588AR – Sparkling Balloon Birthday

Companies that send business birthday cards to its employees are not only sending birthday wishes, they are promoting good feelings and a sense of belonging. But what type of card should a business select? Funny or serious? Vibrant colors or more subdued? This depends on the group who works there. Keep in mind several factors when selecting company birthday cards to send out. Younger employees might want to receive more festive and spirited cards that say it is time to party and celebrate; whereas older or more conservative workers might want cards that are somewhat sophisticated and don’t scream out that it is their birthday.

Design #588AR, Sparkling Balloon Birthday Card, is a colorful card picturing three balloons tied together with gold foil string and a bow. The colorful middle balloon has a navy blue background with bright red, orange, and purple stars and swirls and reads “Happy Birthday.” This center balloon is surrounded by two others, one glittering orange, the other pink with a galaxy of gold foil-outlined yellow stars encircling the trio of balloons. This is a birthday card that says have fun on your special day and enjoy being another year older!

Design #588AR - Sparkling Balloon Birthday Card
Design #588AR - Sparkling Balloon
Birthday Card

Two Birthdays and Lots of Birthday Cards

Business birthday cards are a great way to bring a little bit of sunshine to the recipient. Every year I look forward to receiving the company birthday cards that I know are waiting for me when I come into work. Since I have been with The Gallery Collection, I have gathered eight years worth. I haven’t been able to part with them. I enjoy pulling them out every now and again, still getting a chuckle when I read some of the messages from my friends and colleagues. Now some people are happy to have just one birthday, but I however, have two. How can that be you might ask? Let me explain…

I was born February 10th (the year is not important), or so I was led to believe. I even have my hospital birth certificate to prove it – footprints and all! So imagine my surprise when I went to City Hall to obtain a copy of my legal birth certificate, only to find that I was celebrating the wrong date of birth. The clerk asked me to write down my name, mother and fathers names, and my birth date, which I dutifully did. She went into another room and a little while later, came back with a huge black binder. Not only did she have this big black book in tow, she also had a very stern look on her face. I was only 14 at the time, so I was scared to death. I wasn’t sure what I could have done to warrant that look.

The clerk looked at me with this accusatory look and said that I had written the wrong date. I said, “No, I really was born on February 10th.” “No,” she said, “You were born on February 11th!” She then proceeded to shove the book in front of me and pointed to the birth date. It did indeed read February 11th and below that in what was clearly my mother’s handwriting was her signature. So much for proofreading!

Of course, I went home with my copy of the legal birth certificate and immediately handed it to my mother. My poor Mom was flabbergasted to say the least. From that day forward, I have had to use the 11th as my legal birth date. Mom was having none of that and refused to give me my birthday cards on any other day but the 10th. I used to explain this to anyone that would ask me when my birthday was. Now I just give them my legal birth date and let it go at that. However, when any of my family members ask me which date I plan to celebrate, I always answer with the following – “Both, of course!”

Personalized Birthday Cards for Safe Keeping

I have only moved twice in my life (and no I am not counting the dorm room in college)…once when I was 30 and again last summer. It is definitely something that I NEVER want to do again…especially the last crazed few weeks before the move. At one point during those last weeks, I just started throwing things in boxes, mostly without looking at them. But the one thing that I did start to look at was many years worth of personalized birthday cards.

I suppose birthday cards are something people tend to hold onto. Apparently, in my family we do anyway. There were so many birthday cards to look through. There were ones that had been personalized by friends who picked out cards with dogs on them or cartoon characters I had especially liked. Some of the birthday cards had been personalized with stickers or drawings by the children I used to teach. There were birthday cards that had been personalized with notes written for me. And then there was the birthday card that was probably the most special birthday card of all. It had been sent to me by my aunts, and they had helped the dog “sign” it with an ink paw print. Despite the craziness of the moment and knowing that I should be packing, I kept looking at all my old personalized birthday cards and smiling.

Then I went into another drawer and found birthday cards that I had personalized for my aunts…cards that went back years, with drawings I had made and notes I had written (many of them with misspellings). I knew that these cards had meant to them what the cards I had saved meant to me. Deeper into that drawer though, I found even more. I found cards that had been written to them by their parents when they were young. These cards were not personalized by drawings, or stickers, or ink paw prints. But I think that these birthday cards, which had really just been personalized by the signature “Mother and Daddy” meant as much to them as if they had been personalized with all the other things. After all they had been kept for over 50 years.

Finally, I stopped looking at all these personalized birthday cards. I found a plastic envelope and carefully packed them away. These birthday cards didn’t go into a box though. I took them right over to the new apartment so that they would be safe, and nothing would happen to them during the move.

