If you want to recognize someone for their recent accomplishment, try sending them a congratulations card. This is a sure-fire way to make them feel important and cared about. Everyone likes to be celebrated for their achievements—what better way to show your sincere sentiment of happiness and excitement for them!? Alone or with a gift, a congratulations card is a simple gesture that will make a lasting impact.
With any of the congratulations cards at The Gallery Collection you are able to select a greeting, printing color, as well as add a personalized imprint on the bottom of the card. Every order comes with matching high-quality envelopes, offering both the moisten-to-seal and the seal-fast styles with your choice of a foil liner and a deckled (feathered) edge or a laser (straight) edge.
Need some inspiration? Take a look at Golden Congratulations Card. This card is an elegant way to wish your recipient the best and share in their excitement. The gold accents and embossing are a special touch that will leave your recipient beaming.
Let’s Talk Working Dinner Venues
The only thing I like to talk about more than dinner is maybe breakfast and lunch. Then of course there’s also brunch, dunch, linner and supper. Whichever way we talk about food, it’s all good. So let’s discuss work dinner venues.
There are so many ways to go with this so it’s important to first get your facts straight. Just like planning a wedding or any event really, it’s critical to nail down the who, what, when, and then you can more easily fill in the where. For example, if you are planning an event for 10 people, you aren’t going to search venues requiring a minimum of 200 or more. Instead, you’ll want to look for a cozier venue. But there will be occasions in which you are hosting a much larger group.
Some of the most impressive venues in New Jersey include Liberty House, Park Savoy, The Skylands Manor and Nanina’s in the Park, just to name a few. There are endless options but, of course, the most popular places will book up first and well in advance so keep that in mind as well. You could also opt for a lesser known venue or even any restaurant that you may already enjoy.
One of the hot trends at the moment are these event spaces that you can rent out for the night such as Vibe and make the night be whatever you want it to be. Just make sure that you pick some place comfortable and conducive to what you are looking to achieve.
Greeting Card Assortment Boxes As Gifts
Yes, you read that right! You should give Greeting Card Assortment Boxes as gifts this year! Before you dismiss the idea, keep reading. I’m here to tell you why almost anyone in your life could not only use a Greeting Card Assortment Box, but they will also love having one on hand. The following are some examples.
If the person is a Secretary of any kind, there is no question that they could use almost every type of Greeting Card Assortment Box The Gallery Collection offers. The two All-Occasion Assortment Boxes would be indispensable, offering a mix of design types for any office occurrence.
If they are a social butterfly, I bet they have a lot of Birthday cards to send out. Give them one of the three Birthday Card Assortment Boxes that The Gallery Collection offers.
If you know someone who owns their own business, they could use the thoughtful gift of the Fine Art Note Card Assortment. These blank cards with museum art masterpieces on the cover could be useful in any situation, whether they’re congratulating an employee’s work anniversary or following up with a client.
If you know a student, a graduate job searching, or a young professional, you better believe that they absolutely need quality Thank You cards on hand. The Thank You Assortment Box from The Gallery Collection will help them standout in a distinguished way when thanking professors, potential employers, or prospective clients.
Correspondence Note Cards Build Strong Relationships
Correspondence note cards are a versatile business tool that is not outdated in today’s digital world. Having these cards gives you the opportunity to communicate through your business with dignity and class. Here are some ways that correspondence note cards build strong relationships.
When you ask your employees to run an errand or contact a client, do you find that they aren’t always reliable? If you use a correspondence note card to detail your errand, you can ensure that your orders will be followed through as outlined, helping employees recall imperative information. Having your card will also add reverence when running an errand, because your correspondence note card can be taken as official letterhead for inter-office use. Other departments will be more likely to take other employees seriously and quickly satisfy your request if there is proof that it came from your desk.
Your correspondence note cards can also be used to give potential new hires contact information or other desired details, leaving them feeling important and remembered.
Correspondence note cards can be used to acknowledge employee milestones as well. For example, your note cards can be used for a quick thank you that is less formal than a card but more heartfelt than an email. This will help add a personal touch in an otherwise corporate, disconnected office.
Lastly, correspondence note cards make a thoughtful gift to someone starting their own business. This will help them build strong relationships with people as they pave their way in their field. Having official, sophisticated cards to use will help elevate their status quickly, even if they don’t have everything together quite yet.
Why Everyone Still Appreciates Greeting Cards
In a world taken over by computers, technology and social media, it is refreshing to get a greeting card in the mail. Sure it is nice (and important) to be able to send an email or text message in a matter of seconds, but there is still something to be said about the power of a greeting card. I think the personal touch and extra effort is why everyone still appreciates greeting cards.
I send greeting cards often, both on a professional and personal level. At work, during the holiday season, my department sends Gallery Collection Christmas cards to vendors that we’ve worked with throughout the year to express our gratitude and greetings. The response we receive each year is so nice! I also receive cards from vendors and it always feels great to feel remembered and appreciated.
In my personal life, I send greeting cards to family and friends throughout the year, mainly for birthdays and Christmas. I actually love taking the time to pick out the perfect cards and writing a personal message. There are also unfortunate moments where I need to send a sympathy card. I sometimes feel odd sending condolences through a text or Facebook, which is why I still choose to send a card. I’ve also received such great response from the greeting cards I send out… I’ve even had people tell me they look forward to my card each year!
