The Gallery Collection has a long standing history of supporting our troops both at home and overseas. Today, we are proud to announce a donation of 40,000 greeting cards to Soldiers’ Angels for the troops that will be returning home from Iraq. We are especially honored to be making the announcement today, on the National Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance, December 7th, 2011.
On October 21st, President Obama announced the end of The United States of America’s involvement in the war in Iraq. 40,000 troops will be coming home for the holidays, and The Gallery Collection is sending Soldiers’ Angels an equal number of cards for signing events, care packages and many other purposes to support our troops. We welcome our servicemen and women home gladly, and we are proud of their service to our nation.

While to many this issue is politically charged, what The Gallery Collection finds most important is the fact that after an 8 year involvement in Iraq, our troops will be returning home to family, friends, and all the people that have missed them and love them dearly. Some may feel we are bringing the troops home too early; others may feel as if the troops should have returned home years ago. But we can all agree that we will be happy to greet them when they come home.
The Gallery Collection has been working with Soldiers’ Angels since 2007, making numerous donations of greeting cards to help support them in their mission of “May No Soldier Go Unloved.” We are sincerely grateful to our troops, and pleased we can make such a large donation to welcome them home.
I think this is great! It takes a special kind a person to be willing to do what they do. We should show our love and appreciation in every way possible.
We should always show our troops our appreciation for them. They help protect us and our freedoms, they should always get the highest honors. God Bless our military men and women.
“Home for the Holidays” will have a special meaning for many this year. I can only imagine the joy and excitement that many families are feeling in anticipation of loved ones coming home from active duty. I am grateful that our troops are coming home but even more grateful for the sacrifices they make to protect all of us — they give us a gift everyday they are in service. Happy Holidays to all our troops and welcome home!
That is truly awesome. My daughter wrote the cutest holiday letter which opened with “Dear Brave Soldier” as part of a class project. We loved it so much we decided to include a copy of it in all of our Christmas cards this year. I never got so many calls!
As Christmas approach we all know that a lot of Families still have love ones that haven’t return home from active duty. and Some are on the way home . This is a special way to give thank and praise for all that they done for us. Sending Soldiers Angels Greting Cards is a great start showing how we care .