ALS Association Golden West Chapter – Gallery Collection Charitable Donations

The Gallery Collection, as part of our charitable donations program, recently donated assortment boxes of Thank You cards to the ALS Association Golden West Chapter. The ALS Association uses these Thank You cards to thank their donors and contributors for their help and support.


The ALS Association has committed more than $67 million to find effective treatments and a cure for Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Their global research effort has helped increase the number of scientists working on ALS, advanced new discoveries and treatments, and has shed light on the complex genetic and environmental factors involved in ALS.

For more information about the ALS Association Golden West Chapter, and how you can help, please visit their website at

Simple But Fun Office Party Games

For a successful office party, you definitely want to get people mingling and excited to ensure a good time. A great way to get things started is with a fun game for everyone to participate in! This creates time away from work to get to know each other a bit better and bond as a team. Here are four suggestions for simple, but fun office party games.

Office party

1. Who Am I? Couples  –

This game is fun to play to break the ice and get people talking to fellow employees they may not know very well. The party planner should write down names of well-known celebrities or characters on index cards. Each card should match up with another card to form the couple. Some examples would be Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Rhett Butler and Scarlet O’Hara, and Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble.

For each person playing, a card should be taped to their back without them seeing who it is. They should go around the room and engage in conversation with others who will look at the card on their back and treat them accordingly. If the person you are talking to has Brad Pitt on their back, you might ask how he feels about his zombie movie doing so poorly or how all of those children are doing. The person wearing the card may also ask questions to try to guess who is on their back.

Once they have guessed who they are, they must find their partner who matches the other half of their couple. First couple to be united wins the game, but it should continue until everyone has found their pairs. Those who have already completed the game should go around and assist in giving clues to those who haven’t guessed yet.

2. Pass the Bowl –

When people arrive to the party, have them write down names of well-known celebrities or characters (e.g. Harry Potter, Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Clinton) on small slips of paper. These papers should be folded in half and placed into a large bowl. When the bowl is full of names, divide the group into two teams and have everyone sit down in a circle with the teams seated together.

If Team A is first, Team B will be responsible for timing the round. When the timer begins, the first person who begins with the bowl will draw a name. They will then give their team clues to get them to guess the person or character. They may not say any part of the name or say “it rhymes with _____.” They may describe the movie the person acted in, or what book the character is from, who the person is married to, etc. The rest of the team should shout out guesses and once the name is guessed, the first person should pass the bowl to the person beside them. Each team will try to guess as many names as possible over the course of 1 minute. Once time is called, count how many names were correctly guessed and mark down the score. Then it will be Team B’s turn while Team A times them.

If a person draws a name that they do not know, they can put the paper back and draw a different one – this may only be done one time! Once the second name is drawn, they are stuck with it and may have to get creative for their team to guess.  For example, get them to guess a different person or character who has the same first or last name as the person on their slip. Just make sure that successfully guessed papers do not go back in the bowl! There may be duplicates since everyone is contributing names.

To end the game, you may set a point goal such as first team to 50 points will win.

3. Paper Airplane Contest

Each person will be given a piece of paper to create a paper airplane. Once their planes are created, everyone will pair off and two at a time, the paper airplanes will be thrown. Whichever person’s plane travels the farthest will stay in the game for the next round. Once all couples have faced off, the winners will pair off to go again, and so on until there are only two people left. The last two will face off and the farthest airplane throw will win. You may want to choose one person to be the judge.

4. White Elephant Gift Exchange

This is a great game to play at a holiday party or an “Everybody’s Birthday” party. Set a budget (e.g  $5-$10 or $10-$15) and have everyone who wishes to play bring in a wrapped gift. Ideally, have everyone sit in a circle with the gifts in the center or a similar set up so everyone can be seen. Everyone should draw a number out of a hat to decide the order. The person who draws the number 1 is first and should choose one of the gifts.

Once their gift is chosen they should return to their seat and either unwrap the gift, unwrap it partway, or leave it wrapped. It will then be the second person’s turn. This person will have the choice of choosing a gift from the pile or taking the first person’s gift and again either unwrapping it, unwrapping it partway, or leaving it wrapped. If the first person’s gift is taken, they should choose another from the pile.

This will continue down the line with each person taking a gift from someone else or from the pile. Each person who has a gift taken from them should either take a new one from the pile or take someone else’s gift. At the end when everyone has a gift, all of the gifts should be unwrapped and shown off!

The most important thing at a party is to let loose. Talk to people you don’t usually get a chance to see at work and be willing to be a little silly and have fun with these games or whatever else you come up with! Enthusiasm, competition, and silliness are contagious and will always make for a fun party atmosphere.

