Fun Ways to Celebrate an Office Birthday Party

Office Birthdays can be celebrated quietly with a birthday cake, candles and, of course, the chorus of “Happy Birthday” to blow out your candles and make your special wishes.  But if you really want to have a fun office birthday party, let’s take a twist and have an office roast, which would certainly bring lots of laughs to the event.


We must first make sure that the birthday guest has a sense of humor.  Invite as many attendees as your can, the more the merrier.  We can then move on with choosing our panel, combining a mix of co-workers and supervisors. Take a head-shot of each panelist and attach it to the table in front of them.   We ask those on the panel to think of any unusual things they remember about our birthday star.  The panel should also pick topics that include the honoree’s interests and hobbies along with any funny situations you remember or can make up.  Let’s try and make sure that no comments are hurtful, and all are in good fun.  We are ready now, let the fun begin!

Bring in the guest of honor and see the look on their face when they realize what is ahead of them.  One by one the panelists have their day telling jokes and roasting the honoree.  When the laughs have subsided and the birthday guest of honor has said their piece (got even), bring in that candle lit cake and celebrate!

Greeting Cards Highlight – Anniversary Cards

Anniversary Banner Greeting Card – Design 568AR

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This is the perfect card to congratulate someone on a milestone anniversary.  It could be a couple’s 1st, 5th, 25th, or 50th anniversary.  Maybe it could be an anniversary for a co-worker at your business.  Either way, you want to make sure that you give the best card you can give.  You can’t ever go wrong with one of our most vibrant and colorful cards full of banners and streamers!

Anniversary Fleur-De-Lis Greeting Card – Design 747AY

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The card presents a golden and blissful “Happy Anniversary” on the front.  It’s an elegant way to congratulate a loved one for a wedding anniversary, especially with the beautiful Fleur-De-Lis on the front.  A Felur-De-Lis is French for “lily” or “iris” and has multiple special religious and non-religious meanings.  Some of them being purity, chastity, wisdom, and the continuing presence of heraldry in everyday life.  It is also known to symbolize the Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity.

Surprise Anniversary Card – Design 274AY

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Are you part of a group or family looking to give your best wishes to a loved one for a special anniversary?  You can help surprise them with a card from all of you!  The exploding gift box on the front is perfect if the anniversary event will include gift-giving.

Corporate Happy Anniversary Card – Design 78YAY

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Looking for a professional card that is appropriate for a corporate or business occasion?  This card was specifically designed to fit these needs.  Not only is this another perfect card to give in a corporate setting, but the design on the front has a beautiful mix of Gold, Green, & Pearl foils.

Happy Anniversary Star Card – Design 86FAR

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This is certainly a card that will catch your eye!  The golden star dazzles the front cover along with a gorgeously written “Happy Anniversary” in golden embossed foil.  The gold color really shines with the “dark as night” background. You also get 2 free gold gel pens with your order on dark stock cards.  This is a hard deal to pass up on, especially since it is one of the most attractive Anniversary cards on the website.

Why You Should Have a Thank You Card Assortment Box

Sometimes you just need to say “Thank You”.  A Thank You greeting card is something that could be needed throughout any of the 365 days of the year.  The best thing about the assortment box is that it offers you multiple styles of “Thank You” cards to fit any occasion that may come up.  There are corporate cards that are appropriate for a business setting, but the box offers elegant styles that are perfect for weddings, baby showers, and many other events as well. There are also 7 blank cards included in the assortment box in case you need to write out your own personal message.  This is great if you are someone who enjoys writing out your own messages.

Thank You Assortment

You never know when you may need to write a Thank You card, so why not be prepared?  An assortment box makes things extremely convenient for you, but you’re also saving money.  On top of the 35 cards in 9 different styles, you also get extra envelopes. There are multiple pre-selected greetings to choose from as well, which can save you time when attempting to choose an appropriate message to write.

Another option that you have is to give the assortment box as a gift.  The box already comes in beautiful attractive packaging which makes gift-giving a smooth and easy process.   No matter what, a Thank You assortment box is a smart purchase to have on hand.  When there is somebody to thank in the near future, you’ll be glad you have it!

