How To Say Thank You In Different Languages

I work for a greeting card company in the design department; I am not a designer but I love coming up with new ideas for card designs.  My focus this year is on GRATITUDE, being thankful for all we have and acknowledging whomever was responsible for our good fortune.  Creating products geared toward businesses, one realizes that it is the customer that deserves the thanks; without them we would not be in business.

thank you

So getting back to my idea, I thought a z-fold calendar would be the perfect place to design a thank you; something that can be displayed all year long to be sent as the company holiday greeting card. I did some research and discovered that expressing thanks in this small world would be extra special if I could do it in different languages. I felt a little like Joel Grey in Cabaret when he sang Willkommen-don’t think that song wasn’t in my head all week!

I entered the term Thank You into and translated into languages that were common and familiar to me; Merci (French), Gracias (Spanish), Vielen Dank (German), Grazie (Italian) for instance. Grazie is my favorite, it sounds so cool rolling off the tongue-like you really mean Thank you

Thank You Notes After A Job Interview

We are living during a very competitive time, in which anything and everything you do can impact your current or future job. It’s quite difficult to stand out today among so many applications, all after that one position. But what if I told you there actually is a way to shine above the rest? It’s as simple as sending a Thank you note right after your interview. Yep, that’s right. Who would have thought something as simple as a Thank you card can go so far as to have you stand out at a possible job position?


Thank you cards show that you are genuinely thankful for the opportunity to have been interviewed at the job you applied for. It shows that you truly care about the position, and also shows you are the best candidate. It is very rare to receive thank you cards today. And so if you send one out to a possible employer, it shows you went out of your way to personally thank them for sitting with you on an interview. I have sent out thank you cards numerous times, and even if I hadn’t received the position I was always remembered throughout the years and was called first when a position opened up. It doesn’t take much time, but it leaves a lasting impression. Don’t be like the rest, take the time to write a thank you card…it won’t go unnoticed!

Thank You Quotes To Write In A Card

During ones lifetime there will be infinite reasons to send a Thank You card for so many different situations; maybe a job interview, a gift from Grandma or just being there. The easiest thing to do is to buy a Thank You card with the sentiment already inside, then all you have to do is sign your name at the bottom, mail it and boom you are done–but how much satisfaction can you get from that?

Thank You Cards

There is nothing wrong with buying a thank you card with the verse that expresses exactly how you feel but it is so much more rewarding not to mention appreciated to add a personal touch whether in your own words using some of the following suggestions.

For a job interview: (whether you thought it was successful or not)

Thank you for your time

Thank you for seeing me

Thank you again for your consideration


For a gift from Grandma: (you probably don’t need help here, Grandma thinks you are perfect)

I so appreciate your thoughtful gift

Have you been talking to Santa?

How did you know I wanted it?

You are so thoughtful

You know me so well!


For an act of kindness (truly a time to be thankful)

I cannot express how grateful I am for your help

The gift of your time is very much appreciated

I could never have finished with out your help

Thank you for being the best friend anyone could have

How To Write A Thank You Letter

Having trouble thinking of exactly how to write a thank you letter? Well, first of all, congratulations for having such good manners! Secondly, just say how you feel. Maybe it is easier for you to start with an outline; remember who, what, when, where and how from grammar school?

Gracious Thank You Card

• Who gave you the gift? (very important to personalize)
• What was the gift? (nice to mention in the letter again to make more personal)
• When was it given? (for which occasion)
• Where was the gift given? (was it a party?)
• How will you use the gift? (mention what the gift meant to you)

Dear Aunt Betty,

Thank you for the ear buds you gave me for my birthday. I will remember you every time I plug in to listen to my favorite tunes. It was wonderful seeing you at my party and look forward to seeing you again soon.

Your Niece Barbie

Also, keep in mind what not to do.

• Do not write a generic thank you letter and Xerox it for mass mailing.
• Do not go on and on, just get to the point and write a sincere thank you letter.
• Do not sound phony. If you don’t like the gift you can thank the giver for their thoughtfulness and generosity.
• Do not wait too long so send your thank you note

Thank You Cards Are Not Passé

I have a pet peeve. I really get annoyed when I go to a store to make a purchase and the clerk acts like I’m not even there! No eye contact. No “how are you today?” Not even a thank you. It really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’m also not fond of not receiving thank you cards. Is it too much to ask? Has saying thank you become passé?

Thank You Cards

Don’t get me wrong. There are plenty of people that haven’t forgotten the old ways. I do run into people that say thank you and I do get thank you cards from some. But all too often we take manners for granted and do not realize the importance they hold in our lives.

Being in customer service, I am on the phone and interacting with our customers daily. In order to assure them that I appreciate their order and the opportunity to serve them, I must convey with my voice. I do this by smiling and being helpful. No, it can’t be seen, but they can hear in my voice that I truly care. When I am dealing with an individual on a more personal level, I convey my thanks not only in person, when I can, but I follow it up with a thank you card.

Whenever I purchase my all occasion cards, I make sure that they include thank you cards. When the occasion arises, I have it at the ready. Whether in business or personally, and under appreciated person is an unhappy person. Either way, it’s a recipe for disaster. I don’t want to be the person responsible for that!

Thank You Cards for Today’s Business World

In today’s fast paced corporate world – where the source of just about all our communication is done through emails and the internet – taking the time to write out and send a business associate thank you cards as a means of communicating your appreciation or just to network can make a powerful statement as to how you conduct your own business. Thank you cards for business are a great way to help keep your company in contact with others that may be or eventual become clients, suppliers, business contacts or even to thank someone for a referral. The benefits of using thank you cards for business shows that you appreciate them for something they did for you or your company.

