Sincerely Keeping In Touch With Personalized Birthday Cards

Isn’t the internet great?! How did we ever live without it? And cell phones? And smart phone apps? And tablets? Finding my way through my busy days is so much easier with these wonderful conveniences. And, just think: the younger generation doesn’t even know what life was like without today’s technological tools.

Many of my friends are addicted to Facebook and Twitter, and many other social media sites. They are all so connected, always knowing what’s going on, and with whom, and always keeping everyone else informed of their every activity and thought.

Imagine my surprise when I heard one of them bemoaning his loss of privacy these days.

When I say “heard,” I actually mean that. You see, my friend phoned to say, “Thank you for the personalized birthday cards!” We noted how good it was to hear each other’s actual voice again; it had been so long since we had a live talk with one another!

He’s on Facebook and I’m not, so I was unaware of all that had been going on in his life. He, on the other hand, mistakenly went along assuming that everyone was still connected to him because of Facebook.

He told me he’d gotten a few emails from friends who remembered his birthday, although he couldn’t remember who from. But he was so touched by receiving actual, hold-in-his-hand and display-on-his-shelf birthday cards from me, he felt the urge to call and really catch up with a give-and-take conversation. We spent so much phone time laughing; we set a date to meet for dinner and a good long chat.

Just a little reminder that the internet, while great for gathering information, is not the warmest way to share your real life with the humans you truly care about. And, typing LOL to the world is not the same as the contagion of laughing with each other.

Corporate Is Never Too Stuffy For Business Birthday Cards

Doesn’t the corporate atmosphere seem so stuffy? Everything so routine and monotonous? Where the big bosses play while all the employees do all the work? Where the atmosphere is so hushed and rushed? In corporations it always seems as though the only focus and main goal is to get work done. To make those big deals, bring in the best clients, and make the big bucks. So where does showing these hardworking employees recognition and appreciation fit in? With business birthday cards!

Everybody loves to be recognized and remembered on their birthday. Whether it’s by friends, family, neighbors, or that place where they spend most of their time at, the job! Imagine that. Waking up on your birthday and having that feeling of dread going to that place where it’s all work and no play; only to arrive and have that elegant envelope with your name sitting on your desk. Not sure what could be in the envelope, you slowly open it expecting to maybe hear bad news. And to your pleasant surprise, it’s beautiful, brightly colored, yet classy and professional birthday cards. “We sincerely appreciate your contributions to the success of our company. Best Wishes for a Wonderful Birthday.” What a way to show employee appreciation! Now how’s that for stuffy?

What To Write In Office Birthday Cards – Humor Edition

It’s Monday morning. You come back to your desk to find a manila envelope with office birthday cards inside. It’s for Bob in Accounting. You really don’t know Bob in Accounting. You stare vacantly down at the spots left on the card and your mind blanks. This is the third card to sign this month and you are running out of things to say. How can you keep yourself entertained as well as leave co-workers with a chuckle? Instead of the same monotonous scribbling, I came up with a few wittier comments to jot down that may get a little more attention. As an alternative to Happy Birthday Bob, give one of these a try…

For general birthday cards write “I’m sorry for your loss” or “my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time”. I have yet to build up the guts to write happy birthday in a sympathy card. How about “See a penny, pick it up, all day long, you’ll have a penny”. Or my favorite, simply cross out someone’s name who has already written something and put yours underneath. They can still read the message and see who it’s from but it saves time and may be interpreted as humorous. For someone who is retiring write “Quitter”! For just about any occasion you could jot down “Have a great summer”. Maybe randomly sign “It was a pleasure working with you on that weird pointless project”. The creative options are endless. This time leave Bob with a giggle or a puzzled look rather than another boring Happy Birthday.

