Corporate Holiday Cards Equal Smart Business Sense

What says “I love your business” like receiving Corporate holiday cards?  I am not sure if some companies realize how important it is to send their customers Christmas cards. As a customer it so nice to be recognized with a note of holiday cheer. It feels great to be acknowledged and appreciated.

A few companies were really using their heads when they made their decisions on what to send; they chose Calendar cards. These cards not only include the customary holiday wishes, but address and phone number of the business as well!  Last year, after the holiday season ended, I put all these special cards in my kitchen drawer. As the year progressed, there was no doubt about which companies I would give my repeat business to, as I had their information right at my fingertips!

Business Christmas Cards Keep The Conversation Going

In this crazy world of everyone being in a rush, and nobody seeming to have time to stop and smell the roses, I have found a great conversation starter that everyone seems to enjoy, and it keeps the lines of communication open between me and my customers.  Want to know what it is?  I simply ask them, (usually at the beginning of the checkout process).  ‘So, did you receive my business Christmas cards this year?” And since I usually already know the answer will be “yes”, I am quick to follow up with a “Thank you for your continued support”.  This also opens the door and you would be surprised how many people keep talking afterwards.

This little step also brings a smile to their face, and now that I know that this customer is a happy one, they are much more likely to return to my store.  So, if you have a business and are looking for ways to drum up business, definately consider sending out Christmas cards this year, and be sure to use my special trick to engage the customer while improving customer service. Your customers and your bottom line will thank you!

Corporate Christmas Cards and the Ideal Business Model

I would mention my name and business if I was not so paranoid about online identification disclosures. However, like any industry, my small courier business needs exposure, it needs to be “out there” for people to see and take us into account. What does that have to do with corporate Christmas cards? It’s simple…

My business is as big as me – a couple of family members and a handful of vehicles. So how do I keep afloat? I work hard; I adapt and provide a better service at the best price possible. My marketing budget is $0, so I market myself, my personal touch and offer a friendly carrier to hand your packages to, and I offer the same treatment to every person that I get in touch with. That’s how I’ve stayed profitable and in business through the current financial ordeal; mainly I’ve kept my customers loyal and they have recommended my business to others.

But what does that have to do with The Gallery Collection? Simple, in my company’s most profitable year, I decided to go all out and celebrate; 2008 was my best year of business in the nine years of my company’s existence, so I planned to show off with the best quality business Christmas cards I could find. I googled it and found The Gallery Collection. I was ready to make a big marketing investment (a couple hundred bucks) and taking into account the fact that my Latin family keeps growing, these Christmas cards would serve dual purpose as my personal and business Christmas cards for the holiday season. I’d show how successful I am by sending impeccable personalized Christmas cards to my family while giving my customers a beautiful card to remember me by.

Believe me, the cards were nice. I chose a beautiful design, personalized my greeting, and all for a very affordable price. However, genius me managed to make a typo on my online order, which I did not catch but thankfully a nice rep from The Gallery Collection did. When I got Linda’s call saving me hundreds of dollars, or at least many embarrassing moments, I saw that I had not invented a new business model – The Gallery Collection also believes that service can set their business apart.

I know I’m not the only courier my customers can call upon when the time comes, but they do. And The Gallery Collection is not the only corporate Christmas cards publisher, but I have not seen better looking cards and have definitely not received better service. So you know for certain who I’m turning to this year for my Christmas cards.

Business Christmas Cards for an Entrepreneur

When I was laid off a few years ago, I decided to start my own business (I’d always thought about it, so I figured it was finally time to go for it).   At first, business was slow but steady, but my clients were great.  I was so happy to have survived the first 18 months of business ownership that I decided to send out personalized business Christmas cards thanking everyone for their loyalty.  They were so well received that I’ve continued the tradition every year since (and Gallery Collection never disappoints with its beautiful selection of designs).  I’ve also begun stocking up on assorted birthday cards so there’s always one handy when a client’s birthday approaches.

When I first started out I was fortunate to be able to quickly develop a very loyal client base.  Fast forward several years and my company is still doing well.  I know that I’m only able to do what I love because my clients continue to put their faith in me through repeat business and referrals.  Every year I get so many compliments and expressions of appreciation for the birthday and Christmas cards I’ve sent.  It reminds me that going the extra mile for my clients is as important as providing excellent service.  More importantly though, I know that my small gesture makes my clients feel good so I will continue to send Christmas cards (and birthday cards) to them every year.

Business Christmas Cards Give Holiday Thanks

What joy it brings when we see sparkling lights and bright faces, people with bags and packages scurrying everywhere and the feeling of holiday cheer is in the very air you breathe. Tis’ the season for goodwill toward all and it is as easy as using business Christmas cards to say Thank you to spread that goodwill to your customers and clients.

Whether your customer is a once a year or once a week customer; they want to be given good customer service and they want to know that their business is appreciated. With that in mind, why not give them great customer service? To take the time to go the extra mile will earn you points in the “I will return to business again” column. Although, it certainly is not a new practice to send business Christmas cards, and it is almost expected, saying thank you in that same card will just add a fabulous closing to your business year. Your customers will experience the feeling of goodwill you are sending and look favorably when they have need of your product or services again. Just knowing that you appreciate their continued patronage will realize an immeasurable benefit to your company. Really, everybody can use as much goodwill as they can get if their business is to flourish in today’s market.

In the impersonal computer age it goes a long way when we take a more personal approach to our customers. The human touch is so much more welcome for having become such an infrequent occurrence and you will be heads above your competitors by providing that touch. Taking the time to let your customers know that you are aware of how much they have contributed to your success is an easy step. Sit down and send corporate holiday cards and you have taken a huge step towards great customer service.