I’m not against newer forms of communication, in fact I love it and use it daily. But this doesn’t mean that you can no longer send greeting cards. Based on my experiences, both professionally and personally, people still appreciate greeting cards. I don’t think I’ll ever stop sending them!
Change of Scenery – Outdoor Business Meetings
Outdoor business meetings? Really!? That is such a crazy idea. Or at least that was my first thought. But just think about. With the weather beginning to turn, how great it would be to ditch the stuffy office and fluorescent lighting for fresh air and warmth from the sun?
Think about trying this for your next business meeting. A change of scenery may be the thing to shake out the cobwebs and get your employees to come up with some new and innovative ideas. Changing scenery by going outdoors has the same effect as if you are recharging your battery. You will get out of that stuffy office and get your staff’s blood pumping.
I know when I go outside, I feel an immediate sense of relaxation and stress relief. The results of this make me more creative and more proactive. It makes it easier to concentrate and simply makes me happier. Why wouldn’t you want this for your employees?
If your staff is more relaxed, they may even feel a little more courageous about giving input or suggestions. They may talk more from their hearts and give you more effectual feedback. Outdoor business meetings will make your employees more energetic and more engaged.
The benefits of a change of scenery for your business meetings are abundant. Bring your staff outdoors for a productive business meeting.
Should I Use Embossed Foil Seals For My Greeting Cards
You’ve carefully selected your cards, customized them to your heart’s delight, and you are ready to mail them out in your pristine envelopes. As you are considering finishing touches for your cards, you might want to look at purchasing seals for your envelopes. Each pack contains 50 metallic seals in your choice of gold foil or silver foil. These seals match seamlessly with the foil lining of envelopes that come with The Gallery Collection’s holiday cards and other greeting cards. It is such a classy finishing touch, reminiscent of old-fashioned niceties like sealing cards with a wax stamp. These seals are embossed, giving your card a raised element which makes the card feel more personalized. They are easy to apply, you just peel and stick them! And the adhesive is strong enough to keep your envelopes closed. Each quality seal is 1-1/4” in diameter. The gold and silver both boast a bright, metallic shine. This beauty is only elevated by the intricate pattern on every seal—indicative of royalty—informing your recipient that this is a message of utmost importance. Make any occasion feel grand with a pack of metallic foil seals.
Why Greeting Cards are Important in the Corporate World
For a variety of good reasons, businesses oftentimes send greeting cards to customers and clients. These cards can include holiday cards, thank you cards (for past business) invitations to upcoming company events or reminder cards for an upcoming appointment.
To make the most positive impression, the cards your company sends should be personalized to the recipient. For holiday cards, it would be ideal if the cards are signed by your company’s CEO or a high-ranking official. If this is not possible (due to a high quantity of clients), it would be best to at least have the cards sent to your largest accounts hand-signed.
When your card is received, it is likely to be shared with the management of the company and, sometimes, many employees. Those who receive your card are likely to think more fondly of you and more likely to conduct business with you in the future, especially when compared to a business that doesn’t bother to contact them.
The other type of corporate greeting cards are those that are sent to employees. Just as it is important to keep on the good side of customers and clients by sending cards, an employee birthday card or anniversary card is sure to keep your workers feeling valued and increased loyalty generally means increased productivity. As with other corporate greetings, a small investment can have a much larger positive impact!
April Fool’s Day at the Office
April fool’s day at the office can either be a great day or a horrible day. Clearly if all of the pranks are being played on you then maybe your day won’t be so great. If you are the prankster on April Fool’s Day, the day is full of happy anticipation and laughter. Here are some great jokes to play on your fellow coworker:
- Moving everything in their office or cube by an inch or two. They won’t notice the difference right away but something will seem off all day long or all week long!
- Placing a clear piece of tape over the optical sensor on the bottom of their mouse. Things will be quite slow.
- Taping the phone to the receiver in a way that they can’t see the tape. That way when they pick up the phone, the whole thing comes up. Make sure you are the one placing the call, you don’t want them to miss an important phone call.
- Moving their lunch in the refrigerator to a different shelf. People go bananas when you touch their lunch.
- Hit Ctrl+ALT plus an arrow directional on their computer this will make everything on their monitor upside or sideways.
These are just a few ideas, of course works comes first, but a little laughter makes everyone happier and more productive!
Add a Personal Touch to Your Greeting Cards With Signatures
Sending greeting cards has been a time honored tradition for centuries. It is always such a delight to send and receive cards with good wishes for a special occasion or even just because. Now with all the modern day advancements in printing, you can take the personal touch to a whole new level.
Most businesses take advantage of the customization process by having a thought out greeting and their company name printed in their cards whether it be for the holidays, birthdays or anniversaries. Did you know you can also have your own signatures printed inside of your greeting cards? The signatures will give your greeting cards a much more personal touch.
After placing an order for 500 birthday cards, it can be a daunting project to have everyone in the office sign each card. Now you can place your order and request a signature layout. You will receive a mockup of the inside of your card including your greeting and your custom imprint. Everyone can sign this piece of paper just one time. You scan it then email it back. Your customization will be manufactured.
All of your greeting cards will then be imprinted with not just the greeting and customization but also with everyone’s signature. It is an easy way to put your personal touch on your greeting cards without the stress of having to physically sign each cards.