Signatures add that extra something to all of your greeting cards, but it can be difficult – not to mention overwhelming – to do. Not so with the aid of The Gallery Collection! They offer the ability to submit your signatures and print them exactly how you want them to appear inside your cards! Here are three reasons why you should add signatures to your greeting cards today!
1. By adding signatures, your cards will always look polished, professional, and exactly the way you want them – no matter the occasion! Additionally, ordering greeting cards with signatures with The Gallery Collection is easy and not time consuming at all. The process is simple. You could upload your signatures online, or if it isn’t handy, a template of your card will be sent for you to sign so you know exactly how the placement of the signatures will appear in your card!
2. Personalizing your greeting cards with a signature will surely impress anyone -from potential new customers to co-workers to family members! The Gallery Collection even has other items, like invitations and calendars, that will really stand out with your John Hancock in any color foil.
3. Signatures add a personal touch to your greeting cards, without the hassle of wrangling the employees together for a signing party – which risks damaging the cards. If it’s many employees, it saves on time. If it’s only a few signatures your card needs, but those people are busy higher-ups, you won’t need to bother them with another request.
Signatures make it more personal