3 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day


Earth Day is an incredibly important holiday, yet it seems to fly under everyone’s radar year after year. It’s about time we acknowledge the damages being done to our planet, and find ways to make it better. Be sure to celebrate Earth Day the right way the next time April 22nd rolls around! Here are three ways you can celebrate:

  • Let’s clean up the environment! Tons and tons of plastic is dumped into our oceans, and this number grows every year. There are many volunteer groups who get together to pick up trash not only from the ocean but other places like parks, road sides and many other public places. Let’s also be aware of our plastic outtake and try to minimize it as best as we can.
  • Another way to celebrate would be to plant a tree or grow a communal garden. Other volunteer groups and/or non-profit organizations gather to plant trees in designated areas. We take so much for granted, it’s time we give back to Mother Nature.
  • Lastly, be sure to spread awareness! Earth Day is an underrated holiday and it’s important to spread awareness about the reparations done to the Earth. Let people know that they can also help out by doing volunteer clean-up, and/or adding to their daily routine by recycling more often.

The Earth is a beautiful place, so let’s try to keep it that way!

Why a Die-Cut Card?


Whether you are sending holiday cards, birthday cards or some other sentimental card, you are sending a message that the recipient of these well wishes are important and that your company goes the extra mile to make its customers feel special. Sure, you may have other reasons to send out cards such as staying relevant in the market or keeping your name on the cusp of clients’ minds. But no matter what your thought process, you still have the recipients’ name on your list.

How many times do you walk into a business office or your doctor’s office and see beautiful cards on display? All the time especially during the holidays, I am sure. The problem is you are looking at this gorgeous card decorated card with holiday pictures or a gorgeous outdoor scene, and yet, you have no idea who sent this card.

Well now there is an easy answer to this dilemma. Die Cut cards are cards that have a window that looks to the inside of the card. In this opening, your custom imprint can be seen. You can put two lines such as FROM ALL OF US AT on line one and your company name on line two. If you prefer, you can just put your company name.

Depending on the size and detail of your logo, this die cut card window can even display your logo. No matter where your card is displayed, the people checking out the card you sent can see your company name. Die Cut cards are definitely beneficial in keeping your business name front and center.

Work & Life – A Delicate Balance



Sometimes it can be hard to balance your work life with your personal life. Sometimes your work load is too much to handle and your personal life takes a back seat as a result. Sometimes, it’s because you’re not working enough, so your personal life will suffer. Perhaps you are working too many hours a day, or  you’re not working enough hours a day. Other times, there are just not enough hours in a day to go to work, and go out for a drink afterwards. We have all probably had a moment where we threw caution to the wind and embraced the night – only to go to work the next morning feeling like a zombie.

It’s time to balance your work with your personal life! It’s nice to spend a night out with friends, but we have to remember that work is important, and ultimately pays our bills. It’s important to do a good job at the work place, because at the end of the day, it ensures your future financial stability. Unfortunately, your personal life should take a back seat to your job, but it doesn’t mean that it needs to be banished all together! If you’re not working weekends, it’s the perfect time to hang out with friends, go out for drinks and stay up late if you want! That way, you won’t run the risk of causing trouble for yourself at your place of employment! There are plenty of ways to balance your personal and professional life, so that you get the best of both worlds! 

How do Business Cards Promote You?



How do business cards promote you? Well, for starters, a business card instills the idea of confidence and value in your position to other consumers.  Regardless of your occupation, a business card could go a long way in helping you make the right impression on key clientele or partners. However, not only does it instill those ideas, but it also gives people a true sense of who you are.

You can tell a lot about a person by their business card. It’s 2017, there are more card designs than just the generic white card with your picture and info on it. Business card designs give the card and person a little “pizzazz” which will always stick out in the customer’s mind. “Hey this person has a Facebook/iPhone template as on his business card, that’s new, that’s ‘hip’. I like their style, I’m going to give my business to them.” Also, business cards are way great way to network out and find people to collaborate with and expand your business. As this is probably the most important part about any career, networking and getting your name out there is crucial in become any successful businessperson.

