Sending Business Greeting Cards to Build Customer Relationships

Communication and exposure are the crux of growing your business and reaching more customers. If you are reliable, excel at your products or services, and are responsive to customers (both in requests and remedying complaints) then you will attract lifelong customers. Sending greeting cards can strengthen your customer relationships. It is an underutilized marketing tool in today’s instant-gratification world. If you are unsure if sending greeting cards is right for your company, keep reading for a little insight on common concerns.

Sending greeting cards is annoying . . . serendipitous!

It’s not another time-consuming sales pitch, spam, or junk mail. Business Greeting Cards, no matter the occasion, are a sweet, timeless gesture that recipients of all ages will enjoy. Your card will make them feel special and cared about, especially if it is a high quality card.

Sending greeting cards is not economical . . . cost effective!

The bottom line of great customer service is to follow through with your promises in order to meet customer expectations. Customer satisfaction can be improved just by making your company present, but not pestering, which is exactly what a greeting card accomplishes. Being there for your customers through thick and thin is a thoughtful endeavor that will be remembered. The cost of the cards in comparison to their quality and effectiveness is unmatched when you choose The Gallery Collection. See for yourself!

Sending greeting cards is a lot of hassle . . . fast and easy!

Your eye for details will be noted without an exhausting amount of effort. Business Greeting Cards from The Gallery Collection can be customized as much or as little as you please, all consistent with your high standards. Order your cards easily online or over the phone, quickly receive them, and send them out. There are even services The Gallery Collection offers to help you get your cards out faster— like sealing, recipient addressing, and mailing your selection out for you. Find out more by visiting Gallery Collection!

Get Your Business Cards Today!

No matter what your business, business cards are a necessary way of building your relationships and connections.  From the President to a Fortune 500 company to a babysitter, business cards are a way to keep your name out there. 

There are many different designs on The Gallery Collection website to meet anyone’s needs.  The geometric design is great for all and are offered in so many fun colors.  A business card with your picture is not just a great way to get your name out there, but it is a great way to be remembered.  I am great with faces but not so much with names.  A business card with a picture cements that I will remember who you are.

A business card can show off a side of you and your business that will make a lasting impression.  The “Hello” wrapped in pink and purple screams fun.  Then you have the spectrum colored business cards that shows you are innovative and interesting.

The back side of your business card can be useful also.  You can add a calendar, an appointment reminder, your hours of operation or simply just a bright color with your logo.  Business cards are important to the success of any business!

Get Your Brand Name Out There

Some of the biggest mistakes in marketing are made by the smartest people. When you have a brand you need to make sure that brand is up front and center in everything you do. Sometimes this thought gets missed in the simplest of ways. For example think about the business Christmas cards you send out each year. The smallest little detail on this seemingly small bit of marketing material can make all the difference.

Did you know you can get a Christmas card that actually features your company name on the front of it? Of course, you did not or you would have just stopped reading this article. If your business has something to do with trucking get an industry specific trucking holiday card that has a nice truck on it and your company name on that truck. There is no excuse it is easy to do with today’s technology. If I am running a law firm there needs to be some sort of judicial card out there that I can get my name on the front.

The reason you make sure and do this is because most people do not throw Christmas cards out right away. They keep them on their desk or on a cubicle or in the company kitchen area. Maybe other perspective clients see that card with your name on it and maybe down the line when they need a trucking company or a law firm your name pops into their head for some reason. They will not know exactly why it popped into their head but we’ll know.

The Handshake & Business Card Move

Are you a business owner, employer or someone in need of new clientele? Do you ever wonder how you can get your name out there? Now think about how many people you’ve shook hands with. All of those people should and could be walking around with your name and business card in their pockets or wallets. You need to promote your business to get business.

One way to become an expert business man or woman is by becoming an expert at the handshake and business card move. It’s time to get stocked on some business cards and start shaking some hands.

First things first, make your business cards pop. Create an eye-catching card so that people don’t instantly throw it away. Choose or build a design that would make people want to hold on to it. Advertisements and billboards are stuck in one place where people pass by without even glancing at them. Make your audience stare and study your business card and take it everywhere they go.

Now that you have your business cards prepared, be confident in handing them out. Approach a promising looking young man or woman and introduce yourself with a handshake. Build up a small conversation and mention what your line of work is. Convince them that one day they may need your expertise and hand over your business card. Be warm and friendly so that they will want to keep your card on hand.
Every person you hand off your business card to is a potential client/customer and a potential promoter of your business. They can take your name everywhere they go and hand over your business card for you to their friends and family.

Once you get the handshake and business card move down, the business cards do the work for you.

The Importance of Business Cards

During these competitive corporate times, you want to be able to make a lasting impression and stay relevant in your clients’ and vendors’ worlds. There are so many things you can do to stay on their radar, like sending Christmas cards, thank you cards and emails where you reach out to your contacts. One of the best and most effective ways of staying on their minds, however, are sending them a business card! Many people underestimate the importance of Business Cards, yet it’s one of the most important things you can send to those you do business with, and those you’d like to do business with.

