When purchasing your corporate birthday cards, keep in mind that you want each person in the office to feel special. With the cards offered by The Gallery Collection, you have a few options for how you can go about birthday cards for the office. You could get one of the three Assortment Boxes that are entirely birthday cards and choose a design as each birthday comes up. Or you can choose specific designs (in quantities of 25) to give out to your recipients. If you choose a specific design, you have the option of customizing the cards.
Some customizations to consider when creating your customized corporate birthday cards are to think about:
- Picking a design that is all-inclusive to those in the office, or purchasing multiple designs to choose from when an office birthday arrives.
- Selecting the perfect greeting for your corporate office. And while there are many to choose from, you can actually create your own too!
- Having an imprint at the bottom of the card, below the greeting. 1 – 2 lines of text are included, so why not write “From all of us at [your corporate company name here]”?
- Want to really stand out and look professional? You have the option to use your company name and or logo in the card (in the greeting area or at the bottom). You can also include handwritten signatures—that are actually printed—on each card.