Why Company Logos On Corporate Greeting Cards is a Good Idea



We all know sending corporate greeting cards is a great way to create a good customer relationship and adding your company logo is a smart idea. You spent time creating the perfect logo, you chose the right colors, the right shape, the perfect tag line-what better place to put it than on your holiday cards. When you send holiday cards to your clients, it sets your business apart from others; your logo should work for you. Since holiday cards are welcome you are creating goodwill and not a sales pitch. Your logo is like a small ad for your company and people remember images better than they remember words – I am sure you have heard that a picture is worth a thousand words!

I patronize the companies that care enough about the business I give them to remember to thank me during the holidays; sending Christmas cards is a cost effective way to let your customers know that you appreciate their loyalty. Putting a visual reminder on the inside of the card is a great way to promote your business. You’re sending the cards out anyway, so why not make it work for you?

And remember, it is incredibly important to send the highest quality Corporate Greeting Cards your budget will allow.

6 Skills You Must Have to be Successful in Corporate America



The ultimate achievement of success in business, is truly displayed when you are in fact the boss. A managerial or ownership position certainly has its perks and rewards; however the path towards this achievement is a merciless trudge where only the strong survive. Having the key fundamentals in business will only make the process easier. Here are a few skills you must have to be successful in corporate America.

    • Work with Integrity
      In corporate America, times may seem rough, the environment can be cutthroat, but one must always possess the ability to remain honest throughout the process. Dishonesty towards coworkers, customers and clients will only come back to bite you in the long run. Always stay true to these people, and yourself as well. No one is perfect and it’s justifiable for people to make mistakes at times. The truly honest person will admit their mistake and use it as a learning experience to never replicate that mistake. People will appreciate that more than a faster answer that may not be completely correct.
    • Be Punctual
      When asking an owner what their biggest pet peeve is, many will say the tardiness of employees. The reason why most people are employed is because they showed up to the interview on time; why should showing up to work late be any different. Work like you are always trying to land that job, never take your position for granted. In addition, always work a full day. Hard workers work hard 100% of the time they’re at work. If you can execute this skill, then it is that much easier to teach it and expect it from your own employees.
    • Be Respectful
      It should be a given that one always works with the utmost amount of respect, but it should be shown to every person you come in contact with. The saying “You never know who’s watching” applies here, as you never know who you are making a connection with. You could easily be talking to the CEO of a fortune 500 company and not realize it. In addition, working in an environment where everyone is respectful; and there is no drama, will be a positive influence on the employees and make the workplace a more positive one. Always show respect and your employees will one day follow in your footsteps.
    • Be Organized
      Being organized is clearly a given, however make sure your thoughts and ideas are organized too. Ensure any ideas or concepts are well researched and well thought out should you present them to your superiors. Being unorganized and unprepared is worse than keeping it to yourself until ready for presentation. It is difficult for someone to change their impression of you if negative. Keep everything as simple as possible and never overkill anything with complexity.
    • Be a Leader
      The ability to lead or coach is clearly a must for owners. The whole point of the system is to learn, understand and ultimately teach. Having great leadership skills will already put you at an advantage in the corporate world. Learning and grasping concepts are great for the individual person, but training in those very concepts are more valuable. A saying that best fits this skill is: “You can give someone a fish and feed them for a meal; or you can teach someone to fish and they can feed themselves forever.” 
    • Be Brave
      Bravery and courage are essential components of success. Dream big, but act small. Always do the little things and never ease up on the basic functions of work; but also set goals for yourself and always strive to reach them. Setting goals is a great way to gauge yet also inspire yourself. Never be afraid to take chances; worst case the chance you take is just a learning experience. The motto “You always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take,” applies here. Take shots often and fire at will. If you can execute these skills in corporate America, there is a great chance you will be successful in the end.

How To Get Along With New Co-Workers



We’ve all experienced those “first day” jitters when starting a new job. You’re the newbie and you want to start off on the right foot; so what to do and not to do:

Don’t :

  • Stare at your new coworkers trying to determine ages and who’s single or married!
  • Take the last cup of coffee without making a fresh pot!
  • Take the last custard donut…actually don’t take ANY unless they were offered to you!
  • Ask the girl with the gorgeous red hair what brand of dye she uses!?
  • Congratulate your slightly overweight neighbor on her forthcoming child!

Okay we could go on and on with the Don’ts but if you seriously want to get along with your new coworkers, just follow a few simple rules.

  • Be sure to listen and learn and ask questions when you don’t understand.
  • Be Honest and Productive
  • Offer to help out others when your own tasks are completed.
  • Be kind.
  • Be punctual as well as considerate of other’s time.

