Handling Change in the Workplace

Many of us hear the word “Change” and immediately get anxious.  Why do we have to change?  What’s wrong with the way we are doing things now?  From now on when you hear the word “Change”, you should imagine the word chance in your mind.  A change in the workplace is a chance to make your workplace better.  Stay optimistic and change will be a good thing.  Here are ten tips for you to follow:

  1. Stay positive. 
  2. Remember that the entire workforce family is facing the same changes.
  3. Know that change is constant and that without change neither your business nor you can move forward.
  4. Take this opportunity to learn new skills.  We recently made a change in my office on how we are going to train new hires.  I was able to enrich my portfolio by learning how to use a new training system.
  5. Talk, Talk, Talk.  Keep everyone in the loop on what is going on.  Ask questions if you do not know the answer.  Communication is the key to success.

When a change is coming down the pike in your workplace, accept the change and celebrate the positives!