What To Look For When Buying The Company Christmas Cards

Were you just asked to purchase holiday cards for your company? Whether you are a seasoned pro or you found this page from frantically googling for guidelines . . . Here are some ideas to get you moving.

Firstly, it’s important to be aware of you audience. Think of who will be receiving these cards. Are they religious? Mixed religions? Non-affiliated? What’s their age? Answering questions like these should help significantly condense your options, whether you’ve narrowed it down into a category of cards or have decided to get more generic (Holiday, Seasons Greetings, or Winter scene) cards.

Next, think about the intent of your company Holiday card—is it meant to gain customers or show thanks for their business? Then keep it polished, maybe use foil to create an elegant, sincere card. Are these festive cards for your employees or a close boss? These should boost morale, show appreciation, and perhaps be funny or casual.

Think of your budget—if you need hundreds of cards, buying in bulk could save you money. Also if you choose The Gallery Collection, you even have the freedom of customization. You quickly and easily create a holiday card, choosing from hundreds of card designs, dozens of greetings, or write your own!
No more excuses, it’s time to select your perfect company christmas cards!

14th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 3 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 3 Finalists!

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Send Thanksgiving Cards

Sending Thanksgiving cards isn’t anything new, but they have yet to grab mainstream attention and are a great, largely untapped opportunity to connect with clients and customers. Here are our Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Send Thanksgiving Cards.

To beat the rush
Let’s face it, there’s a chance your carefully selected Christmas card is going to be lost in a blur of December cheer. Sending your well-wishes well before the Holiday rush makes it more of a pleasant surprise, standing on its own long before other holiday cards start rolling in. Like the first bite of dessert, these ‘beginning of the season’ cards really pack a lot of punch and make your company memorable.

To Stand out
In addition to beating the rush, a Thanksgiving card allows your company to take one giant step ahead of others, standing out by doing something a little differently and – in the grand scheme of things – ‘unnecessary but appreciated’. There is an implied ‘going above and beyond’ with Thanksgiving cards – an extra step that you want your company to be known for.

To be inclusive
Not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving, but it is one of the more inclusive holidays in the US. There’s a good chance you can send Thanksgiving cards to nearly everyone in your contacts list, and offers a great opportunity to share the company’s good will as a whole with little risk of offending.

To kick off the holiday season
Whatever industry you’re in, there’s a good chance the end of the year brings a certain amount or type of work. Whether it’s holiday busy-ness, pre-winter needs or end of the year wrap-up, a Thanksgiving card can be an unspoken nudge that “it’s that time of year again” and time to start thinking about year-end needs.

To genuinely say thank you before life gets too busy
And of course, a Thanksgiving card is never inappropriate to express gratitude for the part someone plays in your business. From clients, customers and colleagues to employees and their families, a moment taken to say Thank You and wish someone well is never wasted.

2020 Pet Photo Contest Is Open…Enter To Win $500!

The Gallery Collection is proud to announce our 2020 Pet Photo Contest has officially opened!

The contest is free to enter, and entries are being accepted now through Oct. 15th, 2020 with the winner being announced on or about Oct. 29th, 2020. To review the official contest rules and submit your best pet photo, visit the Pet Photo Contest Submission Page. The Gallery Collection is happy to continue the tradition of giving away another cash prize through this pet photo contest.

Don’t miss out on your chance to win the cash prize and claim the title of cutest pet!

14th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 2 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 2 Finalists!

Ways To Truly Make A Business Christmas Card Your Own

When sending a business Christmas card this holiday season make sure to take the time to think it through.  There are always businesses that rush their order and do not take the time to understand how much this card can help elevate their brand.

People tend to hang up Christmas cards in the office or at the very least leave them on their desks for a while.  Get your company name out in front if you can.  It is even better if you can possibly get a picture of your team or your company logo on the front.

There is always the choice of trying out a calendar card.  These cards fold out and are useful because they could conceivably last all year long on a cubicle wall.  The key is getting your brand on there to show all year long as well.

Now on to the inside of your card where it is very important not to offend your clients.  I tend to keep it very simple and very generic.  I do not mention Christmas; I will keep it generic and say “Happy Holidays” so that it does not have a religious tone.  I also tend to make sure we have signatures on the card to give it that personal touch.  Keep these things in mind and you will do just fine this holiday season.

14th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 1 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 1 Finalists!

2020 Summer Photo Contest Is Open…Enter To Win $500!

The Gallery Collection is proud to announce our 2020 Summer Photo Contest has officially opened!

The contest is free to enter, and entries are being accepted now through Sept. 3th, 2020 with the winner being announced on or about Sept. 17th, 2020. To review the official contest rules and submit your best summer photo, visit the Summer Photo Contest Submission Page. The Gallery Collection is thrilled to continue the tradition of giving away more cash prizes through this new photo contest.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to Help Build Our Summer Story Together!

Why should my Business send Holiday Cards?

Sending Holiday cards to your customer, vendors and employees is a necessary for any business.  The extra expense of these tokens of gratitude will prove worthwhile in the end.  It is an advertising method that has been around for years with proven success.

Your customers and clients will appreciate that you are thinking of them during the holidays.  It is a show of appreciate for their business and will inspire them to continue working with you in the future.  Holiday cards show to your customers that their business is valued. 

Vendors that you deal with daily or monthly basis will also see that they are on your mind when they receive their holiday cards.  This could result in better discounts on future orders or maybe other perks such as free samples.

As for your personnel, any employee acknowledgement always leads to a more successful company.  Happy employees make for a better bottom-line.  The holiday season is the perfect time to thank them for all their hard work and effort.  I suggest you mail these cards to their households.  Getting a sign of gratitude such a holiday card mailed to their home will truly make them feel special.

Holiday greeting cards will result in only positive feedback from all of your recipients.

Secrets to Creating a Smashing Presentation Folder Your Clients Won’t Put Down!

What transforms an ordinary presentation folder into something spectacular? A little thought and planning along can go a long way.

First be sure you are starting with a quality product meaning a nice heavy weight card stock at least 100lbs for that substantial feel.

Next, consider doing something a little bit out of the ordinary and try a prismatic foil to give your foil stamped imprint some additional shine and dimension of color. The prism like effect will make the foil literally dance and can captivate your audience as they move the folder difference ways to catch the light.

Ideally, you place your order online and find an excellent user interface that allow you to see exactly how what size your logo and imprint information will look best on the presentation folder dimensions. You don’t want to go too big but you definitely want your logo big enough that it stands out and in a position that showcases your brand name.

Don’t be afraid to add some information towards the bottom of your folder for that added touch of class. The bottom front of your pocket folder is an excellent place to put your company name, address, phone number, or just your URL. Make it easy for your customers to find your contact info on your presentation folders and sit back while the sales start roll in.