Business Birthday Cards and the Ripple Effect

We all realize that businesses are trying to save money now more than ever. With that being said, we must also find ways to bring some joy to the customers and workforces that are hanging in there with us and working for a better tomorrow.

Sending business birthday cards is one way to celebrate with business associates and employees that won’t break the bank. Everyone loves being remembered and respected. Whether a million dollar client, a young growing client, your CEO, or the high school kid in the mailroom is the recipient of the birthday card, your business will have earned the reputation of one that really cares.

The ripple effect of simple gestures like sending birthday cards is incalculable. Having worked for companies that did and companies that didn’t send business birthday cards, I do have a point of view on the subject. The difference it makes is in the subtle lift in the attitude of how you or your company is perceived by the recipient. As with all good gestures, the other benefit is that it also makes the sender feel good.

Your business birthday cards will help your business, but making sure they are green will help the world. Why not make a good thing better by ensuring that your purchase is from a company that is looking toward the future. In this day and age, most people do turn the card over to see if it is made with environmental awareness. Broaden your benevolence by including the saving of our planet.

Business Birthday Cards Make you Feel Special

I started my own craft business from home last year and I sent birthday cards to all my customers. The first time they placed an order, I asked everyone to fill out a customer card with their name and birth date (minus the year, of course). I wasn’t sure what type of business birthday cards to buy because not everyone has the same crazy sense of humor I have about turning a year older, not to mention all my customers are women. So when I went shopping, the first cards I crossed off the list were the “over the hill” joke cards, the cards with pictures of “ancient” little old ladies, and cards with those cute chubby babies in diapers. Basically, all the “ha ha, you’re a year older” birthday cards that I just love were no good. I figured, why insult a new customer when I’m desperate for their business? And to stay in business I really need all the customers I can get as well as their friends, too.

Anyway, I got some great comments about the business birthday cards I sent. Most of the women were really surprised that I took the time and money to send birthday cards to them. I think we’re all a little guilty of thinking that businesses want to take your money and then forget you’re alive. I don’t want to have that kind of business.

My mother-in-law gets a birthday card from her doctor and his wife every year. That’s where I stole the idea. She’s over 90, and she’s always joking that he should send her flowers along with a birthday card because she’s been keeping him in business all these years! But I know it makes her feel special, and I want to keep all my customers feeling special, too.

Show Appreciation for Personalized Birthday Cards

When I was a youngster my mother, God rest her soul, tried valiantly to get me to read the personalized birthday cards that came with my birthday presents. She actually wanted me to take the time to open and read the cards before tearing off the wrapping paper!! What century was she born in?

Later, I realized that she was born in a century that valued the written word – one in which chivalry was still alive and people were not criticized for displaying a little tenderness. Now, all of your birthday cards don’t have to be mushy or sentimental…I am all for humor and light heartedness. But somewhere between throwing greeting cards away without reading them or reading them with a chip on your shoulder, let’s get back to appreciating the effort put forth in the selection and sending of modern day birthday cards.

Unless you are a gifted writer and are prone to writing sentimental or comical notes to people, just take a look at some of the offerings available. You will be surprised at the wonderful variety to be had and the ease of choosing and sending one. On-line via the Internet is my personal favorite way. You can view literally hundreds of birthday cards sites and order quickly and efficiently.

I heartily recommend to all that the best way to show appreciation is to send personalized birthday cards, and the best way to feel appreciation is to read each card and think about who sent it.

The Business Birthday Cards Plan

Here is a plan I came up with that will surely keep your name in good with your bosses. The title of the plan is Birthday cards for Business Use. I think the idea has a great deal of merit, and it will only take a little of bit of effort on your part. It is essential when making a plan that you keep a list of what is needed. You can use old birthday cards to write lists on the back of them…this will keep you focused on your goal.

First, at the top of a birthday card, write your goal. Second, list the people who you would like to look favorably on you. This is essential as you cannot leave off anybody who is in a higher position or works for the higher person or is likely to mention that you sent business birthday cards to some and will be jealous that they didn’t get one.

Next, you must establish when the important birthdays are. This can be accomplished by casually mentioning your zodiac sign to the human resources people and by speculating on what signs your bosses are. Or perhaps, you can start a conversation with one of the higher ups and mention that you thought he had a birthday coming up. Or you could just ask someone in Human Resources point blank when so and so’s birthday is. Of course, you’ll have to explain that you are planning to send a birthday cards to these people and then they may expect you to add them to the list and then…hmmm.