Using corporate thank you cards is seen as a positive and effective move that will keep your company in the thoughts of your recipients for potential future projects. These extra steps you take to ensure your company and your products will be remembered at that corporate meeting or company presentation. The corporate thank you cards you send can very well play a major role in getting you future business with other companies. You know how word of mouth is a powerful tool in the business world? Well using thank you cards for business to let someone know you appreciate having them as a customer or just as thanks for a job well done can speak volumes!

Thank You Cards – The Easy Way to Brighten Someone’s Day!

There is nothing like unexpected thank you cards to bring that smile back to your face after a long day. Thank you cards provide that delightful little spark that can turn your day from a gloomy, rain drenched day to a sunny one. I remember being in fourth grade in class working on sheets of paper with crayons attempting to make all sorts of cards as class assignments. Every holiday was usually ripe as an excuse for our teacher to assign us with the task of creating our own holiday card from scratch for our parents. This was when I first came across the idea of sending out cards for all occasions.

To not send an acknowledgement after receiving help or even a friendly gesture is equivalent to not saying please before asking for something. With social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, it is increasingly easier to stay in touch with friends, family, and acquaintances. These sites do allow you to essentially send a thank you or birthday wish to someone you know as opposed to sending a physical card. Though, no matter how much our technology seems to advance, there are some things that will always stick around and corporate thank you cards are one of those lasting treasures. Sending a thank you card to your boss or supervisor for simply helping you out could always lead to that long-awaited raise you were looking for. So as the New York Lotto’s motto goes, “Hey, you never know!”

Moving Trucks and Thank You Cards – Perfect Together

I am in the middle of moving for the first time in many years. Packing, shifting, and unpacking boxes is not my idea of a good time. I am hoping I won’t have to do it again for quite a while. (If my first reaction to my new pad is any indication, I won’t! I love it!)

I am lucky enough to have helpful parents and friends who were there to aid me in the move. I was also of enough sound mind to keep a box of Thank You cards on hand (and unpacked) so that I could write out enough notes of gratitude to make it seem like Thanksgiving around the new Casa de Dee!

Next week, my new furniture is being delivered. You can bet the delivery men will be receiving Thank You cards with their tips – especially considering the rotten weather forecast! The Verizon FIOS technician is next on the list, although I have to wait an unbearable three weeks for my installation.

The next time I have to do this all over again, it’s no question – a moving company will be hired! And yes, I’ll be sure to have a box of Thank You cards at the ready on that occasion, too!

Thank You Cards and Operation Home Improvement

Have you ever sent thank you cards to contractors for a job well done?

I recently had work done on my house. It was not the most pleasant experience for a few reasons:

• My husband, Dan, and I were newbies to major home improvement jobs. We didn’t know what to expect and stumbled through the process a bit. (What, we need a permit???)
• The work we needed done was unexpected, necessary, and completely practical. (Not a “fun” cosmetic project such as a beautiful kitchen or bathroom renovation we could admire when finished.)
• We had just built up our savings to buy me a new car, and now that plan is on hold. (Booo-hooo!)

It all started in March. Mounds of melting snow coupled with days of heavy rain caused flooding in our basement. We couldn’t ignore the problem. We hired a reputable masonry company to waterproof the basement, which included rebuilding our crumbling entryway and installing French drains and a sump pump.

The work wouldn’t be done for a few months, so we at least had time to prepare and save money. April came, and so did my birthday. The cash my family stuffed inside of my birthday cards would go straight to the basement job. Happy birthday to me! And Dan’s birthday was in June, so the gift money inside his birthday cards would go towards the job as well.

When the project finally started, my nerves were shot. Could we afford to do this? Will the workers do a good job? Remind me again why I wanted to buy a house?!

Three days later, the job was done. Everything went smoothly and the work looked great.

I sent our contractor, Adam, a thank you card to express my appreciation. Throughout the entire process, Dan and I had pelted him with lots of questions. Adam was always so patient and put us at ease. Sending a greeting card wasn’t necessary, but I thought it would be a nice gesture since we were so pleased with the work. And hey, maybe the next time we hire them they’ll remember the gracious thank you card I sent and give us a discount!

Moms, Manners, and Corporate Thank You Cards

When I was a little girl, my mother not only taught my siblings and me manners, she insisted on us using them. From as far back as I can remember, she never let us get away without using them. Oh, Dad contributed to these life lessons as well, but it was Mom who was the diligent enforcer of the rules. Saying “Thank you” was just as important as “Please,” “May I,” or “Excuse me.” Thank you was a way to acknowledge that you appreciated what the person had done for you. What does this have to do with corporate thank you cards you might ask? Just think how you feel when you have taken the time to do something for someone and they don’t even acknowledge it. You might think it was a waste of time and why would you bother to do anything else. In business, that is the last message we want to convey. Whether or not it is an employee or a business associate makes no difference. Everyone wants and needs to be appreciated.

Now I’m not saying that if one doesn’t receive a thank you note every time that they do something, they won’t do it again. What I am saying is, knowing that someone has taken the time to show that they have noticed your efforts will go a long way in the goodwill department.

My mother used to have a saying (and I bet your mother did too) – You will catch more bees with honey….you know the rest. What applies in your personal world applies in the corporate world. Now more than ever, it is important to apply all of those life lessons that our mothers tried so hard to instill in us. Although my mother is no longer with us, I am grateful everyday that she took the time to ensure that manners became a part of my everyday world. I don’t have to think about it. It is a part of my everyday. It’s as natural as brushing my teeth.

Although not limited to thank you cards, keeping a supply of business greeting cards on hand is one of the best ways to convey your message. Having a supply on hand ensures that you will always have a card ready to go, for any occasion.