Birthday Cards Are More Meaningful Than You’d Think

When people think of birthday cards, they often think of family and friends, but what about business associates and co-workers? In today’s time-is-money society, we often find ourselves with tunnel vision, and fail to notice what—and who—is really around us. Sometimes it’s important to take a minute and recognize those that we deal with on a daily basis. A simple birthday card can convey to someone that you care and are thinking of them. From personal experience I can tell you how appreciated I have felt when my co-workers and employers have remembered my birthday; it has made me happy to spend my special day at work with people that care.

You may be thinking, “Okay, it’s important to give out business birthday cards, but where can I find some that are appropriate and tasteful?” Imagine finding an entire collection of cards dedicated for just this purpose. That is exactly what The Gallery Collection can provide. The best part is you’ll be paying much less than chain store prices for superior quality and personalization. It’s great to find a company that can make your life just a little bit easier, and help you to make someone else’s day brighter. Now there’s no excuse—recognize your business associates and co-workers on their birthdays; they’ll surely remember you fondly for it.

Assorted Birthday Cards Show Employee Appreciation

Working as an office administrator in a small office I am always coming up with new ways of showing appreciation to our employees. This is a little easier to do than working with a larger office because of the number of employees and costs. Here is my tip on birthdays and birthday cards for cozier offices. If you work in a small office like me assorted birthday cards are a better alternative than getting a “one size fits all” card and this is why. We all know that time when a birthday card gets passed around the office because a co-workers birthday is coming up soon. Now imagine signing the same exact card 10+ times. By the time your birthday comes along you would probably already know what card you’re going to get and that’s no fun! Well ordering bulk birthday cards was the solution!

We all appreciate it when it’s our birthday and we get a different card then what we signed for Bill’s or Jane’s birthday. The surprise element really adds a nice touch to an office birthday. I found the perfect assortment from the Gallery Collection. They don’t sacrifice quality for costs and the cards are beautiful! If you are an office admin please take this tip and get your birthday cards today. Trust me, you will thank me later!

Business Birthday Cards – A Unique Office Experience

The morning routine is definitely a little different today. My morning commute normally doesn’t involve making a pit stop to get a dozen bagels and delicious donuts. It’s a special day indeed. A unique tradition has been implemented at the office for these types of days. If it’s your birthday, guess what? You get to go out and get everyone gifts or in this case, breakfast bare necessities. Things are a little backwards at my office, but it’s great to see others enjoying my birthday festivities. My co-workers do give me something that I think is even better than gifts or junk food – a business birthday card signed by my entire department expressing their well wishes for me on my day of being born. Business birthday cards are the perfect way for an employee to feel cared about. These cards are given by the company to their employees and are well received by everyone.

Once the storm of co-workers has finished devouring each and every piece of the breakfast presents, the day continues to move along. Then, in the afternoon, right after lunch, there it was in all of its glory (insert exaggeration here). It was the office birthday card. Seeing all of my co-workers say a little something with their signatures meant a lot. It made me feel a part of the group, a part of the office tradition, and definitely feel special. Office birthday cards are the ultimate display of appreciation. The gesture itself is more than gratifying in my perspective. As people get older, you tend to forget the value of your birthday and often do not even want it to come; another year older doesn’t sound too appealing in the eyes of many. Then you remember, “Wait, I have a job to go to and have to be reminded that it’s my birthday by other people.” The bitterness then goes away when you see that birthday card at your desk. The day instantly gets a little brighter. When you know you can share your birthday with such great people, you do not regret your birthday from happening, you embrace it.

A Warm Reception At My New Job With Personalized Birthday Cards

It was my first day back to work at a new company after a long hiatus taking care of my young daughter. I was about to begin a week long training session, and it was also my birthday. I walked into the training room filled with anticipation for this new chapter in my life. I was surprised to find a card placed on top of my employee manual. The card was to welcome me to the company and congratulate me on my birthday! It was personally signed by the managers and executive staff. It put a smile on my face and made me feel at ease. I couldn’t believe that my birthday had been recognized, and on just my first day; on top of that, the executives took the time to hand sign all their personalized birthday cards!