Ok, this is the new plan. Put a suggestion in the suggestion box that everyone in the company would probably like to receive business birthday cards from their co-workers and wouldn’t it be nice if the company ordered some appropriate cards and someone could be in charge of seeing that the cards are signed and sent out. This will probably become your job, since you made the suggestion. Goal accomplished. Your name is in front of the bosses, everybody thinks you’re a nice person, and all you have to do is send out a birthday card every once in a while.

Corporate Birthday Cards and another Year Older

It is early in the morning and the clock is ticking. Well ok, it’s not actually ticking because it’s a digital alarm clock, but for the purposes of me writing this, just imagine you hear a slight tick and then a tock. As the clock strikes 6:30 the buzzing begins to start. Time to wake up…you are a year older!

Oh, how time passes by. One day you woke up 21 and today you wake up still somewhat spry at 41 years of age. Well at least you have those company birthday greeting cards to look forward to. You know the ones I’m talking about. They will be sitting on your desk as the grogginess of the early morning is still accentuated on your face.

Corporate birthday cards sometimes do more to cheer you up then one might think. They are reliable unlike a lot of other crazy things in life. And it is nice to get to work on your birthday and know your company cares a little bit. We’d all like to walk in to 1,000 gifts, but those company birthday greeting cards do the trick just fine.

Now you can go on about your day working hard or hardly working, as we all sometimes do, and think about happy birthday thoughts. Like how you are going to be able to handle the cheesy surprise birthday party your wife set up. You know, that one you’ve known about for three weeks but you have to put on that super happy surprised face when you walk in. Well at least you have something to talk about…the business birthday cards you received at work!

Birthday Cards Capture Moments in Time

My friends’ son Evan recently turned two years old.  It feels like just yesterday I was holding him as a newborn.  It’s amazing how time flies!

Evan’s grandparents, aunts, uncles and family friends all gathered for a birthday party, where we showered him with food, presents, and personalized birthday cards.  His parents helped him carefully look at the greeting cards before letting him tear through the pile of gifts.  My friends like to keep all of the greeting cards given to their son so he can look at them when he’s older and see how much everyone loves him.  They even keep the little paper holder I make to accompany the cash gift my husband and I always give him “For the College Fund.”  They want Evan to appreciate the thoughtful sentiments extended to him, and greeting cards are perfect for showing that affection.

I also hold on to my greeting cards for sentimental value (and because I tend to be a pack rat!).  I don’t go through the greeting cards very often but when I do it’s entertaining.  The collection of birthday cards, thank you cards, Christmas cards, wedding invitations and other various greeting cards is almost like a time capsule, bringing me back to a particular year and evoking memories of what I was doing at that point in my life.  Much like photographs, greeting cards have the ability to capture moments in time.

During Evan’s birthday party, we of course took plenty of photos to capture that particular moment in time.  When he is older, I bet it will be interesting for him to go through all of the birthday cards, Christmas cards and other assorted greeting cards that were given to him over the years.  And the older he gets, he’ll likely come to realize how fast time goes by just like the rest of us!

Business Birthday Cards will Never Become a Thing of the Past

When I started working at The Gallery Collection, I was an order taker. I quickly learned something interesting…many orders were for business birthday cards. “What a great idea,” I thought! Birthday cards from the boss! Giving a card is a wonderful and easy way to boost morale and impress employees, especially if it is a high quality card like the ones we make.

Business birthday cards are a great way to let co-workers, employees, business clients, and loyal customers know that you are interested in their happiness. Business relationships are more than just emails and phone calls; People appreciate the thoughtfulness of genuine business greeting cards that have been personalized and mailed to them.

Business birthday cards are just one more way to keep one step ahead of the competition. In these hard economic times, sending a card is a cost effective way to let your customers know you are still in business and that you still appreciate their loyalty. Remember…your customers are your bread and butter, but they are still people and people do like having their special days recognized. This is why business birthday cards will never become a thing of the past.

Personalized birthday cards don’t have to be conservative or stogy; they can be full of fun. We design our exquisite cards with balloons, cakes, presents and party decorations, and then they are embellished with silver and gold foils. If the person you are giving a Gallery Collection business greeting card to is anything like me, they will be impressed before they even pull the card out of the envelope. I once said “You had me at the envelope,” as they have a pearl lining to match the card. Some are also deckled edged and are reminiscent of the past when quality was everything.

As an employee I have the privilege of receiving complimentary greeting cards. I share them with my family because they all ask for them so they can impress their friends. I am always happy to receive a Gallery Collection greeting card from them because it means that they cared enough to send me a “good one.”