Why Should I Wait To Order My Holiday Cards?

I always like to get things done early.  In college I was never that person to pull an all nighter to finish up a paper…I had it printed out days before it was due. Everything in my house needs to be in order hours, not minutes, before company arrives. Because of this, it came as no surprise to my business partners when I suggested we order our holiday cards in June. Sure, most people wait until the temperature drops below 80 to even begin thinking about this, but I figured, why not get them now?  That way if someone sends out the same cards as me, I can be sure I got them first!  The nice summer sales on holiday cards are good reasons as well.

To tell the truth…it’s not just because of my “Get things done early” nature that has me purchasing our corporate Christmas cards in June.  It’s part of it, but there is something else.  The holidays are my favorite time of the year.  I wish everyone had the Christmas spirit all year round.  By ordering my cards in June, I get a little bit of that feeling again.  Looking around at all the holiday images gives me a little taste of what I can expect come November and December.  Something about Santas, Christmas trees, and snow just puts me in a good mood.  I even once had the urge to send out mid-year Christmas cards just to see what kind of reaction I would get.  That idea was one my business partners were able to talk me out of, however.  Well, I’m still glad to say my 2011 corporate Christmas cards are ordered and I plan to have them written out by the end of the summer.  As to when I actually send them out…that’s not decided yet.  I think around Thanksgiving sounds nice.

Business Christmas Cards a.k.a. Good Will Ambassadors

Business Christmas cards will never be passé, and I’ll tell you why. Last year I almost cut sending corporate holiday cards from the budget. When I discussed this idea with my office manager, she was appalled. She reminded me of how the look and tone of our office changed last year when we started receiving our holiday cards from customers, vendors, and business associates. Her question was, “If we enjoyed receiving holiday cards from other businesses, why would we not expect the recipients of our cards not feel the same way?”

Instead of thinking of how much they would cost, I started to think of the positive effect these business Christmas cards created. The Gallery Collection’s cards are among the finest I have seen. The selection is varied so that I can always find a card that reflects my company’s image and that I know will not offend anyone. They are truly more than cards; they are good will ambassadors.

When you peruse the selections, you will notice the magnificent quality of these cards. Embossed, colorful, high quality paper, and an envelope designed to let people know that something special is inside. The highly competitive pricing is another reason I chose my corporate holiday cards from Gallery Collection. Of course, Martha, my office manager, was quick to remind me that shopping early and getting us an especially good discount was her idea.

As her reward, I will make sure we get the seal fast envelopes again!

25 Years of Company Christmas Cards – Living it and Loving it

Yes, 25 years of working for The Gallery Collection, the industry leader for high quality company Christmas cards! Starting back in 1986, as a temporary customer service representative, I quickly learned what the words quality and customer service meant at their very best. Here was a company who placed customers and employees on their priority list. Treat everyone well and show appreciation for everyone seemed to be the basis for our company culture. Our exquisite line of business Christmas cards has always been a display of pride for those who make, sell and personalize them as well as for those who buy them.

How exciting each year to see the new designs that are being added to the line! I’m sure our customers feel the same way when they receive the first catalog mailing of the year or check out the website that exhibits all of our cards. Company Christmas cards provide an inexpensive yet thoughtful way of showing employees and clients your appreciation. I know my whole family is delighted each year when we open up our very own personal card signed by our entire executive team. Sometimes it’s a tranquil wooded snow scene like “Winter Sparkle Holiday card” or perhaps a more traditional design such as our “Home for the Holidays Card”.

I think that 25 years at the same company says a lot in itself. Quality of product, superb customer service, a unique, diversified, exceptional line of  holiday cards as well as constant displays of appreciation to employees have kept me happily captive. Living it and Loving it, I am certain that when you send a Gallery Collection business Christmas card to your employee or client or vendor that they will feel that same appreciation.

Framing Business Christmas Cards to Hang Around the House

Who would’ve thought that framing business Christmas cards could become a tradition in my family during the holiday season? With the aroma of turkey and stuffing cooking throughout my mom’s house we are reminded that Christmas is just around the corner. Along with wrapping gifts and personalizing our Christmas cards, out comes my mom’s collection of framed Christmas cards from years past to be placed around the house.

