Why You Should Buy Birthday Cards In Bulk

It’s Thursday evening and you’ve just come home from work, tired and ready to relax. You finally sit down and then all of a sudden ‘SHOOT!’ and it hits you like a ton of bricks, you forgot all about your friend’s birthday party the next night. The last thing you want to do is run out to the store and pick out a card when you just spent all day at the office. Well, if you buy birthday cards in bulk, this will never happen to you again. Here are a few more reasons to make sure you stock up on those all-important cake day cards.

Festive Circles Birthday Card - Design 57NJR
Festive Circles Birthday Card – Design 57NJR


Save Money!

Let’s face it, none of us are made of money. Saving anywhere you can is always a plus, especially when it comes to buying in bulk. Buying one box of birthday cards can last you all throughout the year, for every friend and family member. And unlike a lot of those bulk items at the warehouse stores, you will actually use all of them!

Save Time

Bulk birthday card purchases also save you the hassle of having to remember each and every occasion. We’re all busy, we all forget someone’s birthday along the line, and it’s human. But now, the cards will already be there, ready to be signed, sealed and delivered. Do your wallet, and your blood pressure, a favor; stock up on some cards and never miss another birthday!

Impress Your Friends & Family

How many times have you been in the store deciding between five different cards to give to someone special on their birthday? The answer is probably way more than you or I would like to admit. When you buy cards in bulk, you’ll get a variety of the best cards available, able to suit whoever the card is for. They can be anywhere from funny to professional, fitting the needs of everyone in your life. Not only will you have just the right card, but you’ll never have that greeting-card-isle-drama again!

It’s Simply Easier

Birthdays are important and special occasions for all of the people in your life. Everyone looks forward to getting cards from friends and family that not only show they care, but have that personal touch as well. Having these cards ready will allow for the proper preparation and message to be sent on that special day, while relieving the stress of last-minute shopping, or even forgetting every once in a while.

Business Birthday Cards – To Bulk or Not to Bulk

Business birthday cards are a great asset to any business today. Who doesn’t like to receive a card on their birthday? You can put it on your desk or on a shelf at home. It tells the world that you are not forgotten. Somebody remembers you were born on a certain day. Whether you are a customer, client, employee or friend, being remembered makes you feel special. The question business’s have is not should you send birthday cards, but what kind should you buy. Bulk birthday cards offer you the best buy, but assortments give you variety.

Assorted Birthday Cards

Buying bulk birthday cards can save a good deal of money. When you want to personalize with the company name or logo, it makes sense to order a larger quantity of cards and get the savings. However, many businesses today are looking at a softer and more personal approach.

Assorted birthday cards will give you the option of choosing a particular card for a particular person. The variety of cards usually will have cards that are a combination of light, floral and neutral scenes. If you are sending to a man or woman you will have more of a selection. The downside of assorted birthday cards is that they usually cannot be personalized with your name or logo. You will have to sign these yourself, but that will be an even more personal touch. Since I send about twenty cards a month to clients, I like to write a little note that lends that extra personal touch.

The question to ask yourself is how many cards you will be using this year. Since you will probably be sending too many of the same people next year you will want to send a different card to them. The wise choice is to order enough for one year. Whichever route you choose for business birthday cards, will only enhance your standing among your customers.

Corporate Birthday Cards Always Make Me Feel Special

I have received some of the best birthday cards from several employers. Every year for my birthday I optimize the “It’s all about me on my birthday” factor where ever I go, even work. I walk through lunch rooms, offices, and even restrooms to let all of my coworkers know that my birthday is approaching. I love the fact that more and more companies are taking the time to send corporate birthday cards to their employees. It may seem pointless or like an unnecessary luxury but it will boost confidence and morale for your employees. It makes them feel inspired, appreciated, and important even, all because of a small gesture from the company on their special day.

Corporate Birthday Cards

I once pranced around thanking every single employee that signed my birthday card, not knowing why everyone found it hilarious. Well, I took the time to ask our manager why my thank you tickled everyone so much. He looked at me with regret then took me into the office and started digging through a pretty cardboard box. Very seriously he said, “This does not mean that we don’t appreciate you or your hard work, it’s just very time consuming to keep track of everyone’s birthday.” With a confused look on my face I asked “Is that what I think it is?” He humbly responded “Yes it is. We order bulk birthday cards.” I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. It doesn’t matter if the cards are ordered in bulk or signed in advance. Working in an office where your birthday is remembered and you are appreciated in wonderful!

Bulk Birthday Cards Make Sense

Purchasing bulk birthday cards makes all the sense in the world. It is an economical way to have a birthday card at the ready, whenever the occasion arrives. Buying in bulk usually results in the unit price per card being lower. As we know, a good quality card can run up to well over $4.00 each and in some cases more. Add to that the cost to go get them and the aggravation and time taken away from other important things, the savings can be quite high. Not to mention the irritation when you discover that you do not have birthday cards at your disposal when you need them.

Bulk Birthday Cards

Whether you send to your employees or your customers, it will be appreciated. Who doesn’t love to receive an acknowledgement on their special day? It’s a small token, but an extremely important one.

If you are concerned that all of the birthday cards will be the same, I would recommend that you consider purchasing at least two designs. There are so many birthday designs to choose from that it will be easy to find a design for both the ladies and the gents on your list. The hardest part will be choosing among all the beautiful designs available.

