Birthday Cards – Let’s Get Personal

When I was a kid, I loved getting mail.  I’m not sure I can really explain it but I got such a thrill from getting any type of mail.  I had tons of pen pals and learned such interesting things from my overseas pals especially.  Didn’t really matter what type of mail it was but it was an extra special bonus if it was a birthday card or Christmas card and if it contains money, well then it made my whole year! 

Now that I am an adult, and social media is alive and well, my mail is not what it used to be since it now mostly consists of advertisements I didn’t solicit.  If you’re wondering, I do make every effort to go paperless and discontinue any mail that I can (and you should too!) but I do still make it known to friends and family how much I like seeing a personal birthday card or letter in my mailbox every once in a while. 

I’ll take a birthday greeting on Facebook, Instagram or anywhere else but there is something just so special about receiving and opening a birthday card that someone picked out for me, thought enough to send out and took the time to write a personal message.  Now I’m on a mission to bring back the personal touch.  Instead of just wishing my nephew a happy birthday last week via text, I sent him a card and included his name spelled out in origami dollar bills.  He couldn’t say enough about how that was one of the best gifts he had ever gotten.  So I say, let’s get personal!

Put Your Company Name Up Front

When designing your holiday cards or birthday cards this year, try keep in mind what it is you do with the cards you receive from business associates and friends.  My guess is that you take those cards and display them on a table or your desk, place them in a decorative card rack or pin them up on a bulletin board.

While these are the typical destinations for our greeting cards, it does not allow for the people viewing the cards to see who the cards are from.  I hate when I walk into the office during the holiday season and see a gorgeous new card added to the mix and have to untack it from the bulletin board to see who it is from.  Why take all that time and money to send a beautifully designed card and then make it difficult for others to see that the card is from you?

Put your company name on the front and your company will be displayed and remembered.  This is a great way to promote your business while showing your caring side. People remember when businesses take the time to acknowledge the special moments or holidays in their clients’ or employees’ lives. 

Gift Giving All-Occasion Assortment Boxes

Do you have a family member, a friend or even an acquaintance who likes sending out greeting cards no matter what the occasion is? Now it is your turn to send them the greeting cards.

The Gallery Collection’s assortment box options can be endless. If the person tends to send out any occasion greeting card, choose from two All-Occasion Assortment Boxes. The All-Occasion assortments include birthday cards, anniversary cards, sympathy cards, thank you cards, and even blank note cards where you can decide which occasion it will be used for. Each box contains thirty-five cards and thirty-eight envelopes just in case you make an error (because that happens all too often). Be sure to cover every possible occasion with this assortment box option.

If you don’t have a friend who likes to send out greeting cards, do your family a favor instead. We have all had it happen to us; you get a last minute party reminder, or you simply forgot about it until the day of, and need a quick card to sign and throw some money into. Stock up on the all-occasion greeting card assortment boxes for your home. You will never show up to any party or event without an appropriate card to go along.

This simple gift can really help someone out. Don’t even bother writing them a card to go along with the assortment box, they can now write their own!

Beyond Birthday Cake: Why Employee Birthday Cards Matter

When selecting birthday cards for my employees, I try to make it easy on myself.  I only set two rules for myself.  First, keep it fun and simple.  Second, go generic.  I do not want to worry about whether a card is too feminine for a guy or to masculine for a woman so I try to pick a birthday card that can be used either way.  I also want to select a birthday design that suits all ages so no one is offended.

Birthday Balloon Bundle Card is one of those perfect examples.  How can you go wrong with multi colored balloons?  The red teal purple and orange balloons with different color ribbons is definitely unisex.  I also like the fact that it is a photo surrounded by a gold frame.

The Birthday Wishes Card also fits the bill and I think that is just what you see when you look at the cover. Red, blue, yellow and green make it a suitable card for all.  Who doesn’t like candles and cake? The detail on the front greeting is entertaining and sure to get a smile.

Birthday Burst Card is a simple but playful card great for everyone.  The flying confetti and Happy Birthday words are done in a hue of colors and are dotted with stars.  When I see this card, I see celebration!

Birthday Cards Send a Positive Message to Employees

There is an easy way to keep morale up throughout the year, give employee birthday cards!  Everyone wants to be thought of as being important.  When a company gives you a birthday card it tells you that you matter to them.  That brings a sense of loyalty and helps build passion towards your brand and believe me you want your employees to be passionate about working for you.

There are many different cards to choose from on the internet but do not make the mistake of just getting one.  Vary it up so that you can switch up which cards go to each employee.  Try to keep track of it too; do not give the same cards to the same department.  Vary it up so everyone sees you put in an effort.  Those little things get noticed by employees.

Bring smiles to everyone’s faces when their big day comes around each year.  It is a simple gesture but one that will not be forgotten.  Most employees are so proud to get a card from their company that they bring it home and show it off to their friends and families.  That little gesture then becomes a big deal to everyone involved so make sure to go the extra mile for the ones who go the extra mile for you!

Birthday Cards can Bring Joy to the Office

When told the words “Office job”, many might think of boring, dull, and tedious tasks. It certainly can be a mentally draining job that enforces you to do repetitive work. What if I told you there was a simple way to brighten up the office atmosphere!? Birthday Cards! Even though some don’t want to think about aging and celebrating birthdays, the atmosphere created by sharing a birthday card signed by everybody portrays a lot of essential feelings for a workplace.

