Sending out holiday cards is like sending a, “Hello, we care about you!” Your customers, employees, family and friends will appreciate your thoughtfulness. Who doesn’t get excited when they see an envelope in their mailbox?
My first tip is to select a greeting that fits your personality. Sending wishes for a Merry Christmas has been a longtime debate as you do not want to offend anyone. I say still send the spirit of the holidays but keep it more generic in the formal imprint such as Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings. Then you can make it personal but adding a handwritten Merry Christmas or other personal note depending on the recipient.
The next tip I will give you is to send your holiday cards on time. Do not be that person that mails out their Christmas cards on December 26. Then what started out as a warm gesture, turns into what will seem like a last minute token. If for some reason you fell behind, skip the Christmas card and send a Happy New Year card. These can be sent as late as January 15.
Lastly, be sure to put your return address on the envelope. This is helpful in many ways. What if the recipient wants to return the gesture but doesn’t have your address? If someone is no longer at the address you mailed their holiday card to or you made an error in addressing the envelope and you added your return address, you will get the card back and resend it to the correct address. Have a Happy Holiday!