I’m sure you are asking yourself why would someone want to frame and display business Christmas cards around the house. Most people might think that business Christmas cards from companies like The Gallery Collection would strictly be for corporate use, but think again. As an employee of The Gallery Collection, I’ve come to know their Christmas cards line very well. The line is both elegant and distinctive and there are so many different themes of cards to choose from. There are themes that include beautiful sparkling snow scenes; there are wildlife themes that include cuddly bears, birds perched in trees, and deer grazing by trickling streams. There are also the more traditional designs that include decorated Christmas trees, beautiful gift wrapped boxes, and iridescent ornaments. The Gallery Collection also has cards for the young at heart with several fun-filled designs featuring dancing penguins and snowmen.

As you can see The Gallery Collection’s line of Christmas cards are perfect for both business and personal use. Each design is so warm and inviting to look at that I’m sure most would agree they are deserving of a frame and to be placed around the house for all to see year after year. My mom tastefully displays her framed business Christmas cards, whether it be an iridescent ornament sparkling in the foyer or a warm inviting winter scene placed over the mantle of the fireplace to add warmth to the room.

As strange as it sounds, this tradition of framing Christmas cards has been passed on to my sister, and as much as I hate to admit it, I’ve also have been known to frame a few designs myself. Who knows, after reading my story, this just might become your family’s next great holiday tradition.

A Corporate Christmas Card Is All It Took

As the owner of a small business, having to make tough decisions is almost a daily occurrence. Whether it be hiring new employees or buying expensive equipment, the need to weigh options is always there. Imagine my stress when I had to decide between two very similar companies to act as my accountant. They had similar prices and each had a unique set of benefits to offer. How would I decide which one to choose? What happens if I make the wrong decision? Luckily, one of the companies made my decision a little bit easier when they sent me beautiful corporate Christmas cards during the holiday season. This small act meant the world to me. Just by sending me a card they showed that they cared about having my business. I was important enough for them to take the time to send me holiday greetings.

Cards are such a great way to keep in touch or show another person or company that they are important to you. In this case, the Christmas card was enough to tell me that, with all other things being equal, this company would be the better choice to do my accounting.

I have now taken their lead and begun sending out cards of my own to all of my business contacts. It is always a great feeling when I get phone calls from these contacts just to thank me for sending out Christmas cards. It lets me know that these cards are making a real impact. It really doesn’t take much to show other people that their business means a lot to you. A simple phone call or hand written letter is all it could take sometimes. In this case, a Christmas card at the right time was enough to start off a wonderful business relationship.

Environmentally Friendly Business Holiday Cards – An Inexpensive Way to Make a Statement

Remind the people and companies that you do business with that the environment does not take a back seat to your bottom line. And the festive holiday season is a great time to do just that! Consider sending environmentally friendly business holiday cards to your vendors, business partners and clients. Now, more than ever, they are an inexpensive way to make a statement that your business cares about the planet.

When it comes to holidays cards for business, to send or not to send shouldn’t be the question. Every business wants to enhance their current relationships, attract new clients and customers, remind old clients of their existence, and show appreciation to all of those they do business with.

It does not take much time to make an impact. Get on the internet and visit GalleryCollection.com. You will find plenty of holiday cards that are FSC certified, which means that the raw materials used to make the paper stock were harvested and replenished in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. The paper used to make these beautiful holiday cards is also made with wind power… paper made from renewable energy! Your customers, clients and business partners will be pleased when they see that you have not only reached out with warm holiday wishes, but that you did so in an environmentally friendly way. The icing on the cake is that you do not have to spend a lot of money to send out elegant, rich looking environmentally friendly business holiday cards.

Company Christmas Cards and Tornados

Having worked here at The Gallery Collection for over ten years as a customer service rep, I along with all my fellow employees have come across some strange orders. We’ve all had some really strange imprints requested for company Christmas cards, or sometimes a name will give us a chuckle when we see their occupation. Point in fact, Dr. Pain, who is a dentist.

At our annual Christmas party our President will give the customary speech about the year that has just ended and will invariably include a few anecdotes from the year. I personally have had a few memorable orders from customers, but the one that will always stand out is an order that was placed on the last day of the 50% holiday cards discount.

My phone rang and I answered thanking my customer for calling and asking how I might help. She started to give me her information and wanted to order some company Christmas cards. During our conversation, the connection kept cutting in and out and it made it very difficult to catch everything being said. I apologized to the customer thinking it might be on my end, but she said, “Oh, that’s because we’re in the midst of a tornado.” It took me a second or two to absorb this fact and then I told her that maybe she should hang up and seek shelter. To my dying day, I will never forget her response: “That’s Ok. I’m on my cell phone under my desk.”

Our customers…you gotta love them!

