Benefit of Purchasing Thanksgiving Cards

If you’ve never given any thought to giving out cards for the Season of Giving . . . boy are you missing out. Whether it’s for clients or for personal contacts, sending Thanksgiving cards is an opportunity to make a memorable impression. Be the first one to send out holiday wishes as the season of celebration begins and the beautiful Fall display ends. As the air gets crisper, it’s easy to rush into the hectic holiday hubbub with the buzz of winter holidays approaching. Getting a jump on the holiday season is smart and classy.

Send the warm tone of the season and celebrate the Fall colors with a burst of brilliance on your card. Since the season moves so quickly, this nice gesture helps pause, reflect, and celebrate longer. And besides sending the spirit of Thanksgiving, a card get others excited for the food and festivities to come!

These cards are also a chance to celebrate gratitude. There never seems to be a ‘right time’ for many things, but it is so appropriate to say thanks during Thanksgiving. Send thanks to all those who put in hard work at the office. Lend appreciation to family with a card that ushers in the Fall Season with all its colors. Family can’t always get together for the actual day, so it’s an extra special way to reach out and let them know you are thinking of them.

It is a unique way to set the tone for the holiday season and what a great time to stand out. Thanksgiving cards are also an inclusive, non-offensive and non- secular sentiment that’s easy to pass on before the many winter festivities come. So pause to give thanks this year. You’ll thank me later.

Showing Thanks to Employees During Thanksgiving Season

Showing thanks to your employees during Thanksgiving season shouldn’t be the only time you let them know that they are appreciated and valued. It is however, the perfect time to ramp it up. After all, that is what Thanksgiving is all about. Giving thanks!

Often, depending on the type of business you have, the holidays are usually busy. Production has to increase. This means that your employees are putting in extra hours. It also means they have less time at home to do their own preparations. They need to know that their hard work and dedication means something. An appreciated employee equates to a more productive employee. If a person knows that they are a valued team member, he or she tends to be more loyal to doing what needs to be done, to get the job done!

There are many small things that can be done to boost morale. Here are a few:

  1. Send them a Thanksgiving Card. A simple greeting card can go a long way in making people feel appreciated.
  2. Create a Thank You wall! Post names and what the person has done to help things run smoothly. If you can’t list all the names individually, post the departments and their contributions.
  3. Provide treats at break times.
  4. Have a raffle. The prize(s) don’t have to be huge, but be sure that all employees have a fair chance to participate.
  5. Post words of encouragement and thanks throughout the building.
  6. If possible, provide a luncheon. This doesn’t have to be huge. Maybe a Pizza Party.
    These are just a few suggestions. You can likely come up with some others. Regardless of what you decide to do, please don’t underestimate the power of showing appreciation. Be visible, be present and be sure to say thank you.

How To Choose Your Annual Thanksgiving Card

Are you new to the idea of sending a Thanksgiving Card? It can be intimidating to begin this trend, especially when there are so many designs to pick from! You want your card to be well-received, but you’re not sure yourself what you’re going for this time around. The Gallery Collection has dozens of Thanksgiving Cards to choose from. Here are a few options that will really impress your recipients and get everyone fired up for Fall (and the holiday season ahead).

1. If you want a Classic Autumnal card ….

Thanksgiving Impression Holiday Card: This card is a beautiful photo-mount card with a gold border. The card is saturated with Fall hues and will surely dazzle anyone who receives it.

2. Sugar Pumpkins Card : This has almost a Halloween feel, displaying little pumpkins in a row surrounded by leaves.

3. If you’re looking for a card with Gold foil lining….
Colorful Thanksgiving Card: Gold foil and bright colors shine on the front of this festive card.

4. We Give Thanks Thanksgiving Card: Classic images cover the front of this card with rich Fall colors throughout.

5. If you’re looking for a card with a Foil inscription on the cover….
Fall Reflections Thanksgiving Card: This rustic card features ducks floating past Fall foliage.

