Remember when we were kids how excited we’d get if someone took the time to tell us we did a really great job on something? I can remember getting one of those handmade “Well Done” certificates that stayed on my fridge for what seemed like forever. In fact, I can remember my kids getting a far more technologically advanced version of the same thing. Well, why do we have to be a kid to get something like that? Who wouldn’t appreciate Congratulations cards that recognize your hard work?

Recently I was involved in a town wide event sponsored by our local Chamber to get people out tasting foods from several new restaurants. While I enjoyed all the running around and organizing – since I’ve been told I can be a control freak – it was tons of work. Especially since it was all done while still holding down a full time job and a family life.
When the day finally arrived, everything fell into place and I have to admit, it was a gigantic success. We made a ton of money and people got to try new foods and hopefully found some new favorite places to eat. When I got home at the end of the night, I found the most beautiful card on the kitchen table that said “Congratulations on a Job Well Done”. The card, and the accompanying flowers, was from my husband and kids. It brought tears to my eyes to know that they acknowledged and appreciated all the time I put into something I really wanted to be a part of.
The next day, I got several other cards and texts with the same message. What a great feeling it was to know that everyone had a great time and realized the effort it took on the part of many people to make that happen. I guess it doesn’t matter how old you are or how often you hear it, it makes you feel good to be recognized for a job you put your heart into.
It’s nice to feel appreciated for your hard work. A beautiful card with a handwritten note makes it even more special .
Acknowledgement makes the recipient feel good, as well as noticed and appreciated for their efforts. Unfortunately, too often, one’s efforts go unnoticed! When a Congratulations card is given as acknowledgement of a “job well-done,” one cannot help but feel proud of themselves!
You made a good point when you shared that it can make you feel good when you are being recognized for a job you put your heart into. It is great for bosses to appreciate their employees by giving them cards to show their gratitude. I would like to think if someone needs to congratulate his employees for doing a good job, he should consider getting personalized cards for them.