Expanding Family – Greeting Cards Needed!

I feel as if I’m living in a lifetime movie. Believe it or not, I recently had the pleasure of instantly adding 20 new family members! Yes, you read that right. 20! Not exactly an everyday occurrence. As we all know, more family members means more birthdays, anniversaries, and events to be prepared for. So needless to say, I need lots of greeting cards and quickly.

A little background into how this happened. Long story short, my sister and I were raised by my father. We never knew our mother. Last year, we decided to do a DNA test only to find out we had unknown second and third cousins on the other side of the country. As we dug deeper, we found our mother was still alive and had remarried. Before you know it, we found our we had 3 siblings we never knew! All of them with families and kids.

As we begin a new chapter in our ever expanding family, the plan is to keep up with all the events of their lives and catch up on everything missed. I think the best thing to do at this point is to prepare by purchasing several greeting card assortment boxes because there’s going to be a lot of events coming up in the near future and there’s no better way to prepare for all of them.

3 Easy Business Topic Birthday Card Ideas

              Your employee comes to work on time, works hard and stays late. How do you show your appreciation for them as an employer? What traits should you recognize in your birthday card if they are focused on their career? What about if they are a good person? What if you just need to say happy birthday in a special way? Rest assured, here are three business topics for the three kinds of scenarios you may encounter as an employer.

Career Oriented Birthday Card

              This person is special in the way that they work. Show them how much you value their work ethic by highlighting their work behaviors. This may be by their dedication to the companies mission statement,

Character Oriented Birthday Card

              This person by the worth of their integrity. Reflect their values by honoring them for the good deeds they have done for coworkers, clients or their communities.

Fun Oriented Birthday Card

              This person is recognized by their social relations to how they interact with their fellow employees. If you know they lighten up the mood when things get rough or they know how to include new employees or connect them, recognize it! Write down what you’ve noticed and why it matters.

              No matter what kind of individual you are working with, you can take the time to recognize them in their own way. Go beyond their age by seeing the good in their personality.

Card Assortment Boxes Make Things Easy

Have you ever been at a work Christmas party in the past and people you did not think would give you a Christmas card…end up giving you a Christmas card?  How dare those terrible people do something nice that you did not expect!  I have been in that situation before being a veteran of many, many Christmases over the years.  Let me tell you this; I do not have that issue anymore.  I purchased a Holiday Assortment Box  and now I no longer have to fear the niceties of people.

Do not just stop there.  You can get yourself a Birthday Assortment Box as well.  Perfect for the office.  You do not want to give the same card out to people as birthdays come along.  It looks impersonal to do that.  Get a box that has multiple choices so you can vary it up throughout the year.  People will smile and you will smile in the back of your mind knowing that you cared enough to get that person to smile.  There is this thing called karma and you want to be on the right side of it as much as you can.  All in all these are two simple ways to make people happy and to get rid of the extra frustration that could creep up if you do not have cards handy.

I forgot…but should I Still Send That Birthday Card?

These days time passes us by with the blink of an eye.  Being too busy with work, school, family, just life in general – it happens to the best of us.  In fact we get so caught up in day to day that we even forget special occasions, like a loved ones Birthday.  There’s usually an inner debate in your mind, wondering…should I still send a belated Birthday card?  The answer is absolutely send one out!

These days there are so many options for those who need to send out late Birthday wishes.  You can totally make a joke about it, if the recipient has a great sense of humor. You could also be completely sincere incase the person gets offended easily. Actually, I find the belated birthday cards usually are the funniest!  If you choose to take a serious, more apologetic approach for your temporary forgetfulness, you can always write a personal message that has some humor. The best of both worlds!

Regardless if you forgot a friend’s, coworker’s or a family member’s special day, you will definitely win some points back by sending out a belated Birthday card.  Just like the saying goes, “Better late than never!”

It is the Season for Celebrations

It is the time of year for celebrations and congratulations. With summer knocking at our door, we celebrate graduations and showers. However, congratulations need not be limited to these. They can be sent for any life event. Winning a championship, opening a new store, getting a promotion.

I recently sent a congratulations card to my Aunt, congratulating her on a milestone 80th birthday. She loved it, and said she deserved it after putting up with our crazy family for all these years (all in a very loving way, of course)! My aunt also has a great sense of humor.

Whatever, the reason, congratulation cards are a great way to convey the message.
There are so many choices. Congratulatory cards are now adorned with balloons, fireworks or flowers. You can choose from masculine or feminine. There are many simple, but colorful cards that can be used for anyone. Man, woman or child. A favorite in our office is the one that is from a group. We can then name all the cast of characters portrayed on the front of the greeting card.

Whether you pick an individual design or an assortment box to keep on hand, you will always have a greeting card available when that special cause for celebration arrives.

Can’t Beat These Birthday Assortment Boxes!

With all the different types of Birthday Assortment Boxes available online on The Gallery Collection, you’ll be sure to find exactly what you need! I personally order a few different ones and have an amazing variety of beautifully foiled and embossed designs on hand any time I want to send one to an employee or client or business associate or supplier or even a relative, for that matter.

There are different greetings inside these striking cards and plenty of room to add my signature and sometimes a note to make them even more memorable. Having them right at your fingertips makes it easy to let others know you’re thinking of them and remembering their special day.

