Vertical vs. Horizontal Christmas Cards

Over the years I have received hundreds of Christmas cards from all over the world. I still can’t believe how many different types of cards there are out there. They have rectangle, square, triangle and yes even round. Who knew? The one I received was shaped like a wreath. Oh it was so pretty. Although I love all the cards I get, I really like the vertical cards the best. They all stand up so nicely on my table and mantle. I have more room to display the vertical vs. the horizontal Christmas Cards. This year I may even have to add a few cards to my entry way. It seems I get more and more cards every year. I look forward to opening them and seeing who they’re from. I get pictures in most of them, from family and friends. (How fast everyone grows up).

This year I ordered four different style Christmas cards from the Gallery Collection. They have such a wonderful assortment of cards. And yes, I ordered all vertical cards. You just cannot beat the quality of their cards. I feel they show that I put a lot of thought into sending out my cards. And they are reasonably priced. Have you seen the cost of store bought cards these days? Gees! They are so expensive. With Gallery Collection cards, I get to add a special touch to my cards and I add my own special message to each one. Since I use the vertical cards, I have plenty of room to let everyone know what I’ve been up to this past year. I can’t wait!

Peace on Earth Cards Are Truly In the Spirit of the Holiday Season

World peace is a goal that the human race has strived towards for centuries. There are many wars brewing in the world today, causing turmoil in beautiful areas of our unique and fragile planet.  From decades long ago up until present day, countless human beings have marched the streets in the hope of achieving a goal such as world peace.  We have certainly moved closer to this goal over the last several decades.

The International Day of Peace is celebrated annually and was established in 1982 on the day of September 21st.  Starting last year in 2013, this day has become dedicated to peace education in schools across the world.  There is also the World Peace Council which was founded in 1950. They advocate universal disarmament, sovereignty, independence and peaceful co-existence, as well as campaigns against imperialism, weapons of mass destruction, and all forms of discrimination. They are also known for awarding the popular “International Peace Prize”.

Peace on Earth cards may not be as common as other cards that say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”. However, Peace on Earth cards can mean something much more around the holidays.  “Peace on Earth” is a friendly and positive message that is universal and can relate to all religions around the world.

Peace on Earth designs are universal and can certainly be part of greeting cards with a religious theme or message as well. Scriptures for many religions include passages about Peace on Earth, so now you can represent this positive message with a card of your own without offending anybody.  The holiday season is supposed to be filled with positivity, generosity, happiness, peace, and kindness.  So, why not get started by sending your loved one a Peace on Earth card?

Grab Bag Gift Ideas for the Office Holiday Party

Are you worried about being a part of the office holiday party because the buying of a miscellaneous gift for a mysterious person is daunting?  Well, time to be creative.  Buying a grab bag gift for the office holiday party can be fun.  Make the most of it and be creative.  I know it is easy to just run out a wrap a gift card up, but anyone can do that.  Gift cards are great but presents are even better.  The excitement of opening an odd shaped item or a crazy wrapped box is part of the fun.

Don’t know the sex, age, marital status or interest of the person?  Not a problem!  Here are some great gift ideas that almost anyone could appreciate but would not spend the money on themselves.

•    Scrabble anyone?  A board game is something all can enjoy.  They can bring the family together to make up for all time the dedicated employee spends at work.
•    Puzzles/Books?  Enough with the family time. Give a book or puzzle so your coworker has a mental escape from life.
•    Give a night out.  These are things we seldom splurge on for ourselves.  Give the gift of movie or play tickets along with a dinner gift certificate.
•    Another great idea:  Gift baskets.  Get a decorative basket and fill it with goodies such as popcorn, chocolate, chips, candy….
•    Wine anyone?  How about the monthly programs out there where a person will receive a different wine, dessert, lobster, or steak every month?  This is a gift that keeps on giving.
•    The cold weather is now approaching so why not give gifts for the car?  An emergency kit, a funky ice scrapper, snow brush, etc. will definitely be appreciated on those difficult mornings.

Don’t be afraid to dive right in and give the grab bag gift that the entire office is talking about.  It is easy and fun to be part of the company grab bag.  Have a happy holiday by giving a gift anyone would appreciate.

Why You Should Have a Religious Card Assortment Box

I wanted to let everyone know how wonderful it is to finally see Religious card Assortment Boxes from the Gallery Collection. I believe that Christmas is a Religious Holiday, and that it should be a time to think of family and friends, and to let them know that you care about them. I have used boxed cards in the past, but they have never been as lovely as the ones from the Gallery Collection. The ones I used to buy were printed on a very flimsy paper. And the greetings were okay, but not great. And I want a Christmas card to reflect how I feel about the Holiday. I want to show that I put time and effort into sending someone a Christmas card.

The assortment box I chose from the Gallery Collection had several different designs on the front and the greetings were perfect. Not to mention the quality of paper they use. It was made with good stock paper. (The wonderful rep who helped me place my order told me that.)  I cannot wait to mail them out.  My family and friends will be so impressed and I know that they will ask me where I got them from. I will be ordering the other Religious Assortment Box next year, as well as my All Occasion cards Assortment Box.

Thanksgiving Cards give you a Jump on the Competition

From about December 5 until about December 20, my company mail room is swamped with Christmas and Holiday greeting cards.  Don’t get me wrong.  As a company, we appreciate the feeling we get when we open those sincere wishes;  however, with so many cards arriving around the same time while we are trying to deal with our own nutty holiday world, most just get thrown in the pile and forgotten almost immediately.  I decided it was time for our company to get a jump on the competition and send Thanksgiving cards.  Gobble, Gobble.