A Corporate Game-Changer: Thanksgiving Cards

Thanksgiving cards are often over looked by businesses and this is a mistake. Oftentimes companies focus all of their efforts on Holiday cards each year, but why not try a new approach? Thanksgiving cards can be a fresh way to engage your clients, business contacts, and vendors.

Thanksgiving cards are a great way to send your company’s thanks and show gratitude. Since it’s before the holiday rush, and near Black Friday, this is a great time to send coupons or promotions for your products and services. Use a corporate-appropriate Thanksgiving card to send out special offers to certain clients or to advertise upcoming sales or releases.

Sending Thanksgiving cards is also perfect because of the timing. It is a great time to send a card seeing as your recipients won’t have over-flowing mailboxes yet. Your thoughtful card will stand out for sure and won’t be as likely to get tossed.

Show your appreciation with a beautiful card like the Harvest Wreath on Door Thanksgiving Card. This card is elegant and also offers you the chance to personalize the front of it with a personal message or company name. If your client displays their card, you’ll be getting a nice bit of advertising as well. Now that’s something to be thankful about!

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Send Thanksgiving Cards

Sending Thanksgiving cards isn’t anything new, but they have yet to grab mainstream attention and are a great, largely untapped opportunity to connect with clients and customers. Here are our Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Send Thanksgiving Cards.

To beat the rush
Let’s face it, there’s a chance your carefully selected Christmas card is going to be lost in a blur of December cheer. Sending your well-wishes well before the Holiday rush makes it more of a pleasant surprise, standing on its own long before other holiday cards start rolling in. Like the first bite of dessert, these ‘beginning of the season’ cards really pack a lot of punch and make your company memorable.

To Stand out
In addition to beating the rush, a Thanksgiving card allows your company to take one giant step ahead of others, standing out by doing something a little differently and – in the grand scheme of things – ‘unnecessary but appreciated’. There is an implied ‘going above and beyond’ with Thanksgiving cards – an extra step that you want your company to be known for.

To be inclusive
Not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving, but it is one of the more inclusive holidays in the US. There’s a good chance you can send Thanksgiving cards to nearly everyone in your contacts list, and offers a great opportunity to share the company’s good will as a whole with little risk of offending.

To kick off the holiday season
Whatever industry you’re in, there’s a good chance the end of the year brings a certain amount or type of work. Whether it’s holiday busy-ness, pre-winter needs or end of the year wrap-up, a Thanksgiving card can be an unspoken nudge that “it’s that time of year again” and time to start thinking about year-end needs.

To genuinely say thank you before life gets too busy
And of course, a Thanksgiving card is never inappropriate to express gratitude for the part someone plays in your business. From clients, customers and colleagues to employees and their families, a moment taken to say Thank You and wish someone well is never wasted.

3 Quotes Guaranteed to Work for Your Thanksgiving Cards

Thanksgiving is a time for thinking back at all you have experienced throughout the year and showing your appreciation for all that you have and all of those in your life. Life seems to go by so quickly these days and the important things are pushed to the side again and again. It is important to take this day to be thankful.

  • Oprah Winfrey said, “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have you will never have enough.” This quote is so true. I think this would be great to add inside your Thanksgiving cards to remind everyone of the meaning of the holiday. Enjoy what you have and accept what you don’t.
  • “Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is following that impulse,” said Henry Van Dyke. So many of us get caught up in the menu for the day. Adding this to your card may be the encouragement your recipients need to remember what is really being celebrated.
  • Amy Grant once said, “Thanksgiving Day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving.” This is one of my favorite quotes to write in my Thanksgiving card. It is important to be thankful for all that we have on this day and every day, but this day should also serve as a reminder to give what we can to help others.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kicking Off the Holiday Season With Thanksgiving Cards

This year, you need to be the first one to make your mark among other businesses. How do you do that? By sending Thanksgiving cards! You will be opening the season with bang by sending Thanksgiving cards and assuring that you will stand out from the rest of the crowd. Your greeting cards of well wishes for a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year will be easy to remember because they will be received before the onslaught of cards normally received between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Another upside of sending a Thanksgiving card is the opportunity to say, “Thank you.” Whether your recipients are customers, other businesses or family and friends; this is a great chance to show your appreciation for what they contribute to your world. There is nothing more American than sending Thanksgiving cards. Most businesses stick with the Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings card and remain on the sidelines till later in the holiday season. By sending Thanksgiving cards you’ll be ahead of the game and recipients will surely love them. This year, get ahead of the rush and open the holiday season up with a bang by with fun and thoughtful wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving.