Words of Sympathy for Fellow Employees

The loss of a loved one knows no boundaries and there are no exceptions.  That’s why is so important to show an expression of sympathy for fellow employees when we learn that someone they cherish has died.

I know how difficult it can be to find the right words to let someone know you are feeling their pain, without being intrusive.  Especially if it’s someone you don’t know very well.  However, news such as this travels quickly through the workplace so usually everyone hears it even if they aren’t particularly close to the person who has suffered the loss.

Sympathy Cards

It’s just as difficult for the person coming to work to deal with co-workers as it is for the co-workers to deal with the person who is grieving.  And everyone deals with grief in their own way.  Just a card to let someone know they are not alone is often appreciated more than anyone knows.  Sympathy cards these days say so much with just a few words and sometimes that’s enough.  You’ve opened the door and are available.

I know when my dad died several years ago I dreaded my first day back to work.  I was going to be seeing people who knew what happened but who I had not seen since the day I left to go to the hospital.  I was comforted by warm smiles and hugs, but what I remember and cherish to this day are the cards that were left on my desk.  People weren’t sure how I would feel after such a devastating event in my lift, but they cared and that meant the world to me.

We can’t really ask for much more than that – kindness from people who are really your extended family.  Some heart felt words of sympathy from people who want you to know they are there for you.

Pascack Valley Meals on Wheels – Gallery Collection Charitable Donations

As part of The Gallery Collection’s charitable donation program, we made a donation of 700 cards to Pascack Valley Meals on Wheels. These cards were a mix of Birthday cards, Sympathy cards, and Get Well cards.

Birthday Glow Card

Pascack Valley Meals on Wheels was founded in June 1972. They started with six clients and some seed money from the Montvale Rotary Club. At the start volunteers were hard to find, but today they have hundreds of volunteers on fourteen routes delivering meals to clients throughout northern Bergen County, NJ. The large majority of their funding comes from private donations and client payments.

For more information about Pascack Valley Meals on Wheels, and how you can help, please visit their website at

Favorite Cubicle Decorating Ideas At The Office

When many people think about a cubicle, not many creative thoughts come to mind. It’s simply a work space and well that is that. Not so! Today, I am going to share a few of my favorite easy cubicle decorating ideas that will leave you feeling inspired and right at home…right in your own cubicle space!

I am a photographer and so my love for photographs is shown through everything and everywhere I go, and so of course my cubicle will be filled with photographs. You can use colorful push pins and pin up the photographs, or you can take your favorite frames and simply put a photograph on your desk! Either way photographs will not only look wonderful at your cubicle, but it will also showcase what and who you love.


Another favorite cubicle decorating idea of mine is buying decorative (or taking pieces from home) such as pencil holders, pretty tissue boxes, a vase of artificial flowers and placing them on your desk. You can also hang a beautiful calendar displaying pretty designs or photographs on your cubicle wall. Even the smallest things such as colorful post-its, decorative pens and paper…add a lot to your cubicle space. Now if you really want to add something that will make you smile at your desk, simply add one or two plastic bobble head mini toys of your favorite characters…guaranteed it will lighten up your day!

There are just so many decorating ideas…let your cubicle stand out and have your personality shine through. After all, you’re spending most of your day there….make it worth looking at!

Why You Should Be Sending Out Personalized Birthday Cards

With technology’s advances and the diversification of methods made easy by the ever-expanding and intricate internet, it’s easier than ever to find something relatable to nearly an niche and yet one thing remains constant—we still order gifts, have them shipped to the delight of the recipient who still has the honor of opening their cherished packages on their birthday while taking note of who was kind enough to have them in their remembrance at their special time of year.  Imagine the dismay that would be created if we sent them a picture of their gift instead?  It could have a cute little note at the bottom of the email or maybe on a social networking site with the caption underneath:  “Enjoy this image of your gift, I enjoyed sending you an example of what it would look like.”  I think if anything, this would be received as a joke at best and an insult at worst.

Personalized Birthday Cards

Seems ridiculous doesn’t it?  That’s how some people feel when they get an e-card as opposed to what they consider the real thing.  Sure, it’s easier to send it that way, faster and certainly less costly but what is the real value earmarked on that?  Not much by the real thing in comparison right? When it’s time to send out that birthday card this time around–keep it real and keep it right.   Send out something that can be remembered for a long time to come.

Transfiguration Academy – Gallery Collection Charitable Donations

As part of The Gallery Collection’s charitable donation program, we recently made a donation of 100 Holiday cards to Transfiguration Academy in Bergenfield, NJ. These holiday cards will be part of a Tricky Tray dinner and fundraiser to help support the school.