How to Choose Birthday Cards for Business

Like most entrepreneurs, I didn’t have money for anything extra when I started out. It was all I could do to pay bills, make payroll, keep my building lit and powered and so on. When the little league came around I had to cry poor when asked to sponsor a team, even though my own kids played. I’d stay late sometimes to clean the office, and my wife worked on the books part time for free. No WB Mason for me, I had to look for deals and do my own purchasing, even for office coffee!


There was a lot to learn, but some things you shouldn’t even have to think about. The way you treat your employees says a lot about you, and no matter what business you’re in, I believe it has everything to do with your ultimate success or failure. Little things matter. Like remembering birthdays and giving out birthday cards. Even when your company gets bigger, as mine has, it doesn’t have to be a chore. I use internet sites like the Gallery Collection. There’s an endless variety and they always look great. I’ve given Birthday Cards from day 1 and it never ceases to amaze me how much the workers appreciate it. And the free coffee, that always goes over big! I do it because I care about them, but I’m convinced it results in better productivity too.

Now that we’re over the hump and I can do more, I still remember how important the little things are.

How to Eat Healthy At Work

Let’s face it, eating healthy at work is not fun or easy. The bottom line is that work equals stress, and for most of us, stress equals eating (usually unhealthily). Being able to manage your diet at work is a key tool that will allow you to maximize productivity on the job while also feeling good about yourself. Everyone wants to be healthy and fit, but dedicating the time and energy to be able to consistently make the right food and exercise choices, especially while working a grueling schedule, can seem like a daunting task. Here is a list of five easy and healthy choices to make while at the office rather than daydreaming of donuts and other delicious treats.


Pack Your Lunch
Packing a nutritious lunch is a key tool in being able to resist temptation to reach for that bag of potato chips from the vending machine or the pasta primavera from the cafeteria. Bringing lean meats, whole wheat breads as well as nuts and water instead of those greasy alternatives will not only make you feel better about your choices, but give you sustained energy when that “2:30 feeling” rolls around.

Avoid the Vending Machine!
The vending machine is for lack of a better term, your mortal enemy at work. This big box of horrors is most always filled with salty and chocolaty snacks that will ruin your diet and leave you feeling bad just minutes after that wrapper hits the trash can. Try alternatives such as celery and peanut butter, apple slices, almonds and raisins to replace those waist-busting treats.

Take a Walk during Lunch
Ah, our cherished lunch break. Our time to relax, unwind….and continue to sit. This is the completely wrong idea for most people who are looking to maximize their day. After you eat (a healthy and satisfying meal of course) try taking the second half of your break outside and get moving! Even just a 20 minute walk at a moderate pace can get your blood pumping and release crucial endorphins that will uplift your mood for the second half of the daily grind. Instead of sticking your nose in your neighbor’s business or reading about which celebrity said this and that, make your lunch break a productive one!

Stay Hydrated
Water, unlike the vending machine, is your best friend while trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Having a glass of water handy at your desk will not only keep you hydrated, but keep you feeling fuller throughout the day. Instead of snacking, drinking a few 8oz glasses a day is an essential tool to looking and feeling great. Replace those sugary drinks and carbonated beverages with a good ol’ glass of h2o.

Stick Together
There isn’t an easier way to stick to a healthy diet at work than having a buddy who wants to keep healthy with you. Sticking together while the rest of the office is digging into some birthday cake for the third time this month will help to ease the pain as you watch those empty calories go to waste. This teamwork can often lead to a workout partner (another essential tool in living a healthy and active lifestyle) so team up, and everyone wins!

Corporate Greeting Cards Can Mean Big Business

A corporate greeting card can be an important business tool, especially during the holiday season. Adding a personal touch to a business or institution by sending an elegantly crafted card can help separate your business from the pack. It is far too easy to blend in with the crowd in today’s fast-paced world of industry and commerce, but a thoughtful card can make a big difference in this case.

business handshake

Not only is a corporate greeting card a tool for growth, it is also a tool for creating and maintaining business relationships. Choosing a card that both represents your business, as well as the person or company receiving it, will make your message even stronger.

There is even a way to implement something truly unique by sending a corporate holiday invitation to help keep the spirit alive and well during this important time of year.

Making sure your business maintains close relationships with consumers, partners or even family and friends is an extremely beneficial business strategy. Greeting cards than send a warm and positive message can be a powerful and effective way to get this message across. From birthdays to holidays, and everything in between, there is certainly a card to fit whatever occasion with the Gallery Collection’s extensive selection.