In essence, if you follow basic good work ethics, act like a human being, and bake some dynamite chocolate chip cookies; you won’t have any problem getting along with new co-workers!

Tips on Writing a Thanksgiving Card


t-giving card

More and more businesses and individuals are sending out “Happy Thanksgiving” cards instead of the traditional Christmas or Holiday cards. Personally, I think it is a great idea. You get these cards out before the hectic season and the thousands of other cards. Your card will be noticed and remembered. Now let’s make sure it is being remembered because of the special sentiments you write on the inside.

When writing your Thanksgiving cards, you should keep in mind that this is a time for giving thanks. Whether you decide to keep it lighthearted or sentimental, let your note be simple and direct. Use certain key words such as grateful, blessed and lucky to describe your connection.

Other key things to express when writing in your Thanksgiving card should include how much you appreciate them and how important they are in your life. You can mention that you don’t know what you would do without them and how much they have bettered your world.

If it is personal, being specific is also a great touch. Let them know exactly what you are thankful for. Is it the time you spend together, their friendship? If it is a business to their employees, let them you appreciate their hard work and effort in making your company successful. If it from a business to a customer, thank them for their business.

Whatever you decide to write in your Thanksgiving card, be sure to include words of the season and a hope of goodness throughout the Holidays and the New Year.

Get Hired! Great Questions To Ask During A Job Interview


When going on a job interview, asking the right questions is almost as important as answering the interviewer’s questions! Asking insightful questions of your potential employer can assure them that you are the right candidate and, as your questions are usually near the end of the interview, can leave a positive lasting impression of you. In addition, asking the right questions during your interview will help you to gauge whether the job is the right fit for you. Remember, you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you!
“What are the skills and experience that would make a candidate successful in the role?” This question is helpful because you can make sure you have spoken about how you have those skills and experience.

“Do you have any concerns about my qualifications for the role?” This can be a risky one, and you may want to first consider if you actually want to hear the answer to this! If you decide to go for it, you will impress the potential employer, who will likely see this both as a brave question and a telling one; it shows you are confident in your abilities to be able to respond to any of their concerns.

“What have you enjoyed most about working here?” This helps give you an idea of the company’s culture and discover if it is the right fit for you. If the interviewer mentions such things as innovative and interesting co-workers, growth opportunities, a supportive environment, or working on rewarding projects, you can rest assured knowing it is likely a place that people enjoy working. If, however, the employer seems to struggle to answer, that is a red flag.

“How have you seen the company change in your time here? “Where do you see the company going?” Questions like this help give you an idea of the state of the company, and whether they are growing, staying stagnant, or just trying to desperately hang on!

“What would you imagine a successful first year would look like for this role?” Potential employers like to hear this question, as it shows you are already thinking about what you can do for them and how you can succeed.

“What are the next steps in the process?” This shows that you are interested and is the most important information for you at this point if you are in fact interested in the job!

Is it Okay to Send a Thank You Email After an Interview?


You nailed your interview. You shake hands with who you hope will be your next manager. She says that they will contact you when a decision is made. What should you do now? There are points that must be addressed, before taking the next step.

Timing is crucial. When the interview is over, you have 24 hours to thank your potential employer. Research has shown that within this time frame, interviewers have solidified their opinion about you. An appropriate thank you is not only polite, but it also relays the importance that the potential job is. Most people will focus on a handwritten letter versus e-mail. Before answering this question, you must have the answer to a very important question. When is the final decision likely to be made?

This is a question that needs to be answered, before you leave that interview. That answer will direct your response type. Research has also shown that hand written thank you letters are better received than e-mailed letters. Businesses cite that they are more of a personal touch, particularly after the formal process of interviewing. The hand written thank you also conveys more effort from the interviewee. How often do we receive hand written letters in this day and age? The handwritten response can set you apart from the rest of the candidates.

But let’s say that the potential employer has told you that the final decision will be made soon. Not only is it OK to send a thank you email after your interview, but it is imperative that you do. Soon may mean that same day. Your immediate response should match the immediacy in which a decision is being made. In this case, the handwritten thank you that is sent, will be too late to impact any decision making. The correct decision to e-mail your thank you letter can be the deciding factor in getting the job.