago, my power company sent me a bill enclosure that allowed me to opt for one of several eco-friendly sources for my electricity. Each listing showed the alternate fuel source(s) used for that plan, as well as the approximate percentage of cost increase to me if I opted for that plan. I was very happy to be offered a means of decreasing my own carbon imprint. The plan I chose derives its highest percentage of fuel from wind power.

I can’t imagine why our human channeling of wind power into electricity took so long to come about. Humans have been using wind mills and water mills for centuries to turn machinery to grind grains. We really should have made the mental leap and the moral commitment much sooner, but as they say – better late than never!

Windpower birthday cards from The Gallery Collection are the same premium quality as this line of cards has always maintained. The only way you can tell them apart is the Wind power logo on the back of the card. This small symbol says a great deal about the sender’s integrity as a citizen of planet Earth. This environmentally friendly symbol not only confirms your high regard for the well-being of the card’s recipient, it also educates. It gets people thinking about and discussing this and other ways of going green to improve the quality and longevity of life on our beautiful planet.

I’ve started thinking of the wind power symbol as a smiley face with a conscience!

A Business Birthday Cards Dilemma

As an employee at The Gallery Collection, I am an avid contributor to our greeting cards blog. I would like to write something about our beautiful business birthday cards selection but cannot decide whether to write about our birthday cards for employees, our personal birthday cards, or our birthday cards that feature balloons and presents.

Should I mention the fact that sending business birthday cards is a great idea because remembering a business associate at birthday time can help solidify a relationship, and in the long run, help a company’s business? Or perhaps I could mention how morale can be maintained by a company’s higher-ups extending a yearly birthday wish to each and every employee (which our bosses do here, by the way).

The Gallery Collection’s personal birthday cards are also perfect for sending out to relatives and friends to convey that special thought during their special time of year. Or maybe I should just describe the wonderful detailing on the fronts of the cards that colorfully illustrate presents, balloons, hats, streamers, cakes, and other festive birthday symbols. Or the many different (and free) greetings from which customers may choose to have printed for the inside of their birthday cards. Or the pretty colors available for imprinting – shades that wonderfully accent the bright colors used for the front designs on the cards.

Now you see my business birthday cards dilemma?

Business Birthday Cards Make the Dentist Less Painful

Whenever I think of the dentist I cringe in terror. There is something about going to the dentist that just makes my skin crawl. The needles, the drills, the noise…its awful! I never connect anything positive with a trip to the dentist, even though I do love having nice pearly white choppers. I begrudgingly make my yearly trip to the dentist because I have to, certainly not because I want to. So imagine my pleasant surprise when I received business birthday cards from my dentist.

My dentist has taken on epic proportions in my mind. He is like an evil tyrant who rules over all he surveys. In actuality he is a very nice and mild mannered gentleman. He always tries to make my visits as comfortable as possible, and he’s always ready with a joke and a smile. But while I’m sitting in his chair, he may as well be Attila the Hun. When he comes near me, whether he is holding a drill or just a small cup of mouthwash, I involuntarily flinch. There is nothing he can do to dissuade me of my fear of him. I’m pretty sure he dreads my visits as much as I do as he knows just what lies ahead of him when I arrive. So sending me birthday greeting cards was actually a brilliant idea.

Receiving a birthday card from my dentist was a nice surprise. When I opened the card and saw who it was from I let out a giant laugh. I couldn’t believe that my dentist was so thoughtful. I couldn’t believe he didn’t hate me! Getting a birthday card from my dentist showed me that he values my business even though I am probably one of the most difficult patients he has. It made me feel like he knows each and every one of his patients, and that we are all important to his practice. It’s nice to be remembered on your birthday, and I think that birthday greeting cards are the best part about getting older. My dentist thought of me on my special day, just like all of my friends and family.

I have since made a promise to myself that on my next visit to the dentist I will try to behave like someone who isn’t terribly frightened by every move he makes. The birthday card was such a nice gesture that I’m starting to see him in a different light (well, I’m trying to anyway). He’s a good dentist, and he sends me cards. That’s a pretty good combo for me.