After an employee retires, one of the first things you should do is send them a retirement card. The Gallery Collection offers retirement cards perfect for any office.
A favorite is The Gallery Collection’s Retirement Bliss Card. This card oozes relaxation! It harkens to the possibility of the kind of rest—and fun—your former employee could be about to enjoy during their retirement. You could also go for a more generalized Congratulations card and have the inside be more personalized.
It can be hard to know what to say to your employee inside the card, once you have a design selected. On the inside you could use any of The Gallery Collection’s many greetings in case you’re at a loss for words. An example would be M3: “Happy retirement! May the years ahead bring you the best of everything!” There are also 1 -2 lines included at no additional charge where you could write something like:
“FROM ALL OF US AT [YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE]” and have everyone sign the card. You could also have the inside say: “THANK YOU FOR YOUR ______ YEARS OF SERVICE. IT WAS TRULY A PLEASURE WORKING WITH YOU AND YOU WILL BE MISSED!” this way you can change it depending on which employee it is for.
Wow what beautiful card! Thanks for linking it so I could find it right away :]
Never thought I could personalize the inside of the card, I’m so glad I found The Gallery Collection.
So great that The Gallery Collection has mock up greetings to use. I NEVER know what to say!
Thank you for the idea of writing in the # of years! Just another greeting card for my office arsenal
It is a must to express gratitude after someone has dedicated themselves to your company. They deserve a thank you and well wishes.
When I retired I treasured the nice cards I got from my coworkers. I saved them because I value the kind messages I received.
Retirement is bittersweet occassion. Sad to see the person leave but happy for them. Send them off right with a card and wishes for retirement.
I really love the retirement cards from the gallery collection. I am an admin at my company and we have offices in multiple locations so I have to be in charge of sending the cards. I get lots of assortment boxes from Gallery Collection, along with personalized orders. We have people retiring pretty regularly due to the number of employees so we always make a point of sending a card with our gratitude.
My dad retired last month. He was thrown a wonderful celebration by his coworkers and he got tons of beautiful cards full of touching memories and wishes.
My boss is retiring after 45 years on the job. I think that definitely deserves atleast a card!!!
Your retirement cards are great! You have a nice variety to chose from.
Would love to be sitting on one of those chairs in that card!
Retirement cards are a definite plus for any office. Once you get past the generic good wishes greeting, everyone will want to add a personal note. Like- Wish it was me! or Lucky You!
Lots of us are retiring early from our first job and starting a second career, or even a third one. So thinking you don’t need retirement cards because you don’t have a lot of seniors in the office is wrong.
You bring up a good point, retirement. We have to face it and a card with a beach scene, for those of us in the north, is welcome and inviting. Ah, to retire to some warm beach instead of to Wisconsin winters.
A friend of mine retired recently and was overjoyed to be leaving her job to be a stay at home grandmother. We gave her a card that we all signed and some gift cards to her favorite stores. She’s thrilled that we did that for her.
Lottery! I wish that I could win the Lottery! I would retire in the blink of an eye, for sure!
There are so many better things to do if you didn’t have to go to work, right?
When my father retired he was really surprised by all the cards he received. It made him feel more loved knowing how much he would be missed. He had no idea!
It’s so important to be sure our co-workers know they’ll be missed. As much as we all dream of retirement, I can’t imagine leaving all the people I’ve come to know!
We go all out for retirements in our office. We are a very close group and many employees have worked here since they were just out of college so it is bittersweet when they go.
Useful suggestions. I wish I were retiring, but I have a good 30 years to go haha
Great idea for the retirement card. It is nice to know that you are appreciated and not forgotten the minute you retire.
Retirement is a huge milestone and should be celebrated. Cards full of memories and good wishes are something that can be cherished by the retiree more than any trinket or gag gift.
We have such fun retirement parties at my company when someone leaves. It is such a nice reason to gather everyone and honor someone who was so dedicated to the business.
It would be heartless not to give a card. SOmoene worked all those years deserves thanks,
I am sure life is completely different after retirement, and it must be quite sad for people to not be able to see coworkers who they used to see every day. A retirement card sounds like an excellent idea to show appreciation.
Woo Hoo! Need a Congratulations card that says that on the front! That’s how i felt when I retired. The BEST
Perfect card to say congratulations to a retiree. So many people retire, move away from the city and down to the beach!