Employee Birthday Cards Lift Office Spirits

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  I know when I hear those words or receive a card my initial reaction is a big smile.  Most people expect that yearly card from their moms, kids, other family members.  But sometimes it’s the little gesture from an unexpected source that makes that big smile into a huge smile coming straight from the heart.  Employee birthday cards are just the thing to bring on this feeling.

bday photo

Giving employee birthday cards will lift the spirit and make the employee feel valued and special.  Last year, my supervisor gave me a birthday card and I was shocked.  The feeling of warmth made me feel joy the entire day.  This is an easy way to make me know that the company I work for doesn’t just care about the productivity I am generating, but that the company cares about me as an individual.

Employee birthday cards can change a person’s attitude for the better.  A simple card shows that you are sincerely appreciated for all that you do.  Knowing that you matter to your boss leaves you with an uplifting feeling.  If the employee feels honored by the acknowledgement, he or she will want to do whatever necessary to make the business successful.  Celebrating an employee’s birthday with a card is a simple way to lift his or her spirits and create a successful work environment.

Why You Should Have a Get Well card Assortment Box

You can plan ahead for birthdays and anniversaries but you never know when you’ll need a Get Well card for a sick friend, a co-worker or a relative.  I’ve found that keeping a Get Well Assortment Box on hand gives me peace of mind and saves me from having to run out to get a card unexpectedly.  It’s nice to have a choice of card designs and different greetings for all different situations – a bit under the weather, a serious sickness or recovering from a surgical procedure.

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A good Assortment Box will have designs suitable for both men and women and even a few cards that are totally blank so you can write whatever’s appropriate at the time.  I’ve used several types of The Gallery Collection’s assortment boxes for the past few years and am more than happy with both the card quality and variety in each box.  Their Get Well Assortment Box can’t be beat for convenience and the cards are definitely a better value than individual store-bought cards.

The self-sealing envelopes are a great feature and the cards and envelopes stay clean, organized and handy in a colorful, sturdy box.  Don’t you hate when you end up with the perfect, beautiful card and … the wrong envelope?  You can avoid that by keeping a Get Well Assortment Box on hand.  It will make your life a little easier and always let others know you’re thinking of them and wishing them well.

Managing Grief in the Workplace

Dealing with a tragic loss of a loved one, or another sorrowing life event, is something we all must unfortunately deal with. To couple this with trying to manage our everyday activities, including returning to the workplace, can be very difficult. Being able to separate your feelings about this event in your life and maintain focus while on the job is something that although challenging, can be a useful tool in coping. The workplace can offer comfort, structure, as well as a solid support network of coworkers and advisors that will be there in your time of need.


Grief management ultimately boils down to the individual. We all deal with adversity differently, and we all require different things in doing so. Some people like to talk about it, get it out in the open while venting their emotions to those close to them. Others like to take a “business as usual” approach, using the workplace as a return to normalcy. Developing a functional and understanding relationship with coworkers can really improve the quality of grief management, the more you know someone who is dealing with a tragic life event, the better.

Another key factor in grief management is the type of work environment. Traditional office settings can be a huge benefit to those dealing with adversity, as close relationships are often formed over time, sometimes even resembling a second family. Feeling the closeness of an office support network can make the time spent at the workplace easier and less emotionally taxing, especially if everyone around knows what has happened. Being able to relate and share emotional moments with coworkers is a powerful resource, environment permitting. Unfortunately, in our fast-paced society, sometimes the workplace does not allow for this sense of community to occur, and it must be dealt with accordingly. Time off or even just an extended break here or there, as necessary, can go a long way if someone truly needs it.

Honesty with yourself is of the utmost importance during these trying times. Knowing what you can and cannot handle at any given moment is crucial during the grief management process. Important deadlines and projects ultimately must still be completed, but sometimes they can be too much to handle during this process. Acknowledging and being true to how you are feeling will allow you to take on, or not, the appropriate amount of work and interaction.

Overall, grief management is a tricky and unfortunate part of being in the working world. Life goes on in and outside of the workplace, and trying to buckle down during trying times can be very difficult. An understanding of your particular workplace as well as the relationships with your coworkers are important tools in dealing with these circumstances effectively and appropriately. Taking some time off can also be a necessary outlet for grief management or even some extra breaks throughout the day. The most important part, however, is knowing yourself and how you personally handle these types of delicate situations.