Assorted Birthday Cards Show Employee Appreciation

Working as an office administrator in a small office I am always coming up with new ways of showing appreciation to our employees. This is a little easier to do than working with a larger office because of the number of employees and costs. Here is my tip on birthdays and birthday cards for cozier offices. If you work in a small office like me assorted birthday cards are a better alternative than getting a “one size fits all” card and this is why. We all know that time when a birthday card gets passed around the office because a co-workers birthday is coming up soon. Now imagine signing the same exact card 10+ times. By the time your birthday comes along you would probably already know what card you’re going to get and that’s no fun! Well ordering bulk birthday cards was the solution!

We all appreciate it when it’s our birthday and we get a different card then what we signed for Bill’s or Jane’s birthday. The surprise element really adds a nice touch to an office birthday. I found the perfect assortment from the Gallery Collection. They don’t sacrifice quality for costs and the cards are beautiful! If you are an office admin please take this tip and get your birthday cards today. Trust me, you will thank me later!

Assorted Birthday Cards Work For Everyone

You can never go wrong with assorted birthday cards. When you send birthday cards at a company the recipient always expects it to be the same as someone else’s card. We think things like “they wouldn’t spend all of their time personalizing something for just me.” In all actuality the thought is what truly counts. Everyday we think about how we can send out birthday cards and not be repetitive. Assorted cards are the perfect way to tackle that issue. This make employees feel special and appreciated.

I actually have my own set of bulk birthday cards to send to friends and family. I purchased this same birthday box for myself. I was thoroughly impressed with the quality and scenic look of all the cards. All I have to do is slap some labels on the cards and away they go. It makes my cards sending process reasonable and affordable every year. Creativity isn’t one of my strongest suits. After getting a great deal on a box of assorted birthday cards from The Gallery Collection, I created a list of birthdays. I wrote each name from my birthday list on a post-it and stuck it to the card that represented each person best. Problem solved!

Big Business or Small Business – Corporate Birthday Cards are a Plus

When my father started his pediatric practice nearly thirty years ago, he allowed me to “help out” once I became old enough. One of my tasks was to organize and revise his patient list. Then prepare birthday cards each month for all of his “Children.” Buying corporate birthday cards in bulk was not yet available.

Dad made sure that they received this personal touch for the first sixteen years of their lives. I would go each month to purchase the cards and address, stamp and mail them at the appropriate time.

Now my own client list would be a full time employee’s position! I still choose to emulate the wisdom of appreciating all of my customers and employees with this friendly gesture. The Gallery Collection provides the best quality and selection of any other company that I have seen. It is the fastest and easiest way to always have the cards on hand. Of course purchasing bulk birthday cards also provides me with lower pricing. Most times the cost per card is far less than one would find on a rack in a store.

I know that I could have a copy of my signature printed in the cards, and I may have to do that in the future, but until it becomes necessary I will continue to hand-sign them. The feedback from the recipients is too gratifying for me to change anything yet.

Bulk Birthday Cards Mean You’ll Always Be Prepared

I have always been a sender of birthday cards.  Family and friends tell me that if my card doesn’t reach them by their birthday each year, they are alarmed.  If my card arrives late, it brings a sense of relief.  So, birthday card sending has always been my thing, and having bulk birthday cards on hand makes me job a lot easier.

As I got older, more family members were born, weddings added spouses, and because we are a genetically long-lived clan, there have been more birthdays to keep track of every year.  I’ve also been blessed with many friends, who I dearly love and whose birthdays I’m happy to celebrate.

I do put effort into keeping track of a lot of birthdays.  Lots of people think I’m an extremely organized, sensitive friend and business associate.  To be honest, once I put the date, name and address into a monthly file, it’s easy to keep track of each year. And having birthday cards by the box make me seem like an absolute miracle worker!

Boxed Birthday Cards Are The Best Thing That Ever Happened

I have two small children who are both in day care and both attend a lot of birthday parties. Let me just tell you how convenient boxed birthday cards are! Everyone with children, especially young children, knows that going to any kind of store can be an adventure in itself. Before I bought my boxed cards online, this is how my adventure to the card store went…

Going to a card or stationery store can be worse than going to a toy store. They walk in and see thousands of brightly colored greeting cards and can’t help but want to touch every one of them. So, while I’m trying to find those special birthday cards, I’m also making sure my “angels” (who are trying very hard to listen to me) do not touch the cards on the shelves. If I am not quick enough in picking out a card, their patience runs out. Then their little hands start helping me select cards.

Now, the problem occurs when one of them accidentally bends the corners or crinkles a card. So I’m left with the thought of either paying for a slightly thank-you-for-your-business card or quickly putting them back on the shelf. At the end of the adventurous trip to the card store, I end up spending money on at least one card I have no use for because it’s slightly damaged and spending half an hour in the store for one or two simple birthday cards.

When I found bulk birthday cards, it was the best thing! Not only are they brightly colored and the children love them, they also save me a lot of time and money!

Bulk Birthday Cards For When I Wish I Had Some Available

Have you ever been in the position when it was someone’s birthday in the office and you were unaware of it?  Well, I have, and you get that awkward feeling of not having a card to give the person you work with as a small token of celebrating their special day.  Luckily my business associate had some bulk birthday cards on hand.  I found the perfect card to give my co-worker and I felt so relieved that this gorgeous, colorful card saved the day for me.  It was a tough decision to make, but I couldn’t go wrong with the one I did choose.

When I was looking through her cards each one was brighter and cheerier than the next.  The foil colors were radiant and full of luster.  The designs were raised giving it a 3-D effect.  The quality of these birthday cards are the best I’ve seen yet.

In this selection of cards that my co-worker had I found some beautiful assorted birthday cards. And I learned a valuable lesson. It’s always good to have cards on hand!