I always like to get things done early. In college I was never that person to pull an all nighter to finish up a paper…I had it printed out days before it was due. Everything in my house needs to be in order hours, not minutes, before company arrives. Because of this, it came as no surprise to my business partners when I suggested we order our holiday cards in June. Sure, most people wait until the temperature drops below 80 to even begin thinking about this, but I figured, why not get them now? That way if someone sends out the same cards as me, I can be sure I got them first! The nice summer sales on holiday cards are good reasons as well.
To tell the truth…it’s not just because of my “Get things done early” nature that has me purchasing our corporate Christmas cards in June. It’s part of it, but there is something else. The holidays are my favorite time of the year. I wish everyone had the Christmas spirit all year round. By ordering my cards in June, I get a little bit of that feeling again. Looking around at all the holiday images gives me a little taste of what I can expect come November and December. Something about Santas, Christmas trees, and snow just puts me in a good mood. I even once had the urge to send out mid-year Christmas cards just to see what kind of reaction I would get. That idea was one my business partners were able to talk me out of, however. Well, I’m still glad to say my 2011 corporate Christmas cards are ordered and I plan to have them written out by the end of the summer. As to when I actually send them out…that’s not decided yet. I think around Thanksgiving sounds nice.