I always send my Doctor and his staff a Christmas card. After all I trust him with my life! I know I can talk to him about anything. I gossip with his staff; who’s having a baby, where did you go for vacation? We’re not close friends, but we are friendly.

The past few years he has been sending Christmas cards for Doctors to some of his patients; I am on his list. He sends these beautiful cards by The Gallery Collection specifically designed for the medical field. The one that catches my eye is Health and Happiness Christmas card. It is so cute! In the center is a red plaid apple! The saying on the front of the card reads, “Peace, Happiness & Good Health.” At the bottom the doctor’s or the practice name can be printed. It is such a sweet card that everyone would enjoy receiving from his doctor. And we all know, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”
There is also a card with a stethoscope on the front. It has red and white stripes like a candy cane! Candy Stripe Christmas Card is light, whimsical and fun!The background of light blue with dark blue lettering adds a bit of holiday flavor. It reads, “Happiest Holidays and wishes for a healthy new year.”
The doctors’ who send either of these card designs to their patients and colleagues will show their kind warm hearts and holiday spirit!