Ordering Christmas cards used to give me a stomachache. There, I said it.
As an office manager for a small plumbing company, it should have been one of my more pleasant tasks, but it was not. It would remind me of all the tasks that would be coming my way, both at work, and at home. You know what I mean. It’s that snowball effect: if it’s time to order Christmas cards, then it’s time to think about updating the mailing list, shopping for gifts, and wrapping and cooking, and on and on.
I agree with my boss that sending out business Christmas cards is a great way to keep in touch with our customers, and let them know they are important to us. Easy for her to say, she just has to say “Isn’t it time to think about ordering cards?” And guess who does all the work?
Recently, when the Gallery Collection catalog came, I made a conscious decision that this year would be different. I made myself a cup of coffee and sat down with the beautiful catalog to pick out several design options. It was hard to narrow it down because when it comes to cards, the Gallery Collection catalog has so many options. They really are gorgeous cards and the best part is that I know when I place my order I will be receiving a quality product , and I can cross one thing off of my long to-do list!