Who doesn’t appreciate Turkey Day?  Now, my company’s card are the first to get there arriving the second week in November!  We will be remembered not only for being the first card of the season but for being original.  Since trend setting is my thing, this is a perfect way to make a niche.  Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks for all that we have.  Now we can express our thanks to our clients in a special card before their minds and lives are preoccupied with the Christmas craze.  There is a terrific selection of Thanksgiving Cards on the market with greetings wishing a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year.  These cards encompass all Americans no matter their faith and beliefs.  Thanksgiving Cards are definitely way to get a jump on the competition.

Merry Christmas Cards vs. Happy Holidays Cards

Merry Christmas cards or Happy Holidays cards?  In recent times, this has been a difficult choice for people during the holiday season. We don’t want to offend the recipient of a card, especially when your intentions are meant to be kind and genuine to begin with.  It is a good thing to be aware of what your recipient celebrates so you can be prepared.

Happy Holidays cards are a nice choice to have because they are appropriate for any holiday celebrated during the season.  This can include Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Thanksgiving, New Years, and many others. Some people may feel that commercialization of Christmas overshadows the holiday they celebrate, so a Happy Holidays card could really mean a lot to that special someone.

Merry Christmas cards are a great thing to have on hand as well. There are plenty of folks who feel strongly about saying “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Holidays”.  These cards are even more appropriate if you know your co-workers, friends, or loved ones celebrate the holiday. If you’re heavily involved in your church or if you simply celebrate Christmas with your family every year then this is also a perfect choice to have on hand.

While I personally would be able to find more use from “Happy Holiday” cards, it really comes down to personal choice and lifestyle in the end.  There are many folks who would get more use out of Christmas cards, and that’s why it is a wonderful thing that we have both options to choose from!

Holiday Party Invitations Make Your Company Shine

In these days of uncertainty, when the economy is so unpredictable, it is a definite perk to clients and staff to host a holiday party.  More and more companies are downsizing their holiday celebrations, so receiving a shiny holiday invitation would be a pleasant surprise. That shiny invite would stand out from other cards they may be receiving and take priority in preparing their holiday schedule.  It is a message to your clients that you are remembering them at this special time of year, not just for their business, but for their continued trust and loyalty.

Your staff, on the other hand, will feel appreciated and have an opportunity to spend relaxed time with their fellow workers, time they do not have within their working environment. The happy excited chatter will begin when the first person opens that shiny card. As an extra bonus, both clients and employees will have a chance to meet and put a face to the voice they may speak with day after day.  I have had some of my best holidays when they were kicked off with a company holiday party.  The season seemed to take off on the right start and it began feeling festive with the sparkling lights and carols being heard in the background, where before that, the spirit of the season had not yet been felt.

To think that all that joy and good cheer began with that Shiny Company Party Invitation.

Christmas Cards from Your Doctor

Hey, what’s up Doc?  I don’t know about you but my doctor is someone I have formed a close bond with over the years.  It is someone that seems like part of the family.  I feel a connection with her that makes me feel is unbreakable.  My doctor and I share more intimated conversations than I share with almost anyone else.  When I open my mailbox during the month of December and find a Christmas card from my Doctor, I realize that I am special to her too.  The simple gesture of a card lets me know that I am not just a number.

Every year I send out photo cards of my children and I make sure one is addressed to all the doctors in our lives.  It is a great feeling when the gesture is returned.  The bond between doctor and patient is important and intimate.  A holiday card allows the patient to know he or she is appreciated and that the doctor appreciates his being faithful.  Seeing a card in the mail from my doctor shows that she is willing to take the extra time to tell me I am worth something to her.  Receiving a Christmas card from my doctor is heart warming and brings a smile to my face.  All doctors should share in this practice if they want to keep patients in their practice.

Christmas Cards from the Boss Make the Holiday Season Bright

It’s that time of year, the holiday season filled with joy and cheer. Only one problem, you are stuck at the office and not so cheery. Want a solution to this problem? An encouraging and thoughtful holiday card from your boss, which could be that perfect pick-me-up you’ve been searching for during the ladder stretch of the holiday office crunch.

Sending a card to your employees or those whom you manage is a great sentiment for several reasons. It shows that the office is not just a place of work, and that there is a sense of community amongst coworkers and management as well. A Christmas card from your boss also ensures that you as an employee are considered and appreciated for all of that hard work performed throughout the year.

An even deeper sentiment could be sent to those that do not have a large family or those who are not able to spend the holidays with them. That extra card, and the caring along with it, defines the example of a little bit going a long way. The holiday season is the time for giving and appreciation, and a card from your boss to show that you as an employee are appreciated and work in a thoughtful and healthy environment makes a terrific addition to your holiday checklist.

So the only question left is what are your options?
Check out some of the beautifully designed options here at the Gallery Collection’s Christmas Card Selection!

Why You Should Send Personalized Christmas Cards

I remember that day in November, I was feeling down after I got that call from the school to come pick my daughter up, she had a fever and was very sick, the flu. We’d just gotten home from the doctor’s and I was worrying because I knew I couldn’t take off from work, this was our busy season and we couldn’t afford to move one person from their assigned jobs to cover mine. Later that night, the doorbell rang. It was my “evil” next door neighbor who having heard that my daughter was sick, came by to offer her help, volunteering to baby-sit while I work, and to do so in my home so I wouldn’t have to take my daughter out. She didn’t want anything in return.

My car had a flat, I don’t know anything about changing a tire. A man whom I’d see but never met volunteered his help but wouldn’t accept any payment. These are the times you send a personalized Christmas card, to people who have gone that extra mile for the sake of kindness and you want to let them know you thank them for that.

A Personalized Christmas Card can speak volumes when you want to acknowledge an act of kindness or just to say “I’m wishing you a very special holiday season” because you’ve been so kind. And then who knows, you just might make that Scrooge-like someone believe in spirit of Christmas.