  1. A card signed by everybody with sentimental words like: “I’m glad you’re working with us!”, “Enjoy your birthday!”, or anything positive, is sure to let the receiver of this card know that he/she is cared about and develops a sense of belonging in the work place. This reinforces relationships between employees.
  2. Getting one of the mentioned sentimental phrases hand written can truly bring a grin to many people’s faces! Science fact: When smiling or laughing, Neurotransmitters called endorphins are released by the brain to give us a feeling of happiness. This also helps relieve stress! Smiling = Not Stressed = Happy Employee = MORE PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYEE!
  3. Birthday Cards can be very lackluster and show little appreciation when they are from a cheap dollar store. However, you can fix this by purchasing one of the Gallery Collection’s Birthday Assortment Boxes! You get a variety of birthday cards (to have many employees receive different designs) and each card has a beautiful greeting on the inside to make somebody smile. You know what happens when you smile! These cards make the receiver feel like they are worth it!

Essentially, the whole surprise of getting the workplace to sign a birthday card and give it to an employee who was not expecting ANYTHING but a boring day at work can really change somebody’s life. Maybe it will influence him/her to treat others more kindly from that day onwards. Appreciation and care can go a long way.

Fun Birthday Facts

Ah, birthdays…mostly a joyous occasion until you start to get up there in years like me in which case you may start to want to slow the clock down a bit.  All in all though, birthdays are fun to celebrate.  Before you send out those Birthday Cards, here are some interesting and fun birthday facts that you may or may not be aware of:

  • The month of August has more birthday celebrations than any other month.
  • The month with the least amount of birthdays is February.
  • If you are celebrating a birthday today, it will only be 31,536,000 seconds until your next one.
  • May 22nd is the least common birthday. 
  • October 5th is the most common birthday.  For those of you backtracking, that’s some New Year’s Eve fun.
  • The most popular song in the English language is “Happy Birthday to You.”  Because it’s copyrighted, the song makes tons of money from licensing fees which is why you rarely hear it sung on TV.
  • What goes up and never comes down?  Your age of course.
  • Upwards of two billion dollars are spent in the US on birthday cards every year.
  • In a room with 23 people, there is a 50/50 chance that someone else in the room will share your birthday.  If you increase the number of people to 70, your chances increase to 99%.
  • The first birthday balloons were made out of animal intestines filled up with water.
  • The sun will travel 584,337,600 miles from one birthday to the next.
  • Noisemakers used for birthdays originated in Europe as a way to ward off evil.
  • What did one candle say to the other? Don’t birthdays burn you up.

Happy Birthday!

Business Birthday Cards to Boost Morale

A fact of life is that we all get older. As much as we like to avoid the aging process, it is inevitable. That being said, as long as we are having a birthday, we may as well celebrate another year of life. We get that from family and friends and it gives us a lift. However, since we spend almost one third of our lives working it is nice to be acknowledged when we are on the job. Business Birthday Cards can be a morale booster.

Imagine being an employee coming to work on their birthday, they are dragging a little with the added year and suddenly they see a card on their desk. They open the birthday card and it’s from the company wishing them a fabulous birthday. Can you see the smile on their face? You have just lifted the spirits of your employee and made them feel appreciated. For you to remember their birthday will increase their morale for longer than just that one day.

Another scenario is business associates. You deal with many people when conducting business. So whether the person is a client or a customer, they will really appreciate you taking the time to send greetings to them on their birthday. It says you care about the people you deal.

Business birthday cards are an asset to any company. They raise the morale of employees which in turn increases their level of commitment to doing a good job. They also increase the probability of having repeat customers. A business that cares – succeeds.

Birthday Greeting Cards Are Special

Birthday cards are a special way to celebrate someone’s birthday. They are a thoughtful and personal gift that shows the recipient that you care about them.

There are many things that make birthday cards so special. First, they are a physical manifestation of your care and appreciation for the recipient. In today’s digital world, it is all too easy to send a quick text message or email to wish someone a happy birthday. However, a birthday card is a tangible object that the recipient can hold onto and cherish for years to come.

Second, birthday cards are a way to show the recipient that you have put thought into their gift. When you take the time to choose and write a birthday card, it shows the recipient that you have taken the time to think about them and what they would like. Even if the card is simple, the gesture is meaningful.

Lastly, birthday cards are a way to create lasting memories. Birthday cards can become cherished keepsakes that the recipient will treasure for years to come. They can look back at the cards and read your messages to reminisce about their special day and all the people who care about them.

My Favorite Birthday Greetings

It can be difficult to know what to say in a birthday card, especially when you are used to just buying a card with a greeting already inside. That’s why The Gallery Collection has a huge selection of greetings to choose from as well as a team of highly trained staff to help you create the perfect card (or you could always opt for one of their many preprinted Birthday Assortment Boxes). Here are what I consider to be my favorite greetings they offer for birthday cards.

If the birthday card is meant for personal use, try selecting one of these greetings from The Gallery Collection:

B3 The fun mix of fonts on this greeting and neat addition of a star accent makes this lengthy greeting stand out. It is a sincere sentiment bubbling with personality.

B7 The font on this birthday greeting is swirly and cutesy. Plus, the graphic of a cake above it makes it both short and sweet!

J2 This birthday greeting would work for anyone on your recipient list. It is elegant and sincere without being the least bit stuffy.

If the birthday card is for your business to send out to clients, consider using one of these greetings:

B4 The arched layout of this greeting makes it stand out. It feels personal but not too jovial for a business associate.

B1 This greeting delivers warm wishes in a professional yet friendly tone.

J3 There is something regal about this font! The sentiment is endearing and the addition of the scroll beneath the words will leave your recipient feeling cared about.

If the birthday card is meant for an employee or coworker, try one of these greetings:

M4 Short, to the point, and cheery!

A8 This greeting makes the card feel like it’s from the whole gang. Plus, it’ll leave plenty of room to add personal messages!

B6 A longer, formal greeting that still packs a whole lot of tenderness.