Business cards are a super important tool to have whether you are starting out fresh, or an established company in your field. If you hand out your card in the neighborhood where your new office or storefront is located, you’ll be able to introduce yourself to people in the surrounding area. You can also do a mailing where you have presentation folders made up, and include a business card so potential clients and customers can contact you. They’ll easily slip your card in their wallet and not be bothered with anything too large or overbearing when it comes time to reach out to you.

The best part about business cards, are that there are so many designs and options these days than what was offered only a few years ago! You can use an existing company’s design or layout that will make ordering your business cards a snap! If you are creatively inclined, you can also make your own on your very own template! This actually allows you to stick out from the rest of your competition very easily, which I recommend, especially if your business is in the creative services field. It also allows you to be unique and show your true business and style persona. Business cards are very inexpensive, so you can order a large quantity up front to make sure you don’t run out, or switch up your look every so often for a fresh feel.

Whether your business is in an office, in the privacy of your own home, in a store or even online-only, business cards will work for you! Whether you are getting a new business up and running or you’ve been in your field for years, you will be able to gain more clientele in such a simple, quick and memorable way of having your very own business cards!

Ways to Customize Your Presentation Folders

A great way to increase your clientele is to send out advertisements promoting your business or services. Stray away from the typical mailings and handouts and go with something bigger and better; presentation folders. Follow these tips on customizing your company presentation folders.

The first thing you want your customers to see when they receive your presentation folder is your company colors. Pick the right color folder, as well as the right imprint color, to match your company colors. The Gallery Collection offers nine different colored folders and sixteen different foil imprint colors.

Next, you definitely want to have your company logo front and centered. You can either have the logo printed large with the company name following beneath it, or have the logo printed a bit smaller to fit the company name next to it. Either way, the name of the company needs to be big, bold and noticeable.

The Gallery Collection offers five different print areas for their presentation folders. If your company has a slogan or catch phrase, you can have that printed at the bottom front of the folder, the bottom back, or on either inside pocket.

Use another imprint area to add your contact information. Your customers are going to need a form of contact once they receive your impressive folders. Include a phone number, an email address, a website and even a contact name.

One last thing to add to your company folder is a business card. Whether it be your own personal business card or a generic company card, insert the card in the folder pocket with the business card slits. This way, if your customers don’t want to carry the folder with them, they can take your business card with them wherever they go.

Make Your Small Business Stand Out With Christmas Cards

You may be wondering if sending Christmas Cards is worth the investment. Answer: Sending Christmas Cards is a cost effective way to let your small business stand out and worth every penny you spend.

It is incredibly important to send the highest quality Christmas Cards your budget will allow. The quality of your Christmas Cards reflects your business so only choose the best. You promote your business by getting the word out and Christmas cards can be printed with your company name and your logo making a great impression with your clients you can even include a business card. Imagine your card being displayed in an office that has many visitors; you never know who will see your card and make a decision about your company without meeting you.

That said- choosing the card that is just right is crucial because the card has to speak volumes about a company’s self-worth. The things you are looking for are of course fine quality paper, classic design and a touch of foil makes a card come to life. The envelope should also be of the finest quality paper and preferably be foil lined; this way you can start impressing as soon as the envelope flap is opened!

Sending an elegant, tasteful corporate Christmas Cards is as important as your customer service department; each characterize your business the way you want to be seen.

Why Greeting Cards and Marketing Go Hand In Hand

Sending a Greeting Card is a cost effective way to market your company; to let your customers know that you appreciate their business and loyalty. Business relationships are more than just emails and phone calls, people appreciate the thoughtfulness of a genuine Greeting Card that has been personalized and mailed to them. You can be sure when your customer has a need, you will be their go-to company.

When I think of Greeting Cards I think of Birthday Cards and Christmas Cards which are great cards but when it comes to marketing purposes a Thank You Greeting Card can be right up there with the big guys.

Here are some great phrases to write on the inside of the card:

“We appreciate the confidence you have placed in us and we look forward to providing you with the best possible service into the future.”
“Our sincere thanks for your valued business. We appreciate having you as our customer and look forward to serving you again. ”
“Thanks for placing your trust in us.”

Sending a Greeting Card is a smart way to keep one step ahead of the competition and just think, you are getting your name out there with a touch of class.

How do Business Cards Promote You?



How do business cards promote you? Well, for starters, a business card instills the idea of confidence and value in your position to other consumers.  Regardless of your occupation, a business card could go a long way in helping you make the right impression on key clientele or partners. However, not only does it instill those ideas, but it also gives people a true sense of who you are.

You can tell a lot about a person by their business card. It’s 2017, there are more card designs than just the generic white card with your picture and info on it. Business card designs give the card and person a little “pizzazz” which will always stick out in the customer’s mind. “Hey this person has a Facebook/iPhone template as on his business card, that’s new, that’s ‘hip’. I like their style, I’m going to give my business to them.” Also, business cards are way great way to network out and find people to collaborate with and expand your business. As this is probably the most important part about any career, networking and getting your name out there is crucial in become any successful businessperson.