How many times has an occasion popped up unexpectedly and you didn’t have a greeting card on hand? Running to the store isn’t always an option. We are always busy and just don’t have the time to stop everything. It makes perfect sense to keep an assortment of greeting cards on hand for different occasions. The Gallery Collection has many different assortment boxes available.
While there is always the option of buying one card design, sometimes you just don’t want to give out the same card to everyone. An all occasion assortment box will give you an array of cards to choose from. Birthday Cards, Anniversary Cards, Get Well Cards, Sympathy Cards and Congratulation cards can be at your fingertips. Ready to send out at a moment’s notice.
You can purchase beautiful, high quality cards at a fraction of the cost that you would pay at a department or stationary store.
If you mainly send out birthday cards, there is a birthday card assortment only. There are three options to pick from. For other occasions, there are other card assortments available like sympathy assortment boxes, thank you assortment boxes, get well assortment boxes, or anniversary assortment boxes. This is just to name a few. If you like to write your own message, there is a Fine Art collection that are blank inside.
With all the options available, you will be ready to send out your well wishes whenever the occasion pops up!
When Grandma says, “I don’t need anything for my birthday.” this is something she actually needs & will use – a box of birthday cards, for instance. No shopping around necessary. I think an assortment box is a great gift idea for your special relatives and friends.
Now that we’re back in the office it’s time to get our boxes of assorted birthday and get well cards ordered. It’s great to have those on hand & not have to go out and shop for them.
Have you checked the prices of cards in the stores lately? For $2 apiece these cards are so nice and convenient to have on hand at the office and even at home.They’re the best.
These boxes are the best for tho office. You never forget a birthday when you always have cards in your desk. I save money. too.
Anyone who’s in an assisted living facility will get good use out of assortment boxes of cards. There are lots of wonderful caregivers there and it’s a blessing to give them birthday cards and thank you cards.
If you’re of a certain age, remember when your mother told you to keep a clean hankie in your purse every day? Well I think you should keep cards on hand for all occasions that come up. If you have a box of assorted cards you will always be prepared.
The fine art assortment is perfect for short notes, especially for general” how ya doing” and “what’s new with you” sentiments.
Since some men are not thrilled to send cards and even less happy to go out & shop for them, I’ve been giving my elderly uncle a box of assorted birthday cards for Christmas every year. He makes good use of them.
As soon as I get a new Assortment box I separate the cards into monthly categories. I’m always ready with birthday cards that I need each month.
If you’re stuck with what to give your favorite aunt or gran, try a box of assorted cards plus a book of stamps. That’s on my favorite gift list every year.
Arts & Crafts with the Fine Art cards in the Assortment box – I used several cards as art for the walls in my guest bedroom. So pretty and very economical!
Your holiday card assortments weren’t mentioned. When my elderly mother comes to my house for Thanksgiving I give her a Christmas assortment box so she doesn’t have to shop in a store for cards. She can’t use all of them so she gives the extras to a friend.
Assortment boxes aren’t just good at work. My kids always need a birthday card at the last minute for a friend and sometimes for a teacher. The box is really handy for us.
I divide Birthday and Christmas card assortment boxes- I take 20 and my sister takes 15 cards. We don’t need so many cards to send out so this is a big help. Thank you for changing up the cards every year.
The best thing to do is split the cost of at least 2 boxes with a friend or two at work. That way whenever you need a card, birthday or get well maybe, you have one ready to send or to give.
The Fine Art Assortment box is wonderful. I am able to write a note for every occasion. Please add a second box for variety of choice, maybe all modern art?
The stained glass art in the religious assortment boxes is so rich. You couldn’t get this quality in cards twice the price in stores. Beautiful!