Business Christmas Cards, February and a Groundhog Named Punxsutawney Phil

One doesn’t normally think about business Christmas cards in February. February brings visions of snowflakes and candy hearts for Valentine’s Day. However, the mild temperatures are making the predictions of one certain Pennsylvania groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, seem silly. Six more weeks of winter? If it continues like this, everyone will welcome it!

So with a prediction of six more weeks of winter, it turns my mind to Christmas cards in February. There are many reasons to order your cards early. One of the best reasons is that because this is the off season, cards are offered at greater discounts. This is a winning situation for both business and customer. Employers are able to keep employees productive and customers reap the benefit of lower costs. Ordering early also gives you the best selection of cards. When waiting until peak season to order, you run the risk of that special card being sold out. During the holiday season we usually feel rushed with way too many things to do. Before you know it, you are in complete panic mode and wondering how you are going to get everything done.

While everyone else is scrambling in November to get their Christmas card order in, you can devote your time to other important matters. Just don’t forget where you stored your cards!

Can You Receive Too Many Company Christmas Cards?

I don’t think it’s possible that anyone could receive too many Christmas wishes.  With so many families separated by hundreds or even thousands of miles, cards are the main way we are able to personalize and send greetings.  My holiday was brightened tremendously by  not only receiving  a card from my distant family, but also company Christmas cards from a local ‘mom and pop’  hardware store that I shopped frequently when I lived in that town.   Imagine my surprise when I opened the envelope to find a Christmas card complete with a picture of the store and the owners who still run the place inside.  The greeting was, “We all miss you here, but wish you well as you embark on your life journey”.   I have to admit, it made me quite homesick for a while, but as far as cards go, I’d have to say that one is my favorite.  I plan on keeping it out all year for motivation and inspiration to follow my dreams.

In my opinion, it’s great to receive these types of cards. Even if you receive business Christmas cards that aren’t as personal as mine was, you can be sure that the company behind them values you as a customer or colleague and truly does whish you and yours well.  After all, isn’t that what the holidays are about?

Company Christmas Cards Can Be For More Than Just Business

About two years ago I moved from Danbury, Connecticut to Seattle, Washington. This was a big step in my life. I was starting a new career and moving away from all my friends and family on the East Coast. After a couple months at my new job the holidays rolled around and I received beautiful company Christmas cards. The quality of the card was outstanding from the paper, to the raised design, to the writing inside. I was in awe. I was also caught by surprise because I had never received a holiday card at my old job, in Connecticut, and I had been an employee there for 4 years. This immediately made me feel special but I could not get over the quality of this card.

The next year the holidays rolled around again and I get another Christmas card from my boss. This time the card was even more dazzling. It came on blue paper with silver snowflakes and the inside had silver writing. I couldn’t resist asking my boss where he got these cards from. He told me The Gallery Collection. That day I visited the website and found hundreds spectacular cards. I knew right then I wanted to share these cards with my family.

This year I am sending all my family back on the East Coast some of these beautiful Christmas cards. I am selecting a card that has a breathtaking picture of the Seattle skyline. I love this picture because it will really give my family back home an idea of what I get to see everyday and how much I love it here in Seattle. So, don’t think corporate holiday cards are just for at work. Give them a personal touch and I’m sure your family will enjoy them as much as I have.

Remember Customers With Business Christmas Cards During Tough Economic Times

So you think not sending business Christmas cards this year is a good way to help save money in this recession? Think again! Now is not the time to cut back on your advertising. Sending Christmas cards is one of the best ways to increase your company’s visibility in a most economical way. In fact, now is the time to increase your mailing list. The companies that will make it through these tough times the best are those that are able to retain as many clients as possible, and sending cards is one of the best ways to accomplish that. Send Christmas cards, send Thanksgiving cards, send birthday cards – all of these will make a big impact on your recipients.

Not sure which cards will have the most impact? It’s really not that tough, just try to decide on the overall message you want to convey. The Gallery Collection offers a great array of designs from traditional to light-hearted, so you really can’t go wrong. We’ve even categorized the offerings to make your choice as easy as possible. You’ll see categories for Business, Personal, Themed, etc. You can choose whether you prefer to say Merry Christmas or a more generic Season’s Greetings wish. You can show your clients that you care about our environment by choosing a card from our Eco-Friendly category. You can’t go wrong with whichever design you choose, but you can go wrong if you don’t send your corporate Christmas cards. And remember, if you ignore your customers, they will go away!

Tis The Season For Business Christmas Cards

Tis another Holiday Season before us …Bah Humbug! Another year of  business Christmas cards. It seems like the same old cards get sent year after year. But alas! I actually received  beautiful corporate Christmas cards from a company I had done business with in the past. It was one of the most intricate pieces of art I have seen in a long time. I sat back in my easy chair, read the card, and held onto every word. These days it seems that everyone is way too busy to really embrace the holidays, especially in the business world. So when I received my Christmas card I was thrilled to see that although I had not done business with them for a while they still took the time to remember me.

I was so excited about my receiving my Christmas card that I nearly forgot about all my family members coming to celebrate the holidays with me later that evening. I knew I had to get ready and had just remembered that I forgot to pick up the traditional holiday centerpiece for my table. I would have to think of something, and fast. There was no time to run back out. I hurried to gather everything needed for a warm and inviting family gathering, the fireplace was lit, the hors d’oeuvres were placed strategically around the table, the wine was chilling, Christmas lights and decor flavored the room, and the centerpiece of it all…. my business Christmas card!