I’m so happy to tell you about one of my favorite Gallery Collection business birthday cards! It’s design #504AR, Happy Birthday From All of Us Greeting Card, and I know you’re going to love it too! This whimsical card is the perfect business birthday card to give to co-workers celebrating their special day! It will bring a smile to their faces long after their birthdays have come and gone! Another plus for this particular design is that it’s appropriate for both the men and women in your office. This card shows a happy group of coworkers, smiles on all their faces, each one holding brightly colored balloons. The balloons spell out “Happy Birthday” in a most delightful way and “from all of us!” is written in script at the bottom of the card. Who could resist this cheery group? They look like they’re ready for some cake and coffee! No wonder they look so eager and happy! Who doesn’t enjoy a break from their everyday routine?

From All Of Us Greeting Card
When your coworkers receive a business birthday card like this, it will really make them feel special, like part of the group. Everyone deserves to feel that way, especially on their “Big Day.” Birthdays only come once a year, so it’s important to acknowledge them in a special way. Sending this card will make your coworkers feel noticed and appreciated.
If your office is a casual one, or even if its not, and you’ve never sent this type of business birthday card before, maybe now is the time to do it. A greeting card might seem like a little thing, but, as the saying goes, “it’s the little things that matter most.” Add a little lightness to your office atmosphere, build camaraderie, get the cake ready and enjoy the party! You’ll be glad you did.