You nailed your interview. You shake hands with who you hope will be your next manager. She says that they will contact you when a decision is made. What should you do now? There are points that must be addressed, before taking the next step.
Timing is crucial. When the interview is over, you have 24 hours to thank your potential employer. Research has shown that within this time frame, interviewers have solidified their opinion about you. An appropriate thank you is not only polite, but it also relays the importance that the potential job is. Most people will focus on a handwritten letter versus e-mail. Before answering this question, you must have the answer to a very important question. When is the final decision likely to be made?
This is a question that needs to be answered, before you leave that interview. That answer will direct your response type. Research has also shown that hand written thank you letters are better received than e-mailed letters. Businesses cite that they are more of a personal touch, particularly after the formal process of interviewing. The hand written thank you also conveys more effort from the interviewee. How often do we receive hand written letters in this day and age? The handwritten response can set you apart from the rest of the candidates.
But let’s say that the potential employer has told you that the final decision will be made soon. Not only is it OK to send a thank you email after your interview, but it is imperative that you do. Soon may mean that same day. Your immediate response should match the immediacy in which a decision is being made. In this case, the handwritten thank you that is sent, will be too late to impact any decision making. The correct decision to e-mail your thank you letter can be the deciding factor in getting the job.
Sending a thank you is good etiquette and gives the interviewer another reminder of you. It is one last chance to leave an impression.
I believe it’s important to send a thank you… If you know the company is making a quick decision I see nothing wrong with an email thank you being sent.
It isn’t just ok – it is necessary. You need to do everything you can to make an impression.
At the very least send an email thank you. A hand written thank you note is a very nice touch as well. Either one, if well written, will only serve to continue the good impression you left with the interviewer!
Ummmm yes! Send an e-mail! It isn’t even a question – gotta make that final impression.
It is necessary is what it is! I interview applicants for my department and if someone sends a thank you it gives them an extra boost to the top of the list. It could be the difference between you getting the job or not.
I feel like an email has a high chance of being over looked. I feel it’s best to possibly call and leave a message, rather than an email.
I’ve always sent out thank you emails within 24 hours after an interview. Glad to know I had to time frame right!
I’m reluctant to send a handwritten note after an interview. My hand writing is not very good. I would much prefer to send an email. Of course I would send it as soon as I returned home.
You really can’t go wrong with sending a thank you. No one will fault you for manners!
It is a must to send a thank you. It is also your last chance to remind them of who you are!
I agree with the comments – definitely send that thank you. No question about it! It will only be another chance at making yourself look good and stand out.
As someone who is on the interviewing side of things, I absolutely make note of when someone sends out a thank you. Those are the people I tend to remember and make the better impression.
I think it is crazy not to send a thank you. I thought that was just common practice and a good way to get some added recognition during the hiring process.
I would send a thank you, but don’t let a cat type it.
It is obvious etiquette.
Good points. I think even if you get the job you should still send a Thank You card. And prepare not to hear back from the company. Some respond, especially via email, but many do not mention it or even keep it to be honest. The slight chance that that gesture will make the difference is worth it though. Better safe than sorry.