Each assortment comes in a handsome, sturdy box that keeps them clean and neat & well organized for easy access and use. The pearl lined, self-sealing envelopes make it a cinch to send them on their way either by hand or by mail.

This all makes for an outstanding package of remarkable and delightful cards which anyone can put to good use. I know I’ve had lots of great reactions from people I’ve sent one of these cards to. Besides being thanked in person, I’ve even received calls regarding my thoughtfulness. I’ve found that it doesn’t take much time or effort to be considerate and help make someone’s birthday a bit more festive.

Choosing Our Yearly Birthday Cards

Choosing yearly birthday cards shouldn’t be so hard, right? You pick a card and customize it! Done! Not so fast. I get my catalog from The Gallery Collection and that is when the problem begins. It is not because the designs don’t look good. It is because they look so good! Every design is beautiful. They are enhanced with foil and many are embossed. If you don’t see a design in the catalog, there are many more available on The Gallery Collection website.

Because I can never make up my mind, I request samples. I then show them to my colleagues. Having the actual card in hand, allows us to make a choice, knowing that the recipients will be just as impressed as we are. Here are just a few of our choices:

Design 305326 Glittery Confection Card – The cupcake on this design looks good enough to eat. It is highlighted with shades of blue and foil confetti. This is sure to be a hit.

Design 305328 Sweet Sentiments Birthday – Colorful frosted cupcakes each have their own birthday sentiment. Enhanced with gold foil, this card is a standout.

Design 305414 Contemporary Gifts Birthday Card – Sophisticated birthday presents adorn this photo. It is mounted on the card and is framed in gold refractive foil.

Design 305334 Forest Friends Birthday Card – When you want to send a “From the Gang” design, this card is sure to delight. Whimsical animals are ready to party. The gold embossed lettering and colorful critters invoke thoughts of celebration.

Are you in the Market for Greeting Cards?

How do you shop for greeting cards?  When I was in the market for our yearly supply of birthday cards, I wasn’t exactly sure where to start.  My predecessor would make trips to the local discount store to purchase greeting cards.  No offense to her as she was doing the best she could, but the cards were always so flimsy and looked cheap.  This was not how I thought our business should be represented.

The first thing I did was hit the internet.  I went to multiple sites and requested catalogs.  This was a great way to start.  Most companies not only sent me a catalog but a sample of their greeting cards and sometimes even their envelopes.  It was really helpful as I was able to compare the quality of greeting cards from each company.

Once I narrowed down my choice to The Gallery Collection, I hopped on their website to see their full line of greeting cards.  It was so difficult to select one from all the beautiful designs.  They were nice enough to send me samples of my 6 favorite.  I then passed them along to my colleagues in the Human Resources Department for a vote.  We have the perfect birthday cards that I am proud to send to our customers and staff.

Facts about greeting cards…

  • Annual retail sales of greeting cards are estimated between $7 and $8 billion. Americans purchase approximately 6.5 billion greeting cards each year.
  • The most popular Seasonal Cards are Christmas Cards, with some 1.6 billion units purchased (included boxed cards). This is followed by cards for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Graduation, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and St. Patrick’s Day.
  • Seven out of Ten card buyers surveyed consider greeting cards “absolutely” or “almost essential to them. Eight out of Ten of these buyers expect their purchases to remain the same going forward. Of the balance, twice as many card buyers say they will “increase” their purchasing as say they will “decrease” their purchasing in the coming year.
  • Women purchase an estimated 80% of all greeting cards. Women spend more time choosing a card than men, and are more likely to buy several cards at once.
  • Younger card buyers and those who are more technology savvy are currently the ones most engaged in buying paper greeting cards online.
  • Most people now acknowledge many more birthdays than ever before because of Facebook, but they aren’t necessarily sending fewer cards as a result.
  • The tradition of giving greeting cards as a meaningful expression of personal affection for another person is still being deeply ingrained in today’s youth, and this tradition will likely continue as they become adults and become responsible for managing their own important relationships.

Assortment Boxes: An Office Staple!

If you work in a busy office setting, you absolutely need to purchase The Gallery Collection’s Greeting Card Assortment Boxes. It is imperative to have at least one of these premium quality card assortments on hand!

While it is amazing that The Gallery Collection offers so many opportunities for customization, it is nice that these Greeting Card Assortment Boxes cannot be altered. This cuts out just one more decision you would have to make, and is somewhat unnecessary for inter-office distribution—like birthday cards or anniversary cards. There are plenty of different boxes to choose from, all containing 35 cards and 38 seal-fast envelopes. These greeting cards range in cover design, greeting inside, and printing color. All exact contents can be viewed online.

Each Assortment Box is delivered in its own labeled, sturdy box as to keep your cards looking neat and untouched. This is also particularly helpful in terms of organization. Never dig around the office to scrounge up a good enough card. Never dash to the store and hope for the best. Get yourself an Assortment Box from The Gallery Collection.

Many offices choose to have multiple types of Assortment Boxes on hand, as they are a huge time-saver without sparing at all on the quality. Never let a birthday sneak up on you or a job well done go unthanked again. Earn the respect of coworkers with the timelessly thoughtful gesture of a prompt greeting card.