Today, I still have the card proudly displayed at my desk. It is so beautiful with the company’s name and logo in the card. I now do the purchasing for the company, and I make sure that I order the same business birthday cards (from The Gallery Collection) that I received on my first day. That day set the tone for what has turned out to be an exceptional workplace. It’s amazing, but true, that the smallest things can have a big impact.

Assorted Birthday Cards Work For Everyone

You can never go wrong with assorted birthday cards. When you send birthday cards at a company the recipient always expects it to be the same as someone else’s card. We think things like “they wouldn’t spend all of their time personalizing something for just me.” In all actuality the thought is what truly counts. Everyday we think about how we can send out birthday cards and not be repetitive. Assorted cards are the perfect way to tackle that issue. This make employees feel special and appreciated.

I actually have my own set of bulk birthday cards to send to friends and family. I purchased this same birthday box for myself. I was thoroughly impressed with the quality and scenic look of all the cards. All I have to do is slap some labels on the cards and away they go. It makes my cards sending process reasonable and affordable every year. Creativity isn’t one of my strongest suits. After getting a great deal on a box of assorted birthday cards from The Gallery Collection, I created a list of birthdays. I wrote each name from my birthday list on a post-it and stuck it to the card that represented each person best. Problem solved!

Business Birthday Cards – Even If You Hate Your Birthday

I have a niece who loves her birthday. She looks forward to it every year and is very disappointed if we don’t make a big deal about it. On the other hand, I can’t say I ever loved my birthday – and I love it even less so as the years add up. I guess it beats the alternative but I was never one to look forward to my birthday. I don’t like being in the spotlight and I don’t like to receive gifts. At the beginning of every year I check the calendar and hope that my birthday falls on a weekend so that I miss all the hoopla that takes place at work – even though weekend birthdays are celebrated on Friday or Monday so your birthday cannot be avoided. But I have to say I do enjoy the business birthday cards I get from my boss each year. Having worked in the same company for 27 years that adds up to 26 cards and counting. Every year, without fail, when I arrive at work on my actual birthday, or the Friday or Monday before, there is a card for me waiting on my desk.

My boss orders personalized birthday cards at the beginning of each year and he marks his calendar for all upcoming birthdays. Even though we all know we are getting a birthday card it is still a pleasant surprise to see the card waiting for us when we arrive at work. He orders birthday cards – his name and the company name are already printed – but then he adds some personal notes. This is what makes the birthday card so special. He tells us all the nice things he should be telling us all year long instead of just on our birthday. But hey, at least he tells us!

Business Birthday Cards Can Be As Important As Morning Coffee

I worked for the same company for 15 years and never heard of business birthday cards. Over the years I’d received a lot of notices like: there would be no more profit sharing, 401k matching was over, you will now pay for your own healthcare, and there would be no raises this year. That one I’ve actually gotten 3 years in a row. A cheery card of any kind would have been so out of character.

Friends would always tell me to move on, get a new job. They’d give me leads and contacts but I always had some kind of excuse. My father worked for the same company from high school to retirement, and I guess I always thought that was a great accomplishment. And it is, if it’s a company that treats you with respect.

One day they stopped providing free coffee in the office. No notice, there just wasn’t any more. After a couple days someone asked about it. It was a cost cutting measure, sorry. Not so much as a heads up for the people who expect to get a cup in the morning when they come in. Like me, for instance.

Well, that was it. Now they’re messing with my coffee. I told a friend I was serious about getting out, and within a month I had a new job.

You know, it’s tough all over, and a lot of businesses are feeling the pinch. And big companies can be a little cold anyway. Where I work now is better all around. They even send out birthday cards. On your desk, right on your birthday, personally signed by the Company president. I get cards for Christmas and Thanksgiving, too. Last week I got a congratulations card for the new house we bought. Call me old fashioned, but it really makes me feel appreciated. It looks like I’ll be staying put for a while.