Quality and Service Matter when Ordering Corporate Holiday Cards

When you send corporate holiday cards to business associates, you are saying more than just “Season’s Greetings.” You are representing your company with the card you choose. The Gallery Collection has always taken great pride in the quality and beauty of the holiday cards we offer. Not only do we offer exceptional designs, but we also offer exceptional service. This makes our holiday cards a top choice for your business, but you don’t have to take our word for it.

We received an email from Diana Smith, who wrote:
Your cards are the best. I was stupid enough to try a different company and was very very displeased with their product. Let alone, they cost more for less quality. I will never steer myself in that direction again no matter how good the other cards look in the catalog. Silly me!! I should know better.

Needless to say, we were all very happy to receive such an email. We take great pride in our product and the services we offer. Hearing that a customer is very satisfied makes everyone at the company feel good.

Our Chief Marketing Officer was very pleased to get such positive feedback. He wrote to Diana to ask if we could use her comments as a testimonial. Her response thrilled us just as much as her original email:
Sure, you can print my comment. Why not, your cards are the best. Diana Smith owner of Topiary Gardens, Marcellus, NY

Diana even wrote back one more time to give us a little more information:
Hello again, I also neglected to put the following in my comment. I am a seasonal company and don’t see my customers until late April and they all comment on the beautiful card that I had sent for Christmas. They are very memorable and make a great impression.

Having high quality products and great customer service are trademarks of The Gallery Collection. As you can see from our satisfied customers, we strive to give you the very best corporate Christmas cards and holiday cards available. These cards make a great impression on everyone who receives them, which makes a very positive statement about your company.

Don’t settle for less. When the time comes for your company to send holiday cards, you need to look no further than The Gallery Collection.

A Business Christmas Cards Display that Caught my Eye

Last December while Christmas shopping for my Mom, a business Christmas cards display caught my eye. But first things first. It all started with my usual quandary of what to get my Mom for Christmas. At her age (88) she pretty much has everything she needs. So rather than wrack my little brain for a decent idea, I called her to ask her what she wanted, hoping against hope that she wouldn’t give me her usual reply, “Oh you don’t have to get me anything; as long as we’re together, that’s all I need.” How many times have I heard that?

But wait, right then and there she surprised me with an actual answer! She said she needed a reading lamp for her bedside table. Alright! I am going shopping! So I headed to the lamp megastore which, luckily for me, was practically in my backyard. Living three minutes from Paramus, New Jersey – the mall Mecca of the world – has its perks. I entered the store and was dazzled by the endless variety of lamps. They had floor lamps, table lamps, hanging lamps, huge lamps, tiny lamps, brass lamps, ceramic lamps, stained glass lamps. It was a lamp lover’s heaven and in no time I found the perfect brass bedside lamp for my mom. So I headed for the cashier, lamp in hand.

While waiting on line, I noticed that on the wall behind the cashier was a display of Christmas cards that the store had received from customers, vendors, etc. There must have been about 25 or so cards. The cashier noticed me looking at them. (Since I started working for The Gallery Collection, I seem to pay more attention to greeting cards wherever I may find them!) Anyway, I said to the cashier “Your Christmas cards look really pretty there.” She agreed and proceeded to point out her favorites. There were five that she and her co-workers agreed stood out from all the others. I wasn’t a bit surprised when she pointed to the faves and every one was a Gallery Collection card! Sweet!

I walked out of the lamp store that day with a smile on my face and the feeling of satisfaction that comes with knowing that I work for the best of the best when it comes to business Christmas cards! So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and order your Christmas cards from the Gallery Collection. You’ll be glad you did – I guarantee it!

Design #610CS – Season’s Greetings Peaceful Winter Card

If you’re searching for the perfect business Christmas cards, look no further than design #610CS, Season’s Greetings Peaceful Winter Card. This tasteful card is printed on a rich, white card stock and features a serene painted scene of gray and white. A lone pine stands in the foreground of a snowy meadow while bare branched snow-covered hardwoods occupy the area to the sides of the pine and the background. Tiny iridescent silver foil snowflakes populate all the branches of the trees allowing the card to “shimmer” as you turn it in your hand. The words “Season’s Greetings” appear almost handwritten in the same glistening foil below the landscape. This selection is elegant in an understated manner and would be perfect to send as a corporate holiday card. It is non-religious in nature and can be sent to all clients and customers, regardless of each one’s particular spirituality. The design conveys a feeling of wintertime tranquility.

Design #610CS - Seasons Greetings Peaceful Winter Card
Design #610CS - Season's Greetings
Peaceful Winter Card