The Gallery Collection is proud to announce our 14th Annual $10,000 Create-Greeting-Card Scholarship Contest has officially opened!
To enter, please go to our contest entry page, review the contest rules, and submit a greeting card design using an original photo, piece of artwork, or computer graphic. The winner of the contest will have a chance to win a $10,000 scholarship and $1,000 for his or her school. In addition, the winning design will be made into a greeting card to be sold in The Gallery Collection’s line!
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! And while you’re working on your submission, please feel free to check out some of our past contest winners and finalists.
Be Entered! Be a star! Be Inspired!
Bravo to The Gallery Collection for helping so many students with the cost of furthering their education. What a great idea!
What an opportunity to get money for college. I saw the cards from the past winners. Hard to believe they were designed by students; they were so professional.
Including money for the winner’s school is wonderful. Your annual scholarship is such a generous thing to do.
Your $10,000 award is a goal worth trying for. The lottery has a saying – you gotta be in it to win it. The same for your scholarship. Kids, submit your art!
With remote learning this fall I hope students will still be encouraged to submit their art for this contest. It would be a shame to miss a chance to participate.
Money for college is so necessary as the cost keeps going up. I love the idea that my girls can try to win a scholarship using their artistic talent. And it looks like fun.
Judging from the beautiful cards produced from the past winners’ designs I would say that your scholarship contest is a big success, for your company and for the winning students.