Maella Adoration of the Shepherds Peace Card

The mission of Transfiguration Academy is to enable each student to develop to their full potential, meet the challenges of an ever-changing society, and become worthwhile contributors to the community and future leaders of tomorrow. This is accomplished through strengthening faith, enlightening minds and transforming hearts, one student at a time.

If you are interested in learning more about Transfiguration Academy, please visit their website at

Top 10 Employee Birthday Gift Ideas

The proper way to acknowledge and celebrate employee birthdays can really vary from company to company. Sure, thoughtful employers will always remember the employee’s special day with a quality greeting card but in some companies you just have to give a little.

But let’s face it, finding a gift that is appreciated, appropriate and affordable can be challenging. I always like to shop by personality type so check out the list below for the one that suits your employee’s style and personality. You will not only make quick work of buying that birthday gift you will show your employee that you notice them!

1. For the Office Geek – This little mason jar speaker with amplifier offers a little techno fun for the office geek that will appreciated for its small size but big sound.


2. For the Foodie – What to get your favorite junk food lovin’ foodie? How about a way to make their very own Hostess Cupcakes? Sold on Amazon for just under $30 bucks. Sweeet!!!


3. For the Funny, Social or Office Grouch – Whether your employee loves a good joke or love a reason to chew the fat or is the office grouch, they will sure to laugh with surprise when you drop this F Bomb Paperweight on them!


4. For the Retro Office Hipster – Do you have an employee who dares to be a little different and enjoys a blast from the past? This VW Van Toaster will bring back fond memories as he or she is munchin on a perfectly piece of toasted bread!


5. For the Take No Prisoners Employee – Even the no nonsense employee enjoys a bit of whimsy and humor while secretly liking the idea of warning fellow co-workers that no excuses will be tolerated! The Ashes of Wimps and Whiners Jar – available in a variety of colors will be sure to the trick!


6. For the Office Glam Queen – What else does your favorite glam gal enjoy doing the most besides taking selfies? Checking themselves out in the mirror of course! This stylish Brighton compact mirror will be a reflection of your good taste while keeping the queen happy.


7. For the Quirky Young Music Lover – Let her rock out like an animal and be cool like a kitty with this fun cat ear head set. You will officially be the coolest cat boss in the office with this gift.


8. For the Eco Conscious Nature Lover – This unique teardrop terrarium made of recycled glass is not only really cool but eco friendly. A great gift that helps bring a little outside indoors that will sure to be appreciated for its uniqueness.


9. For the Traveler – Your employees will no longer feel the pain of incurring extra baggage fees with this digital luggage scale. Anyone who loves to jet off on vacations will value this money saving, practical gift.


10. For the Footfall Sports Fanatic – If you are willing to go the extra yard to show how much you value your favorite football fan, then this autographed helmet will be sure to score big!


Sending Get Well Wishes To A Co-Worker

We work side by side with people day after day. We share the big and small events in our lives. We trade recipes, gossip and the minutiae of our lives on a daily basis. When a co-worker is out, we generally just go about our business and catch up with them when they come back.  Why not think about sending get well wishes to a co-worker?

Get Well Cards

Think about it. We spend almost as much time with our co-workers as we do with our family. Probably more than with some family members. If we can send a get well card to Aunt Millie, why not to the person who sits across the room, eight hours a day, five days a week. Think how well that will be received by a person who is a little under the weather. You know when you are out of the office you feel like you’re missing something. Maybe you feel a little uncomfortable when you come back. Almost like there’s a broken connection. If you feel this – so do others.

The next a co-worker is out for a few days take the time to drop them a get well card. Include a note about what is happening in the office, it it’s only you can’t believe what Fred said now. This will not only bring a smile but it will let them know you care. I have found that buying a few cards and having them ready when needed makes this easier. Think of it as upgrading your office communication skills. I feel a cold coming on – don’t forget me!

Pediatric Cancer Foundation 20th Annual Walkathon – Gallery Collection Charitable Donations

The Pediatric Cancer Foundation is holding its 20th Annual Walkathon on April 27th. The Gallery Collection is proud to participate by offering 10 assortment boxes of our beautiful greeting cards for use in auction at the event. These assortment boxes include birthday cards, all occasion cards, fine art note cards and holiday cards.

Fine Art Note Cards

The Pediatric Cancer Foundation’s mission is to find a cure for childhood cancer. Founded in 1970, this 501(c)(3) non-profit charity raises money for research, state of the art equipment/ instruments and patient/parent care for world renowned doctors at the hospitals PCF supports.

For more information about the Pediatric Cancer Foundation Walkathon, please visit their website at