How to Avoid Feeling “Burnt Out”

Burn out in the workplace is almost inevitable during busy periods throughout the year or when you’ve been at the same job for many years. Stress can sneak up on you so the best thing you can try to do is get ahead of it. Here are a few tips to keep yourself going:

  • SLEEP: Sleep is crucial because it allows your body to recharge. It is tempting to go, go, go until you can’t anymore, but this only sets you back. Just think of what happens if you leave your computer constantly running – starts to overheat, slows down and eventually crashes. Just like your computer, you need to shut off for a while as well. It is suggested that adults get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you can keep to a consistent routine and turn off your phone, computer and TV at night this will help you to feel more energized each morning when you get to work.
  • EAT: There are two things that can happen when you are stressed out at work – you either forget to eat or you reach for the unhealthy snacks. Both are equally bad for you! Food is what fuels your body and you want to opt for nutritious snacks that will not cause you to eventually crash. Stay far, far away from energy drinks and limit sugar. You can get healthy, natural energy from snacks like almonds, Greek yogurt or fresh fruit and you should make sure to drink water throughout the day to remain hydrated.
  • TAKE BREAKS: Though it might be tempting to eat at your desk and cram in as much work as possible, your eyes need a break from staring at a monitor all day and your mind needs a break as well. Step away from your desk to recharge. If your office is near a park or has an outdoor area, go for a walk or sit outside and get some sunshine and fresh air.
  • SAY NO: Sometimes you just have to learn to say no when asked to help out with a project or take on additional work. If you already see that you are starting to get overwhelmed then no one will fault you with being honest and saying you are too busy. If you stretch yourself too thin you run the risk of seeing a decline in the quality of your work because there just isn’t enough time to devote to each task.
  • TIME OFF: There are sick days and vacation days for a reason. If you are sick use your sick days and take care of yourself, rather than further push your body by coming into work. Allow yourself the time to recover or you will only feel worse for a longer period of time. Take advantage of vacation days as well. Even if you can’t take yourself away to a tropical island for a week, a short staycation can still work wonders. Visit friends or family or do something you love. Take a day to focus on you!
  • LEAVE WORK AT WORK: Try not to take work home with you every night. You need time for yourself and if home becomes a second office you increase your stress and lose that precious personal time. Finding a work/life balance is key.
  • TALK TO YOUR BOSS: If you are feeling burnt out due to job boredom or overwhelmed by the amount of work on your plate, see what your boss can do for you. Most managers will want happy employees because that just leads to better work. Whether you feel you need some new projects to challenge you and break up the monotony or you need help with the ones you already have, you’ll never know until you ask.

If you can adhere to these tips you should be feeling better in no time!

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