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About Out Contest

We have officially closed our $10,000 Create-A-Greeting Card contest but there's still work to be done and votes to be cast. Our 8th round of voting start March 6th and then our final round starts April 1st. Check back then and be part of the voting that will make up our finalists pool. On May 15th our esteemed judges will crown the winner!

If you missed our contest or want to share this opportunity with more students, don't worry, we will be announcing our 19th contest soon. Be sure to sign up for Contest Updates to get the latest and great.

The 18th Annual Scholarship Contest

The 18th Annual Scholarship Contest

What's Next

  • 8th Round of Voting starts March 6th
  • Final Round of Voting starts April 1st
  • 10 Finalists will be reviewed by our judges
  • Winner will be announced on or about May 15th


The 18th Annual Scholarship Contest
Monthly Voting Rules