Business get well cards are among the different types of corporate greeting cards that companies often send. While these cards are usually passed around within an office for a variety of serious ailments, another reason to send these types of greeting cards is to spread humor and cheer among co-workers.
For instance, one day I missed an afternoon of work due to a dental appointment. This appointment arose from an incident where, during a particularly vivid dream, I managed to chip a tooth on the corner of my nightstand. When I got to work the next day, I found a corporate get well card in my inbox, compliments of a bemused co-worker. I managed to return the favor when the same co-worker suffered a minor ankle-sprain as a result of the all-too-uncommon ping pong injury. And since our supervisor, a notorious foot-shuffler, suffers from an acute static-electricity problem during the winter months, one fellow employee managed to have fun passing out get well cards to her numerous shock victims.
As you can see, some of the more humorous uses of business get well cards can help keep the mood light while fostering positive feelings among the office staff.