Congratulations to Kathy Zhou of Philadelphia, PA! She is the winner of our 6th Annual $10,000 Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship Contest! Kathy is a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania who is studying Computer Science with a minor in Design. She has created a beautiful design that features a unique and creative representation of a traditional Christmas image. Kathy submitted a design that is 100% original, and we can’t wait to see the finished product! Our judges had a truly difficult decision to make as there were so many creative entries in the finalist pool, but we think Kathy’s design will make a truly amazing card.
Here is the design Kathy submitted:

The 7th Annual $10,000 Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship Contest will begin on March 18, 2013. Be sure to visit the entry page to reacquaint yourself with the rules and guidelines. You may also check out our newly updated winners page to view the designs submitted by our previous winners and to get inspired.