Keeping all purpose cards on hand is always a great idea. These cards can be used at a moment’s notice for whatever the occasion brings. Sometimes all a person needs is the simplicity and warmth of a card to let them know they matter. In good times and bad, all purpose cards will make an impact on the recipient.
All purpose cards can result in changing the mood or enhancing the energy of another person. The employee who just found out her father is sick can find comfort in the Sunny Hopes and Well Wishes card. The co-worker who just purchased a brand new house can relish in the Contemporary Congratulations card. The Garden Path Painting Greeting card is perfect to inspire a friend who may be at a crossroads in life. Cards are a form of expression that someone can look back at and be reminded that they are not experiencing life alone.
All purpose cards are there for any occasion with always a single purpose: to make a person feel connected to another. I know whether I am feeling alone and sad or happy and excited, it is always nice to know that there is someone else sympathizing or relishing in my feelings. I want the people in my life to feel special which is why I make sure I always take full advantage of all purpose cards.