Perfect Famous Quotes For Your Thanksgiving Cards

“We must find the time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” John F. Kennedy

Thinking about this quote, it is a pretty good idea and sending a Thanksgiving card is a unique way to express your thanks. What better time than Thanksgiving to show how grateful we are to the customers that have been loyal to our company? A Thanksgiving greeting card will most likely be the first to be received during the holiday season and it will be displayed the longest, giving you a jump on the holiday card rush.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.” Oprah Winfrey

Being grateful makes one treasure what one has more deeply and as Oprah points out we will be richer for it. People enjoy being thanked and appreciated; remember if you don’t appreciate your customers someone else will.

“What if, today, we were grateful for everything?” Charlie Brown

Good ol’ Charlie Brown, poor little kid doesn’t have much to be thankful for and yet he wants us to be grateful for everything. May sound naïve especially coming from a child but it makes sense and I’ll bet if you write this quote in your Thanksgiving greeting card the recipient will think it makes sense also.

Thanksgiving Cards vs. Holiday Cards

It’s an age old debate. Should we send Thanksgiving Cards? If yes, are we going to send Christmas/Holiday Cards as well? I’m here to tell you that both sides don’t need to be at odds. Go ahead and send your Holiday card as you normally do each year, but you should also consider sending that Thanksgiving card too. Here’s my reasons why.

We have a small yet successful company and our customers always seem to enjoy receiving the Holiday Cards we make sure we send every year. They tell us it’s something they look forward to each fall. Last year, we decide to send a Thanksgiving card and ended up with an overwhelmingly great response from everyone! I think they appreciated the fact it kicked off the holiday season a bit earlier than expected.

From a personal standpoint, we did love that the cards put our name out there in a positive, welcome manner – well before any of our competitors. Also, there seems to be more time and manpower available to handle Thanksgiving Cards being addressed and mailed well before the hectic schedule of the holidays gets into full swing.

If you’re looking for a new way to get your customer’s attention and have them think of you as forward thinking and on-the-ball, consider also sending a Thanksgiving Card for this year. There are some beautiful designs available on this website and excellent greeting to choose from. The Gallery Collection has each and every time created outstanding cards for us to be proud of. The service is always quick and efficient and ordering is fairly painless. Couldn’t recommend them more highly.

Don’t Forget to Send Thanksgiving Cards!



During the holiday season, being one of the first to send my cards has always been important to me. I want to stand out from the crowd. Last year I decided to mix things up and do things a little different and boy was it a success!

I sent out Thanksgiving cards instead of Christmas/Holiday cards. The impact was amazing for a few of reason.

First off, I was the first holiday card people received. This stuck in their minds. During the craziness of December, no one was wondering did so and so send us a card this year? My card was truly remembered for its unique timing. I beat the holiday rush by sending Thanksgiving cards and will continue this new tradition into the future.

Secondly, there was no room for offending anyone. I send only cards to my American customers, family and friends. Wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving with the added message inside of joy through the entire Holiday Season and New Year was appreciated. They were thankful for my wishes.

Lastly, sending Thanksgiving cards alleviated me of rushing to get out Christmas cards in the hectic and exhausting month of December. I am so busy dealing with holiday gifts and parties and decorating. Now, I do not have to add Christmas writing, addressing and sending to that load.
Don’t forget to send Thanksgiving cards this year to stand out from the crowd and make your life easier!