There are so many types of holiday cards these days. I thought I would send some cards that are specifically identified with my business. I found corporate holiday cards that represent your company are easier to find than I thought. I’ve been looking around for something fun! I’m a dentist and my company makes dental implants.
There are few cards that really represent the dental industry to begin with since no one really wants to go to the dentist, ever! That’s why we have such a bad reputation and people sometimes think we are sour pusses. But, in my part of the business we help people smile with pride and then they look really good! This pushed me on. I started an internet search and came up with the online store for the Gallery Collection.com.
Wow, some really good ideas popped up and made me and my whole staff chuckle. There were 11 different ones to choose from that were dentist related with tooth brushes and floss and lots of teeth across the card. We wanted something subtle, and only 2 designs really fit that desire. We got samples of both and we voted in the office to decide which one we would have printed with our names in gold foil! We really enjoyed the whole process of choosing a card. We then went on to have a pizza party during which we prepared the cards and put a stamp on every one for that truly personal touch!
Your corporate holiday cards have been great for my company.
I’ve never sent any holiday company cards before but I will start now